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  1. Xona Games: Xona Games is an independent Canadian video game developer founded in 2008 and headquartered in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada . The company makes shoot 'em up games, targeting primarily Xbox LIVE Indie Games and Xbox LIVE Arcade which are especially popular ... (Company) [100%] 2023-11-09 [Video game development companies]
  2. Microsoft XNA: Microsoft XNA (a recursive acronym for XNA's not acronymed) is a freeware set of tools with a managed runtime environment that Microsoft developed to facilitate video game development. XNA is based on .NET Framework, with versions that run on ... (Software) [76%] 2023-11-26 [Microsoft application programming interfaces] [Microsoft development tools]...
  3. Microsoft XNA: Pour les articles homonymes, voir XNA. Cet article est une ébauche concernant le jeu vidéo. [76%] 2024-09-12
  4. Microsoft XNA: Microsoft XNAは、マイクロソフトによるコンピュータゲームデザイン、開発および管理を促進することを目的としたゲーム開発のためのツールである。マネージ実行環境を完備する。2004年3月24日、カリフォルニア州のサンノゼのGame Developers Conferenceで発表され、2006年12月11日にリリースされた。2014年4月に終了。 XNAは「XNA's Not Acronymed」(XNAは頭字語ではない)の再帰的頭字語である。 XNA Frameworkは.NET Framework 2.0及び.NET Compact Framework 2.0をベースにしている。これに加えて、異なるプラットフォーム間でのコードの再利用を促進するためのゲーム開発に特化した拡張クラスライ. [76%] 2024-09-12 [マイクロソフトのAPI] [.NET]...
  5. Microsoft XNA: Microsoft XNA ("XNA's Not Acronymed"),完全支援受控代碼的運行環境,由微軟提供用以幫助電腦遊戲開發、電腦軟件開發及管理的一些工具。XNA把遊戲設計員從“反覆刻版編程”中解放出來,還把遊戲開發上的所有需要結合到一個系統之中。XNA 工具集在2004年3月24日在美國加州聖荷西市的遊戲開發者大會首次亮相,第一個公開技術預覽在2006年3月14日推出,最新版本3.0在2008年10月30日推出。 XNA Framework 是建置於.NET Framework 2.0上,XNA 將DirectX的功能以受控代碼的方式封裝運作(因此微软终止了Managed DirectX 9.0的開發,所以有人称XNA为Managed DirectX 2.0),另外還加入了一些專注. [76%] 2024-09-14 [電子遊戲研發] [微軟API]...
  6. Xena: Xena is open-source software for use in digital preservation. Xena is short for XML Electronic Normalising for Archives. (Software) [71%] 2023-11-26 [Digital preservation] [Electronic documents]...
  7. XNU: XNU is the computer operating system (OS) kernel developed at Apple Inc. since December 1996 for use in the Mac OS X (now macOS) operating system and released as free and open-source software as part of the Darwin OS ... (Software) [71%] 2023-11-26 [Mach (kernel)] [Monolithic kernels]...
  8. Xns: A questo titolo corrispondono più voci, di seguito elencate. Questa è una pagina di disambiguazione; se sei giunto qui cliccando un collegamento, puoi tornare indietro e correggerlo, indirizzandolo direttamente alla voce giusta. Vedi anche le voci che iniziano con o contengono il ... [71%] 2023-11-26
  9. XVA: {{Sidebar with collapsible lists | name = Finance sidebar | title = Finance | image = | listtitlestyle = background:#ddf;text-align:center; | listclass = plainlist | expanded = instruments | list1name = markets | list1title = Markets | list1 = | list2name = instruments | list2title = Instruments | list2style = padding-left:2.0em;padding-right:2.0em;. [71%] 2023-12-14 [Mathematical finance] [Credit risk]...
  10. Xia: Xia steht für: Xia oder Hsia ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Xia steht für: .XIA. [71%] 2024-01-20
  11. XDNA: Template:Otheruses4 xDNA is a modified form of DNA with 8 nucleobases: the four natural bases A, C, G, and T, and four artificial modifications of these made longer by the addition of an extra benzene ring: xA, xC, xG ... [71%] 2023-11-26 [Biochemistry methods] [DNA]...
  12. Xana: Ridaküla is a village in Rapla Parish, Rapla County in northwestern Estonia. 59°01′09″N 24°50′10″E / 59.01917°N 24.83611°E / 59.01917; 24.83611. [71%] 2024-02-06
  13. Xnk: .xnk is a file extension used by Microsoft Outlook for shortcuts to Outlook entities (e.g., a folder in Public Folders). In Outlook 2003, a user can double-click such a file to open it. [71%] 2023-11-26 [Microsoft Office] [Computer file formats]...
  14. XNU: XNU是一个由苹果电脑开发用于macOS操作系统的操作系统内核。它是Darwin操作系统的一部分,跟随着Darwin一同作为自由及开放源代码软件被发布。它还是iOS、tvOS和watchOS操作系统的内核。XNU是X is Not Unix的缩写。 XNU最早是NeXT公司为了NeXTSTEP操作系统而发展的。它是一种混合式核心(Hybrid kernel),结合了由卡内基美隆大学发展的Mach 2.5版,4.3BSD,与称为Driver Kit的面向对象程序设计应用程序界面。 在苹果电脑收购NeXT公司之后,XNU的Mach微内核被升级到Mach 3.0,BSD的部分升级至FreeBSD,Driver Kit则改成I/O Kit,一套以C++撰写的应用程序界面。 XNU是一个混合内核,将宏内. [71%] 2023-11-26 [Mach] [宏内核]...
  15. XDNA: xDNA (also known as expanded DNA or benzo-homologated DNA) is a size-expanded nucleotide system synthesized from the fusion of a benzene ring and one of the four natural bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. This size expansion produces ... (Biology) [71%] 2023-11-26 [Biochemistry methods] [DNA]...
  16. Xia (Sixteen Kingdoms): Xia (Chinese: 夏; pinyin: Xià), known in historiography as Hu Xia (胡夏), Northern Xia (北夏), Helian Xia (赫連夏) or the Great Xia (大夏), was a dynastic state of China ruled by the Helian clan of Xiongnu ethnicity during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. Prior to establishing the ... (Sixteen Kingdoms) [71%] 2023-11-26 [Xia (Sixteen Kingdoms)] [407 establishments]...
  17. Xana: The xana (Asturian: /ˈʃana/or [ˈɕ]) is a character found in Asturian mythology. Always female, she is a creature of extraordinary beauty believed to live in fountains, rivers, waterfalls or forested regions with pure water. (Mythological entity) [71%] 2023-11-26 [Asturian mythology] [Spanish legendary creatures]...
  18. Xoa: xoa is a studio album/compilation album by American singer-songwriter Anaïs Mitchell, released in 2014 on Wilderland Records, on 30 September in the US and October the 6th in the UK. The album was recorded with Gary Paczosa in ... [71%] 2023-11-26 [2014 albums] [Anaïs Mitchell albums]...
  19. XSA: In computer science, XSA (better known as Cross-Server Attack) is a networking security intrusion method which allows for a malicious client to compromise security over a website or service on a server by using implemented services on the server ... [71%] 2023-11-26 [Data management] [Computer security exploits]...
  20. XNap: XNap is a free peer-to-peer client licensed under the GNU General Public License. XNap is written purely in Java. (Software) [71%] 2024-02-14 [File sharing software] [Java platform software]...

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