Plant, Plants: PLANT, PLANTS See BOTANY. See BOTANY. [93%] 1915-01-01
Derived (evolution): In the study of evolutionary relationships, derived refers to traits that exist in a present organism, but did not exist in the that organism's ancestors. For example, early primates were small and had raccoon-like snouts. (Evolution) [81%] 2023-06-26 [Evolution]
Names (Personal): The conferring of a name upon a person was in early Biblical times generally connected with some circumstance of birth; several of Jacob's sons are recorded as having received their names in this manner (Gen. Generally, it was the ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [75%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Names: Proper names are familiar expressions of natural language, whose semantics remains a contested subject. Do names have meanings, or do they simply refer to particular things without that reference being mediated by a meaning?. (Philosophy) [75%] 2021-12-24
Plants: In the most generally used sense, a plant is a member of the lower or vegetable order of living organized things; the term is also popularly applied to the smaller herbaceous plants, thus excluding trees and shrubs. The early use ... [73%] 2022-09-02
Plants: In the Bible: The following names of plants and plant materials are found in the Old Testament: [The plant-names in this table follow the order of the Hebrew alphabet, but are transliterated according to the system adopted by The ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [73%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Plants: Plants are predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae. Historically, the plant kingdom encompassed all living things that were not animals, and included algae and fungi; however, all current definitions of Plantae exclude the fungi and some algae, as well ... [73%] 2024-01-10 [Plant sciences]
List of Dacian plant names: This is a list of plant names in Dacian, surviving from ancient botanical works such as Dioscorides' De Materia Medica (abb. MM) and Pseudo-Apuleius' Herbarius (abb. (None) [67%] 2023-11-04 [Dacian language] [Lists of plants]...
List of Dacian plant names: This is a list of plant names in Dacian, surviving from ancient botanical works such as Dioscorides' De Materia Medica (abb. MM) and Pseudo-Apuleius' Herbarius (abb. (None) [67%] 2023-12-20 [Lists of plants]
International Plant Names Index: International Plant Names Index (англ. IPNI — Международный указатель научных названий растений) — сайт в сети Интернет, обеспечивающий доступ к базе данных научных (латинских) названий растений. [67%] 2023-12-20
From: From ist ein deutscher Familienname. From ist ein Übername aus dem mittelhochdeutschen „vrum“, „vrom“ und bedeutet tüchtig, brav und/oder gut. [66%] 2024-01-02
From (serie de televisión): From es una serie de televisión estadounidense de terror y ciencia ficción creada por John Griffin para Epix (actualmente denominada MGM+) y disponible en HBO Max. La serie se estrenó el 20 de febrero de 2022 en Estados Unidos. (Serie de televisión) [66%] 2024-09-28