Detention (video game): Detention (Chinese: 返校; lit. 'Returning to School') is a horror adventure video game created and developed by Taiwanese game developer Red Candle Games for Steam. (Video game) [98%] 2024-01-09 [2017 video games] [Red Candle Games]...
Detention (imprisonment): Detention is the process whereby a state or private citizen lawfully holds a person by removing his or her freedom or liberty at that time. This can be due to (pending) criminal charges preferred against the individual pursuant to a ... (Social) [98%] 2023-12-19
Detection: In general, detection is the action of accessing information without specific cooperation from with the sender. In the history of radio communications, the term "detector" was first used for a device that detected the simple presence or absence of a ... [87%] 2024-06-18 [Communication] [Wireless locating]...
Nuclear detonation detection system: A nuclear detonation detection system (NDDS) is a device or a series of devices that are able to indicate, and pinpoint a nuclear explosion has occurred as well as the direction of the explosion. The main purpose of these devices ... [81%] 2024-01-09 [Nuclear weapons governance]
Non-detection at traffic lights in the United States: In order to improve intersection capacity in the United States, intelligent transport systems such as vehicle detection have been introduced at intersections controlled by traffic lights. However, these lights sometimes do not detect smaller vehicles such as bikes or motorcycles. (Detection of small vehicles at intersections) [78%] 2023-09-16 [Traffic signals]
Defection: In politics, a defector is a person who gives up allegiance to one state in exchange for allegiance to another, changing sides in a way which is considered illegitimate by the first state. More broadly, defection involves abandoning a person ... (Social) [76%] 2023-12-17 [Political terminology]
Desertion: Desertion is the act of abandoning duties without permission and with no intention of ever returning. A person who does this is usually referred to as a "deserter". [76%] 2023-07-05 [Military]
Deception (US-amerikanische Fernsehserie, 2013): Deception ist eine US-amerikanische Drama-Fernsehserie mit Meagan Good und Victor Garber in den Hauptrollen, konzipiert von Liz Heldens. Produziert wurde die Serie zwischen 2012 und 2013 von Universal Television in Zusammenarbeit mit BermanBraun für den US-Sender NBC. (US-amerikanische Fernsehserie, 2013) [76%] 2024-01-10
Deception: Deception is the act of misleading through the intentional concealing or misrepresentation of facts. Deception usually involves two parties: the deceiver who passes the fallacious information and the deceived, who accepts it as truth. [76%] 2023-10-11
Detonation: Detonation (from Latin detonare 'to thunder down/forth') is a type of combustion involving a supersonic exothermic front accelerating through a medium that eventually drives a shock front propagating directly in front of it. Detonations propagate supersonically through shock waves ... (Explosion at supersonic velocity) [76%] 2024-01-13 [Explosives engineering] [Combustion]...
Deception (video game series): Deception is a series of console tactical role-playing games created and published by Tecmo for Sony's line of PlayStation consoles. They have an emphasis on passive combat via the use of traps. (Video game series) [76%] 2023-12-29 [PlayStation (console) games] [PlayStation 2 games]...
Deception (board game): Deception: Murder in Hong Kong is a board game for 4 to 12 players designed by Tobey Ho and published by Grey Fox games in 2015. Set as a detective investigation scene, in Deception players find themselves in a scenario ... (Board game) [76%] 2024-01-10 [Board games] [Board games introduced in 2015]...
Detonation: Detonation (from la detonare 'to thunder down/forth') is a type of combustion involving a supersonic exothermic front accelerating through a medium that eventually drives a shock front propagating directly in front of it. Detonations propagate supersonically through shock waves ... (Physics) [76%] 2023-12-17 [Explosives engineering] [Combustion]...
Defection: Defection is a term that means to change sides. This is usually used in the context of the change of allegiance, duty or loyalty particularly in a political context. [76%] 2023-02-19 [International Politics] [Crime]...
Detonation: Detonation : Extremely fast combustion in solids or fluids, which produces a supersonic shock wave with a detonation velocity; self-propagating through compression, heating and ignition of the explosive. [76%] 2023-08-03
Desertion: Leaving husband or wife with the intention of not returning. It must be premised that, if the husband deserted his wife and went beyond the jurisdiction of the court, he could not be compelled to give her a bill of ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [76%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]