No results for "Category:Former Spanish colonies" (auto) in titles.

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  1. Spanish Colonial architecture: Spanish colonial architecture represents Spanish colonial influence on New World and East Indies' cities and towns, and it is still seen in the architecture as well as in the city planning aspects of conserved present-day cities. These two visible ... (Architectural style present in regions colonized by Spain in the 14th-18th centuries) [100%] 2024-01-03 [Spanish Colonial architecture] [Architectural styles]...
  2. Colonial Spanish horse: Colonial Spanish horse is a term for a group of horse breed and feral populations descended from the original Iberian horse stock brought from Spain to the Americas. The ancestral type from which these horses descend was a product of ... (American breed of horse) [100%] 2023-12-17 [Types of horse] [Spanish colonization of the Americas]...
  3. Spanish colonial real: The silver real (Spanish: real de plata) was the currency of the Spanish colonies in America and the Philippines. In the seventeenth century the silver real was established at two billon reales (reales de vellón) or sixty-eight maravedíes. (Spanish colonial coinage) [100%] 2023-12-20 [Modern obsolete currencies] [Spanish colonization of the Americas]...
  4. Spanish (Ybit): This is a personal learning page for user Ybit and other who help him to understand and talk Spanish as a second language. Subcomandante Marcos, el jefe de los… …zapatistas (EZLN – Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) Los zapatistas tienen el ... (Ybit) [96%] 2023-03-14 [Spanish]
  5. Colonius (Begriffsklärung): Colonius steht für: Colonius ist der Name folgender Personen. (Begriffsklärung) [89%] 2024-01-03
  6. Spanish-Colonial Architecture Gallery: Spanish-Colonial Architecture Gallery Cathedral of Sucre, Bolivia. Bell Tower, Chile. [86%] 2023-03-07 [Architecture]
  7. Spanish Colonial Revival architecture: The Spanish Colonial Revival style (Spanish: Arquitectura neocolonial española) is an architectural stylistic movement arising in the early 20th century based on the Spanish colonial architecture of the Spanish colonization of the Americas. In the United States, the Panama-California ... (Architectural style) [86%] 2024-06-20 [Spanish Colonial Revival architecture] [American architectural styles]...
  8. Spanish colonial bridges in Tayabas: The Spanish colonial bridges in Tayabas are bridges built during the Spanish-colonial era in Tayabas, Quezon. The city government of Tayabas declared eleven bridges in the city as Historical bridges of Tayabas for protection purposes. [77%] 2023-12-18 [Bridges in the Philippines] [Spanish colonial infrastructure in the Philippines]...
  9. Slavery in colonial Spanish America: Slavery in the Spanish American colonies was an economic and social institution which existed throughout the Spanish Empire including Spain itself. Indigenous peoples were enslaved and their populations decimated. (Economic and social institution central to the operation of the Spanish Empire) [77%] 2024-01-12 [Encomenderos] [Spanish colonization of the Americas]...
  10. Colantes: Colantes es un despoblado que actualmente forma parte del concejo de Oteo, que está situado en el municipio de Campezo, en la provincia de Álava, País Vasco (España).​ A lo largo de los siglos ha sido conocido con los nombres de ... [76%] 2024-01-11
  11. Colonnesi: A questo titolo corrispondono più voci, di seguito elencate. Questa è una pagina di disambiguazione; se sei giunto qui cliccando un collegamento, puoi tornare indietro e correggerlo, indirizzandolo direttamente alla voce giusta. Vedi anche le voci che iniziano con o contengono il ... [76%] 2024-01-09
  12. Coulonges (Charente): Pour les articles homonymes, voir Coulonges. Coulonges est une commune du Sud-Ouest de la France, située dans le département de la Charente (région Nouvelle-Aquitaine). (Charente) [76%] 2024-01-09
  13. Coronides: Two daughters of Orion named Menippe and Metioche. [76%] 2007-04-06
  14. Colorines: Colorines is a symphonic poem for chamber orchestra by the Mexican composer Silvestre Revueltas, written in 1932. The score of Colorines was completed in May 1932. (Symphonic poem by Silvestre Revueltas) [76%] 2024-01-09 [Compositions by Silvestre Revueltas] [1932 compositions]...
  15. Coponius: Coponius war der erste Präfekt Roms in Judäa, das zu dieser Zeit Teil der Provinz Syria war. Er war etwa von 6 bis 8 n. [76%] 2024-01-09
  16. Coulonces (Orne): Pour la commune homonyme du Calvados, voir Coulonces (Calvados). Coulonces est une commune française, située dans le département de l'Orne en région Normandie, peuplée de 216 habitants. (Orne) [76%] 2024-01-02
  17. Colombes: Colombes, a town of France in the department of Seine, arrondissement of St Denis, 7 m. It has a 16th-century church with 12th-century tower, a race-course, and numerous villa residences and boarding-schools. A castle formerly stood ... [76%] 2022-09-02
  18. Coponius: First procurator of Judea, about 6 C. He was, like the procurators that succeeded him, of knightly rank, and "had the power of life and death" (Josephus, "B. During his administration occurred the revolt of Judas the Galilean ("B. (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [76%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
  19. Coulonges: Coulonges may refer to the following places in France. [76%] 2024-01-09
  20. Calonges: Calonges es una población y comuna francesa, en la región de Aquitania, departamento de Lot y Garona, en el distrito de Marmande y cantón de Le Mas-d'Agenais. [76%] 2024-01-09

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