Municipality: Municipality, a modern term, now used both for a city or town which is organized for self-government under a municipal corporation, and also for the governing body itself. Such a corporation in Great Britain consists of a head as ... [66%] 2022-09-02
Municipality: A municipality is an administrative entity composed of a clearly defined territory and its population and commonly denotes a city, town, or village. A municipality may be governed by a mayor and city council or by a municipal council. [66%] 2024-01-12 [Municipal government terms] [Local positions terms and definitions]...
Mogens Glistrup: Mogens Glistrup (born 1926) is a Danish politician. From 1953 to 1963 he was a member of their Faculty of Law at Copenhagen University. [66%] 2024-01-07 [Danish Politicians]
Niels Simonsen Glostrup: Niels Simonsen Glostrup (died 6 January 1639 in Christiania, Norway) was a Danish priest who became the seventh Lutheran Bishop of Oslo (after 1624: Christiania). Niels Glostrup was born in a small town named Glostrup near Copenhagen, where his father ... [61%] 2024-01-08 [17th-century Lutheran bishops] [Bishops of Oslo]...
Municipalité (Islande): Les municipalités de l'Islande (en islandais : sveitarfélög, sveitarfélag au singulier) sont les divisions administratives locales qui fournissent un certain nombre de services à leurs habitants tels que les crèches, écoles élémentaires, gestion des déchets, services sociaux, logement, transports publics, aides ... (Islande) [60%] 2025-02-01
Glenstrup Abbey: Glenstrup Abbey was a Benedictine monastery occupied briefly at various points during its history by the Carthusians as Glenstrup Charterhouse and by the Bridgettines. The abbey was located at Glenstrup near Randers, Denmark. [56%] 2024-01-07 [Benedictine monasteries in Denmark] [Carthusian monasteries in Denmark]...
Municipalism: Municipalism is the political system of home rule at the local level, such as of a city or town, thus a municipality with its own governing authority as an administrative division of a sovereign state. Municipalism is more than simple ... (Philosophy) [55%] 2023-09-06 [Political ideologies] [Political theories]...
Municipalism: Libertarian municipalism is a political theory that advocates for establishing direct democratic systems within municipalities, such as towns and cities. It envisions these local communities as the foundation for an ecological society, where citizens actively manage social and economic affairs ... (Local self-government political system) [55%] 2024-11-13 [Municipalities] [Localism (politics)]...
Basel: Basel is - after Zurich and Geneva - the third most populated city of Switzerland, though it has only 168,000 inhabitants. The city of Basel and the communities of Riehen and Bettingen form the canton Basel-Stadt: until 1833, Basel-Stadt ... [52%] 2023-03-02 [Switzerland] [Swiss Cities and Towns]...
Basel: Basel (/ˈbɑːzəl/ BAH-zəl, German: [ˈbaːzl̩] (listen)), also known as Basle (/bɑːl/ BAHL), is a city in northwestern Switzerland on the river Rhine. Basel is Switzerland's third-most-populous city (after Zürich and Geneva), with 164,488 inhabitants within the ... (Place) [52%] 2023-12-23 [Cantonal capitals of Switzerland]
Basel: Capital of the canton of -Stadt, Switzerland, bordering on the grand duchy of Baden and on Alsace. Owing to its flourishing trade, it was inhabited by Jews as early as the middle of the thirteenth century, or perhaps even earlier ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [52%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Base4: Base4 is a Free (LGPL) application server for generating, sharing and re-using .NET data layers; this is intended to allow a development team to leverage existing enterprise systems and common functionality instead starting from scratch. It shares many similarities ... (Software) [52%] 2023-11-12
BaseX: BaseX ist ein natives und kompaktes XML-Datenbankmanagementsystem, das als Community-Projekt auf GitHub entwickelt wird. Es wird vorwiegend zur Speicherung, Anfrage und Visualisierung großer XML-Dokumente und -Kollektionen eingesetzt. [52%] 2023-12-26
Basel: Para otros usos de este término, véase Basilea (desambiguación). En Basilea tienen sede el Banco de Pagos Internacionales y la Federación Internacional de Balonmano. La ciudad de Basilea es la segunda economía más grande de Suiza después de la ciudad ... [52%] 2023-06-01
Basex: Basex was an IT research and consulting firm that focuses on knowledge management, information management, and collaboration issues and technologies within larger organizations. Founded in 1983, it was known as The Basex Group until 2001. (Company) [52%] 2023-12-05 [Research and analysis firms]