Jessica (nome): Jessica è un nome proprio di persona italiano femminile. Si tratta di un nome di origine letteraria, usato per la prima volta da William Shakespeare nell'opera teatrale Il mercante di Venezia, in cui Jessica è la figlia del mercante ebreo Shylock. (Nome) [97%] 2023-12-22
Jessica (given name): Jessica (originally Iessica, also Jesica, Jesika, Jessicah, Jessika, or Jessikah) is a female given name. The oldest written record of the name with its current spelling is found as the name of the Shakespearean character Jessica, from the play The ... (Given name) [97%] 2024-01-19 [English feminine given names] [English given names invented by fiction writers]...
Jessica (painting): Jessica is an 1890 painting by Dennis Miller Bunker in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. It is considered one of Bunker's finest figure paintings, and has been described by art historian Theodore Stebbins as "among the most evocative ... (Painting) [97%] 2023-12-11 [1890 paintings] [19th-century portraits]...
Jessica (Schiff): Die Jessica war ein 1971 in Dienst gestellter Öltanker der Firma Acotramar, der am 16. Januar 2001 im Pazifik bei den Galapagosinseln verunglückte und für die bisher größte Ölkatastrophe der Inselgruppe sorgte. (Schiff) [97%] 2023-05-05
Jessica: Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jessica (homonymie). Cette page présente le prénom Jessica ainsi que ses variantes. [97%] 2024-04-25
Jessica (genre): Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jessica (homonymie). Cet article est une ébauche concernant les araignées. (Genre) [97%] 2025-01-08
Direct3D: Direct3D is a graphics application programming interface (API) for Microsoft Windows. Part of DirectX, Direct3D is used to render three-dimensional graphics in applications where performance is important, such as games. (Software) [87%] 2023-11-16 [Graphics libraries]
Direct2D: Direct2D is a 2D vector graphics application programming interface (API) designed by Microsoft and implemented in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, and also Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 (with Platform Update installed). Direct2D ... (Software) [87%] 2023-11-11 [Graphics libraries]
Direct3D: Direct3D is a graphics application programming interface (API) for Microsoft Windows. Part of DirectX, Direct3D is used to render three-dimensional graphics in applications where performance is important, such as games. (API used in Microsoft DirectX for 3D rendering) [87%] 2024-01-07 [1995 software] [3D graphics APIs]...
Directed by John Ford: Directed by John Ford is a documentary film directed by Peter Bogdanovich. Originally released in 1971, it covers the life and career of film director John Ford. (1971 film by Peter Bogdanovich) [86%] 2024-12-18 [1971 films] [1971 documentary films]...
Jessika (Sängerin): Jessika (bürgerlich Jessica Muscat; * 27. Februar 1989 in Mosta) ist eine maltesische Sängerin und Songwriterin. (Sängerin) [83%] 2024-01-19
Jessico: Jessico is the sixth album by Argentine rock group Babasónicos. Jessico was critically acclaimed by the media and journalists, most of which considered it the band's best work. (2001 album by Babasónicos) [83%] 2023-12-12 [2001 albums] [Babasónicos albums]...
Jessicka: Jessicka Addams (born Jessica Fodera on October 23, 1975) is an American visual artist and musician. Best known by her stage name Jessicka, she was the frontwoman for the alternative rock band Jack Off Jill, and later for the noise ... (American musician and artist) [83%] 2024-12-09 [Living people] [American rock singers]...
Haussee (Schönwalde): Der Haussee ist ein See bei Schönwalde im Landkreis Vorpommern-Greifswald in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Das etwa 1,2 Hektar große Gewässer befindet sich im Gemeindegebiet von Schönwalde, wobei sich der Ort Schönwalde am westlichen Ufer befindet. (Schönwalde) [83%] 2023-06-05
Hausera: Hausera is a subterranean genus of planarian from Brazil. It contains only the single species Hausera hauseri. (Genus of flatworms) [83%] 2023-07-29 [Cavernicola (worm)] [Invertebrates of Brazil]...
Hamster: Hamster, a European mammal of the order Rodentia, scientifically known as Cricetus frumentarius, and belonging to the mouse tribe, Muridae, in which it typifies the sub-family Cricetinae. The essential characteristic of the Cricetines is to be found in the ... [83%] 2022-09-02