Cartel (TV series): Cartel is an Indian streaming television series produced by Ekta Kapoor under the banner of Balaji Telefilms. It stars Supriya Pathak, Rithvik Dhanjani, Jitendra Joshi, Tanuj Virwani and Divya Agarwal. (TV series) [83%] 2024-02-03 [ALTBalaji original programming] [Indian drama web series]...
Cartel (rap group): Cartel is a 1995 Turkish hip hop CD project involving three groups of rappers from different German cities, which received attention and popularity in both Turkey and Germany. It was notable for using samples of traditional Turkish music instruments in ... (Rap group) [83%] 2023-10-28 [Crossover (music)] [Musical groups established in 1995]...
Cartel: A cartel is an group of companies in a particular industry who agree not to undercut each other in prices, and who carve up the market territory to increase their own profits. They restrict the amount of output they produce ... [83%] 2023-02-09 [Economics]
Cartes: Cartes es un municipio español situado en la comunidad autónoma de Cantabria. Sus límites son: al norte con Reocín, al oeste con Mazcuerras, al sur con Los Corrales de Buelna y al este con Torrelavega. El municipio de Cartes se ... [83%] 2024-01-11
Cartel (Cartel album): Cartel is the second studio album American rock band Cartel. It released in stores on August 21, 2007, despite being announced by the band's lead singer as coming out on July 24, 2007. (Cartel album) [83%] 2023-10-28 [2007 albums] [Cartel (band) albums]...
Cartel: A cartel is a group of independent market participants who collude with each other in order to improve their profits and dominate the market. A cartel is an organization formed by producers to limit competition and increase prices by creating ... (Mutually beneficial collusion among competing corporations) [83%] 2023-10-28 [Commercial crimes] [Anti-competitive practices]...
Cartel (concept): Cartel is an ambiguous concept, which usually refers to a combination or agreement between rivals, but – derived from this – also designates organized crime. The main use of ‘cartel’ is that of an anticompetitive association in the economy. (Social) [83%] 2023-09-04 [Political terminology]
Cartel: Cartel steht für: Siehe auch. [83%] 2024-01-13
Cartel: A cartel is a group of independent market participants who collude with each other in order to improve their profits and dominate the market. A cartel is an organization formed by producers to limit competition and increase prices by creating ... (Social) [83%] 2023-09-28 [Anti-competitive practices]
Cartel (hip hop album): Cartel is a German hip hop album released in 1995 featuring various artists of Turkish descent. The compilation contains five tracks by Nuremberg artist Karakan, three songs from the Kiel group Da Crime Posse, three songs by Erci E. (Hip hop album) [83%] 2023-12-16 [1995 albums]
Cartel (Cartel album): Cartel is the second studio album American rock band Cartel. It released in stores on August 21, 2007, despite being announced by the band's lead singer as coming out on July 24, 2007. (Cartel album) [83%] 2024-03-10 [2007 albums] [Cartel (band) albums]...
Cartel (Half-Life): Cet article est une ébauche concernant le jeu vidéo. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) (voir l’aide à la rédaction). (Half-Life) [83%] 2024-05-30
Country-by-Country Reporting: Country-by-Country Reporting (or CbCR, sometimes referred to as Country-by-Country Report or CbC report) is an international initiative pioneered by the OECD. It seeks to establish a reporting standard for multinational enterprises (MNEs) containing key tax related ... (Finance) [71%] 2023-11-04 [International taxation] [Corporate tax avoidance]...
Carmelo (nombre): Carmelo es un nombre propio masculino de origen hebreo en su variante en español. Proviene del hebreo כרמן (Karmel), que quiere decir "belleza", o bien "obra de Dios". (Nombre) [71%] 2023-12-12
Carites: Las Cárites en un fresco del siglo I en Pompeya. En la mitología griega, las Cárites, más conocidas como las tres Gracias (en griego Χάριτες, en latín Gratiae), eran las diosas del encanto, la belleza, la naturaleza, la creatividad humana y ... [71%] 2023-06-01
Carbeas: Carbeas (en griego: Καρβέας/Καρβαίας; Karbéas/Karbaías; ?-863) fue un jefe pauliciano que abandonó el servicio en el ejército bizantino después de las matanzas de sus correligionarios y se refugió con los musulmanes. Fundó un principado pauliciano en Tefrique con la ayuda del emir de ... [71%] 2023-10-17
Caritel: Santa María de Caritel es una parroquia que se localiza en el ayuntamiento pontevedrés de Ponte Caldelas. Según el IGE, en 2022 tenía 243 habitantes (113 hombres y 130 mujeres), distribuidos en 4 entidades de población, lo que supone una ... [71%] 2023-11-25
Carteia: Carteia (Ancient Greek: Καρτηίᾳ) was a Phoenician and Roman town at the head of the Bay of Gibraltar in Spain. It was established at the most northerly point of the bay, next to the town of San Roque, about halfway between ... [71%] 2023-06-28 [171 BC] [170s BC establishments]...
Cartesis: Cartesis war ein 1990 gegründetes Softwareunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Paris, Frankreich, das Lösungen für Business Performance Management (BPM) und Finanzmanagement anbot. Das Unternehmen und der Name Cartesis sind mit der Übernahme durch SAP verschwunden. [71%] 2023-06-17