Syracuse: City in the state of New York; situated on Lake Onondaga. The first settlement of Jews in dates back to 1839, when the warehouse of Bernheim & Block served as a meeting-place for Jewish traders from neighboring cities and towns ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [99%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Syracuse: The city of Syracuse is located on the east coast of Sicily and was originally a Greek colony founded by Corinth in 734 BCE. The city enjoyed a period of expansion and prosperity under the tyrant Gelon in the 5th ... [99%] 2011-04-28
Syracuse: Syracuse, a city and the county-seat of Onondaga county, New York, U., situated at the southern end of Onondaga Lake, about 75 m., 51,792; (1890), 88,143; (1900), 108,374, of whom 23,757 were foreign-born (including ... [99%] 2022-09-02
Syracuse: Syracuse, a city of Sicily, the capital of a province of the same name, situated on the east coast of the island, 54 m., 21,739; (1906), 23,250 (town), 35,000 (commune). History Syracuse was the chief Greek city ... [99%] 2022-09-02
Syracuse: SYRACUSE sir'-a-kus, sir-a-kus' (Surakousai; Latin Syracusae, Ital. Siracusa): Situated on the east coast of Sicily, about midway between Catania and the southeastern extremity of the island. The design of the present work scarcely permits more than ... [99%] 1915-01-01
Syracuse: Syracuse is an ancient city located on the eastern coast of Sicily, once called by Cicero "the greatest of Greek cities and the most beautiful of all cities". Originally a Greek colony, Syracuse was founded in 734 BC on the ... [99%] 2023-03-06 [Italian Cities and Towns] [Biblical Places]...
Syracuse (satellite): Syracuse (SYstème de RAdioCommunication Utilisant un SatellitE; English: Satellite-based radio communication system) is a series of French military communications satellite constellations. The Syracuse program is intended to enable safe and secure permanent communications between headquarters in mainland France and ... (Social) [99%] 2024-02-19 [Communications satellites] [Military communications]...
Syracuse (Missouri): Cet article est une ébauche concernant une localité du Missouri. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. (Missouri) [99%] 2024-12-18
Syracuse, New York: Syracuse (/ˈsɪrəkjuːz, ˈsɛr-, -kjuːs/ SIRR-ə-kewz, SERR-, -kewss) is a city and the county seat of Onondaga County, New York, United States. It is the fifth-most populated city and 13th-most populated municipality in the state of New York. (City in Central New York) [97%] 2023-11-15 [Syracuse, New York] [1825 establishments in New York (state)]...
Syracuse, New York (deelstaat): Syracuse (/ˈsɪrəkjuːz, ˈsɛr-, -kjuːs/) is 'n stad in die distrik Onondaga County, New York (deelstaat), in die Verenigde State van Amerika. Syracuse dien as die distrik se administratiewe setel. (Deelstaat) [97%] 2023-08-07
Syracuse, New York: New York's Syracuse is the county seat of Onondaga County and the city's primary commercial centre. It is the fifth-most populous city in the state of New York, behind New York City, Buffalo, Yonkers, and Rochester, and ... [97%] 2023-11-11 [Syracuse, New York] [1825 establishments in New York (state)]...
Syracuse, New York: Syracuse is a city located near New York near Oneida Lake which has a population of 145,151. The city was settled mainly for missionary and trading purposes. [97%] 2023-02-21 [New York Cities and Towns]
Syracuse Orange field hockey: The Syracuse Orange field hockey team is the intercollegiate field hockey program representing Syracuse University. The school competes in the Atlantic Coast Conference of NCAA Division I field hockey. (Field hockey team of Syracuse University) [94%] 2024-01-13 [Syracuse Orange field hockey]
Hockey: Hockey, a game played with a ball or some similar object by two opposing sides, using hooked or bent sticks, with which each side attempts to drive it into the other’s goal. In one or more of its variations ... [90%] 2022-09-02
Hockey: Hockey is a term used for a number of team sports, all of which involve the players using some form of stick to move an object (ball or puck) and attempting to score by putting that object into the opposing ... [90%] 2023-08-22 [Hockey]
Hockey: Hockey is a sport that is not only one of the major sports in the United States, but also extremely popular throughout the world. Hockey can be classified as a family of sports because of the diverse forms that the ... [90%] 2023-02-03