Trade Unions: Trade Unions, combinations for regulating the relations between workmen and masters, workmen and workmen, or masters and masters, or for imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any industry or business. the English common law such combinations were, with certain ... [85%] 2022-09-02
Trade union: Trade union : A modern organization of workers, arising in the second half of the 19th century and representing workers in a single occupation (e.g. steelworkers, miners or teachers) or a broader class of workers (e.g. [77%] 2023-06-27
Trade union: A trade union (or labor union for those across the pond) is an association of workers united in maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment. Unions are overwhelmingly associated with left-wing politics, though the odd pro-union conservative ... [77%] 2024-01-01 [Business] [Economics]...
List of trade unions: This is a list of trade unions and union federations by country. Company Union The three major confederations: Individual trade unions Major confederations Other unions The following is a list of major independent trade unions, which are solely accountable to ... (none) [74%] 2024-01-20 [Lists of trade unions]
Nordic: Nordic is a term which originated in 1858, and refers primarily to those with blond hair, especially from Scandinavia and northern parts of Europe and Great Britain. It is also sometimes used to describe the people of Northern European ethnicities ... [74%] 2023-03-14 [Ethnicities] [Europe]...
Trade-Unionism: In England: Excepting in Holland, the creation of a Jewish proletariat has everywhere followed immigration from the east-European centers, where the massing of population gradually led to the formation of a Jewish laboring class. The first union in which ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [71%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
General Federation of Trade Unions: Die General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) ist ein gewerkschaftlicher Dachverband von Gewerkschaften im Großbritannien. Sie versteht sich als Dachverband von 35 Fachgewerkschaften mit etwa 214.000 Mitgliedern. [66%] 2023-12-17
World Federation of Trade Unions: The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) is an international federation of trade unions established in 1945. Founded in the immediate aftermath of World War Two, the organization built on the pre-war legacy of the International Federation of Trade ... (International trade union federation) [66%] 2024-01-20 [World Federation of Trade Unions] [Trade unions established in 1945]...
Macau Federation of Trade Unions: The Macau Federation of Trade Unions (MFTU) is a pro-Beijing labour and political group in Macau. It is the largest and most influential labour group in the city, with over 50,000 members in 43 associated trade unions. (Labour and political group in Macau) [66%] 2023-12-19 [All-China Federation of Trade Unions] [Political parties in Macau]...