Male: MALE mal (1) zakhar, zakhar, zakhur (the root means "to stand out," "to be prominent," here a physiological differentiation of the sex, as neqebhah, "female," which see); (2) 'ish literally, "man"; (3) by circumlocution, only in the books of Samuel ... [95%] 1915-01-01
Male: Male : The sex of an organism which is opposite from the female sex; together, males and female organisms have sexual intercourse to create new life. Males typically have spermatozoa in contrast to females which have ova or eggs. [95%] 2023-07-13
Male: The male sex refers to that division of a species which produces sperm. In most mammals, sperm develops inside the testes. [95%] 2023-02-20 [Biology]
Male: Male (symbol: ♂) is the sex of an organism that produces the gamete (sex cell) known as sperm, which fuses with the larger female gamete, or ovum, in the process of fertilisation. A male organism cannot reproduce sexually without access to ... (Sex of an organism which produces sperm) [95%] 2024-12-16 [Male] [Terms for men]...
Writer: A writer is a person who uses written words in different writing styles, genres and techniques to communicate ideas, to inspire feelings and emotions, or to entertain. Writers may develop different forms of writing such as novels, short stories, monographs ... (Person using written words to communicate) [83%] 2024-01-06 [Writers] [Communication design]...
Writer: A writer is someone who writes works such as books, articles, or poetry. Examples of writers are authors and journalists. [83%] 2023-03-23 [Writing] [Dictionary]...
Writer (album): Writer is the debut studio album by American singer-songwriter Carole King, released in May 1970. King already had a successful career as a songwriter, and been a part of The City, a short-lived group she formed after moving ... (Album) [83%] 2024-02-21 [1970 debut albums] [Carole King albums]...
Writer: A writer is someone who communicates ideas via the use of written words, which may be done in a variety of ways and styles. Different kinds of literary art and creative writing are produced by writers, such as novels, short ... [83%] 2024-01-06 [Writers] [Communication design]...
Weijers: Weijers is a Dutch surname. Its origin may be patronymic (son of "Weijer", a now rare given name related to Wichard), toponymic (from wijer, modern Dutch vijver, meaning "pond"), or occupational (related to modern Dutch weiden, i.e. [71%] 2024-01-06 [Dutch-language surnames] [Patronymic surnames]...
Walters: Walters pode referir-se a. [71%] 2024-01-07
Withers: Withers are the ridge between the shoulder blades of an animal, typically a quadruped. In many species, this ridge is the tallest point of the body. (Ridge between the shoulder blades of an animal, typically a quadruped) [71%] 2024-01-07 [Animal anatomy] [Dog anatomy]...
Wouters: Wouters is a Dutch patronymic surname, meaning son of Wouter, and corresponding to Walters in English. In 2007/2008 there were about 8700 people in the Netherlands and 15700 people in Belgium with that name. [71%] 2024-12-10 [Dutch-language surnames] [Patronymic surnames]...
Mali: The Republic of Mali is a largely-Muslim country located in West Africa. The legendary city of Timbuktu (or Tombouktou) was once a center of trade and education. [71%] 2023-02-16 [African Kingdoms] [Landlocked Countries]...
Malt: Malt is a product made from cereal grain (usually barley) via the processes of malting, the sugars from Malt are extracted by sparging to make the wort from which beer is fermented by yeast. First a malt master will germinate ... [71%] 2023-02-07 [Food and Drink]
Mace: Mace, originally a weapon of offence, made of iron, steel or latten, capable of breaking through the strongest armour. The earliest ceremonial maces, as they afterwards became, though at first intended to protect the king's person, were those borne ... [71%] 2022-09-02
Mace (bludgeon): A mace is a blunt weapon, a type of club or virge that uses a heavy head on the end of a handle to deliver powerful strikes. A mace typically consists of a strong, heavy, wooden or metal shaft, often ... (Bludgeon) [71%] 2023-09-17 [Clubs (weapon)]
Malo (Italie): Pour les articles homonymes, voir Malo. Cet article est une ébauche concernant une localité italienne et la Vénétie. (Italie) [71%] 2023-10-17