Kainan: Son of Arphaxad and father of Salah; mentioned only in Gen. omitted in all other versions of Gen., Salah being given as the son of Arphaxad. (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [92%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Gakkō no Kaidan 2: Haunted School 2 (学校の怪談2, Gakkō no Kaidan 2) is a 1996 Japanese horror film directed by Hideyuki Hirayama. It is the second installment in the Gakkō no Kaidan film series, following the 1995 film School Ghost Stories. [86%] 2023-08-09 [1996 horror films] [Films based on Japanese novels]...
Yotsuya Kaidan (1956 film): Yotsuya Kaidan (四谷怪談, Yotsuya Kaidan) aka Tokaido Yotsuya kaidan is a 1956 black-and-white Japanese film directed by Masaki Mori. It is a Japanese horror film (J-Horror) based on the Japanese ghost story (kaidan) about Oiwa and Tamiya Iemon. (1956 film) [78%] 2022-10-01 [Japanese black-and-white films] [Japanese horror films]...
Kaidan Alenko: Kaidan Alenko is a fictional character in BioWare's Mass Effect franchise, who acts as a party member (or "squadmate") in the first and third games in the series. The character is initially introduced in the original Mass Effect as ... (Fictional character) [78%] 2023-03-18 [Fictional bisexual males] [Fictional bodyguards]...
Kaidan Restaurant: Kaidan Restaurant (яп. 怪談レストラン Кайдан Рэсуторан) — японский сборник рассказов-ужастиков для детей, иллюстрированный Ёсикадзу Такаи и Кумико Като, выпускаемый издательством Doshinsha. [78%] 2023-05-13
Kaidan Restaurant: Kaidan Restaurant (怪談レストラン) o Thriller Restaurant es una serie japonesa de cuentos infantiles de terror, creando antologías. Editado por Miyoko Matsutani e ilustrado por Yoshikazu Takai y Kato Kumiko. [78%] 2024-04-05
Shin yami no koe Kaidan: Shin Yami no Koe Kaidan (新・闇の声 潰談、lit. "Nuevas voces en la obscuridad Kaidan")también por su traducción del inglés New voices in the dark Kaidan, es un cómic de horror escrito e ilustrado por Junji Ito, como la continuación del compendio ... [77%] 2023-06-26
Kadidal: Kadidal is a village located in Thirthalli Taluq of the Shivamogga District in India. The village is dominated by the gowda community. [73%] 2023-12-13 [Villages in Shimoga district]
Kaavan: Kaavan (Urdu: کاون; born 1985) is a male Asian elephant known as the "world's loneliest elephant" since his partner, 22-year-old Saheli, died in 2012. Kaavan was gifted by the government of Sri Lanka to Pakistan in 1985. (Asian elephant) [73%] 2023-11-30 [1985 animal births] [Animal law]...
Kaftan: A kaftan or caftan (/ˈkæftæn/; Arabic: قفطان, qafṭān; Persian: خفتان, khaftān; Turkish: kaftan) is a variant of the robe or tunic. Originating in Asia, it has been worn by a number of cultures around the world for thousands of years. (Traditional elongated cloak-like garment) [73%] 2023-10-17 [Arab culture] [Arabic clothing]...
Kaftan: A kaftan or caftan (/ˈkæftæn/; Arabic: قفطان, qafṭān; Persian: خفتان, khaftān; Turkish: kaftan) is a variant of the robe or tunic. Originating in Asia, it has been worn by a number of cultures around the world for thousands of years. (Place) [73%] 2023-11-25 [Mesopotamia]
Kabilan: Kabilan is a Tamil given name. Notable people with the name include. [73%] 2023-12-14 [Tamil given names]
Kaftan: Der Kaftan (spätestens im 17. Jahrhundert ins Deutsche entlehnt aus türkisch kaftan, von arabisch قفطان, DMG qufṭān, persisch ġaftān, unter dem Panzer zu tragendes Gewand) ist ein langes Woll- oder Seidenhemd aus Brust- und Rückenstück, das über den Hüften gegürtet wird. [73%] 2024-01-19
Kadanz: Cet article est une ébauche concernant un groupe de musique. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. [73%] 2024-10-29