DOCK2: Dedicator of cytokinesis 2, also known as DOCK2, is a human gene. The DOCK2 gene encodes a hematopoietic cell-specific CDM family protein that is indispensable for lymphocyte chemotaxis.[supplied by OMIM] Template:WikiDoc Sources. [80%] 2023-11-22
Dock2: Dock2 (Dedicator of cytokinesis 2), also known as DOCK2, is a large (~180 kDa) protein involved in intracellular signalling networks. It is a member of the DOCK-A subfamily of the DOCK family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) which ... [80%] 2023-11-20
Dock4: Dock4, (Dedicator of cytokinesis 4) also known as DOCK4, is a large (~190 kDa) protein involved in intracellular signalling networks. It is a member of the DOCK-B subfamily of the DOCK family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) which ... [80%] 2023-11-21
DOCK2: Le DOCK2 (pour « Dedicator of cytokinesis 2 ») est une protéine, membre de la famille des DOCKs, dont le gène, DOCK2, est situé sur le chromosome 5 humain. Elle permet la migration des lymphocytes et des cellules dendritiques de type plasmacytoïde, intervenant ... [80%] 2024-01-11
Dock5: Dock5 (Dedicator of cytokinesis 5), also known as DOCK5, is a large (~180 kDa) protein involved in intracellular signalling networks. It is a member of the DOCK-A subfamily of the DOCK family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) which ... [80%] 2023-11-21 [GTP-binding protein regulators]
Docus: DOCUS do'-kus. See DOK. do'-kus. See DOK. [80%] 1915-01-01
Docus: Docus Inc. is an AI-powered health platform that provides an AI health assistant designed to offer real-time answers to health-related questions and to facilitate second opinions from hundreds of doctors based in the United States and Europe. (Platform providing an AI health assistant) [80%] 2024-03-07 [2021 establishments in Armenia] [Artificial intelligence]...
Docky: Cet article est une ébauche concernant un logiciel libre. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. [80%] 2024-11-20
Dock4: Dock4, (Dedicator of cytokinesis 4) also known as DOCK4, is a large (~190 kDa) protein involved in intracellular signalling networks. It is a member of the DOCK-B subfamily of the DOCK family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) which ... (Biology) [80%] 2024-08-17
Dock: Dock steht für: geographische Objekte: Dock ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Siehe auch. [75%] 2024-01-20
Dock: En informática, un dock o barra de inicio rápido, es un elemento de interfaz gráfica de usuario que permite a los usuarios ejecutar, cambiar y monitorizar aplicaciones. Es un componente de muchas interfaces gráficas de usuario. [75%] 2024-01-11
DOCK (protein): DOCK (Dedicator of cytokinesis) is a family of related proteins involved in intracellular signalling networks. DOCK family members contain a RhoGEF domain to function as guanine nucleotide exchange factors to promote GDP release and GTP binding to specific Small GTPases ... (Protein) [75%] 2023-11-24 [GTP-binding protein regulators]
DOCS (software): DOCS (Display Operator Console Support) was a software package for IBM mainframes by CFS Inc., enabling access to the system console using 3270-compatible terminals. Computer operators communicated with IBM mainframe computers using an electro-mechanical typewriter-like console that ... (Software) [75%] 2023-11-12 [Device drivers] [IBM mainframe software]...
Dock: Vessels require to lie afloat alongside quays provided with suitable appliances in sheltered sites in order to discharge and take in cargoes conveniently and expeditiously; and a basin constructed for this purpose, surrounded by quay walls, is known as a ... [75%] 2022-09-02
Dock (MacOS): Dock es una característica del entorno gráfico de macOS, el sistema operativo de Apple . Sin embargo, esta funcionalidad es similar a la que se encuentra en otros sistemas operativos, como la barra de tareas de Microsoft Windows y elementos similares ... (MacOS) [75%] 2023-12-27
DOCK: The program UCSF DOCK was created in the 1980s by Irwin "Tack" Kuntz's Group, and was the first docking program. DOCK uses geometric algorithms to predict the binding modes of small molecules. (Software) [75%] 2023-11-25 [Molecular modelling software] [Molecular modelling]...
DOCS: DOCS (Display Operator Console Support) was a software package for IBM mainframes by CFS Inc., enabling access to the system console using 3270-compatible terminals. Computer operators communicated with IBM mainframe computers using an electro-mechanical typewriter-like console that ... (Software) [75%] 2023-11-16 [Device drivers]
Royal Docks: Royal Docks is an area and a ward in the London Borough of Newham in the London Docklands in East London, England. The area is named after three docks – the Royal Albert Dock, the Royal Victoria Dock and the King ... (Area in Newham, London) [70%] 2024-01-11 [London docks] [Buildings and structures in the London Borough of Newham]...