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Spas: Spas (en macédonien Спас, en albanais Spasi) est un village de l'ouest de la Macédoine du Nord, situé dans la municipalité de Debar. Le village comptait 32 habitants en 2002. [100%] 2024-01-01
SPFS: SPFS (Russian: Система передачи финансовых сообщений, lit. 'System for Transfer of Financial Messages') is a Russian equivalent of the SWIFT financial transfer system, developed by the Central Bank of Russia. (Finance) [75%] 2024-01-01 [Financial markets software] [Payment networks]...
SHAS: SHAS is a political party in the State of Israel, its name an abbreviation derived from "Shomrei Torah Sephardim-Sephardi Torah Guardians". It is a religious party made up of North African Sephardi Jews, differentiated from the major secular parties ... [75%] 2023-07-20
SPSS: SPSS stands for Statistics Package for the Social Sciences and is probably the most popular general statistics packages in academia. This page just contains a few links we found useful ... [75%] 2024-01-19 [Research methodologies]
Spam: In its original meaning SPAM (all uppercase) is the proprietary name for a type of processed, canned pink luncheon meat from Hormel, primarily made from pork. The name is a contraction of "SPiced hAM". [75%] 2023-02-20 [Food] [Internet Culture]...
Spar (mineralogy): Spar is an old mining or mineralogy term used to refer to crystals that have readily discernible faces. A spar will easily break or cleave into rhomboidal, cubical, or laminated fragments with smooth shiny surfaces. (Earth) [75%] 2023-12-10 [Crystals] [Mineralogy]...
SPASS: SPASS is an automated theorem prover for first-order logic with equality developed at the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science and using the superposition calculus. The name originally stood for Synergetic Prover Augmenting Superposition with Sorts. (Software) [75%] 2023-08-25 [Free theorem provers]
Shas: Shas (Hebrew: ש״ס) is a Haredi religious political party in Israel. Founded in 1984 under the leadership of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a former Israeli Sephardi chief rabbi, who remained its spiritual leader until his death in October 2013, it primarily represents ... (Israeli political party (1984-)) [75%] 2023-12-13 [Shas] [Ovadia Yosef]...
SPFS: SPFS (en ruso: Система передачи финансовых сообщений (СПФС), lit. 'Sistema de Transferencia de Mensajes Financieros') es el equivalente ruso del sistema de transferencia financiera SWIFT, desarrollado por el Banco Central de Rusia. El sistema ha estado en desarrollo desde 2014, después de que el gobierno ... [75%] 2023-12-11
Spam (museo): El Spam o Museo Spam es un museo de entrada gratuita en Austin, Minnesota, dedicado casi completamente al Spam, una marca de productos cárnicos precocinados enlatados fabricados por Hormel Foods Corporation. El museo cuenta la historia de la empresa Hormel ... (Museo) [75%] 2023-12-20
Span (mathematics): In algebra, the span of a set of elements of a module or vector space is the set of all finite linear combinations of that set: it may equivalently be defined as the intersection of all submodules or subspaces containing ... (Mathematics) [75%] 2023-07-18
SPSS: SPSS Statistics is a statistical software suite developed by IBM for data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business intelligence, and criminal investigation. Long produced by SPSS Inc., it was acquired by IBM in 2009. (Software) [75%] 2023-11-10 [Business intelligence] [Java platform software]...
SPSS: SPSS stands for Statistics Package for the Social Sciences and is probably the most popular general statistics packages in academia. This page just contains a few links we found useful ... [75%] 2024-01-26 [Research methodologies]
SPAM: SPAM — торговая марка консервированного мяса, производимого американской компанией Hormel Foods Corporation (англ.) (рус.. SPAM появился в 1936 году. [75%] 2023-11-21
Shas: Shas (an acronym for Shomeri Torah Sefaradim, English "Torah-Observant Sephardim") is an ultra-Orthodox political party in Israel. The party primarily represents the interests of Haredi Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews. [75%] 2023-02-18 [Israeli Political Parties] [Orthodox Jews]...
Span (unit): A span is the distance measured by a human hand, from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger. In ancient times, a span was considered to be half a cubit. (Unit) [75%] 2023-12-31 [Human-based units of measurement] [Imperial units]...
Spat (angular unit): The spat (symbol sp), from the Latin spatium ("space"), is a unit of solid angle. 1 spat is equal to 4π steradians or approximately 41253 square degrees of solid angle (sequence A125560 in the OEIS). (Angular unit) [75%] 2023-12-31 [Units of solid angle]
Spam (Monty Python): "Spam" is a Monty Python sketch, first televised in 1970 and written by Terry Jones and Michael Palin. In the sketch, two customers are lowered by wires into a greasy spoon café and try to order a breakfast from a menu ... (Monty Python) [75%] 2023-12-31 [Spamming]
Spam: This article mainly is concerned with wiki spamming. Wiki spamming has been increasing over the years and for two reasons: Below we collected some essential strategies and links for mediawiki administrators that manage somewhat closed wikis (i.e. [75%] 2023-12-20 [Server administration]