Nature reserve: A nature reserve (also known as a wildlife refuge, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve or bioreserve, natural or nature preserve, or nature conservation area) is a protected area of importance for flora, fauna, or features of geological or other special interest ... (Protected area for flora, fauna or features of geological interest) [96%] 2023-12-19 [Nature reserves] [Land use]...
National nature reserves in Cumbria: National nature reserves in England were established by English Nature, now Natural England, which manages them either directly or through non-governmental organisations such as the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds or the National Trust. There are 25 ... [85%] 2023-12-23 [National nature reserves in England] [Nature reserves in Cumbria]...
Marquesan Nature Reserves: The Marquesan Nature Reserves are a network of small nature reserves in the Marquesas Islands. The reserves were declared by the government of French Polynesia in 1992, as a first step toward preserving the native flora and fauna of some ... [85%] 2023-11-15 [Environment of the Marquesas Islands] [Nature reserves]...
Natural; Nature: NATURAL; NATURE nat'-u-ral, na'-tur (leach; psuchikos, phusikos, phusis) : 1. As Used in the Old Testament: "Natural" is the translation of leach, "freshness or vigor" (Deuteronomy 34:7). Of Moses it is said, "His eye was not dim ... [83%] 1915-01-01
Nature of Wales: The magazine Natur Cymru (or Nature of Wales) is a subscription-based bilingual magazine that covers nature and the environment in Wales, including environmental politics and conservation. It released its first issue in Summer 2001; it published its 50th edition ... [83%] 2024-01-05 [Environmental magazines] [Magazines established in 2001]...
Schlangenberg Nature Reserve: The nature reserve of Schlangenberg which means snake-mountain is located in the west of Germany close to the Dutch and Belgian border. The reserve is near the village Breinigerberg, 15 kilometres from Aachen or 7 kilometres distant from the ... [78%] 2023-12-19 [Aachen (district)] [Mountains and hills of North Rhine-Westphalia]...
Kattang Nature Reserve: The Kattang Nature Reserve is a protected nature reserve that is located in the Mid North Coast region of New South Wales, on the eastern coast of Australia. The 68-hectare (170-acre) reserve is situated 7 kilometres (4.3 ... [78%] 2023-12-19 [Forests of New South Wales] [Mid North Coast]...
Wingaroo Nature Reserve: Wingaroo Nature Reserve is a protected natural area in the northern part of Flinders Island. Covering 9144 hectares, it contains heath, woodland and wetland, and is home to rare populations of horny cone-bush (Isopogon ceratophyllus), saw banksia (Banksia serrata ... [78%] 2023-06-22 [Flinders Island]
Komandorsky Nature Reserve: Komandorsky Nature Reserve (Russian: Командо́рский госуда́рственный биосфе́рный запове́дник) is a zapovednik (nature reserve) located on the Commander Islands, Kamchatka Krai, Russia. The total area of the preserve is 3,648,679 ha (36,486.79 km) of which 2,177,398 ha (21,774 ... (Strict nature reserve in Kamchatka Krai, Russia) [78%] 2023-10-04 [Nature reserves in Russia] [Commander Islands]...
Jaktstuguskogen Nature Reserve: Jaktstuguskogen Nature Reserve (Swedish: Jaktstuguskogens naturreservat) is a nature reserve in Södermanland County, Sweden. Established in 1919, it is the oldest nature reserve in the county and the first natural monument of Sweden. [78%] 2023-01-04 [Nature reserves in Sweden] [Geography of Södermanland County]...
Tigireksky Nature Reserve: Tigirekskiy Nature Reserve (Russian: Тигирекский заповедник) (also Tigireksky) is a Russian 'zapovednik' (strict nature reserve) in the northwest mid-level mountains of the Altai-Sayan region. The reserve was established for the protection and study of the relic pre-glacial dark taiga ... (Strict nature reserve in Altai Krai, Russia) [78%] 2023-11-10 [Nature reserves in Russia] [Protected areas established in 1999]...
Iphithi Nature Reserve: The Iphithi Nature Reserve conserves 12 ha of forest and wetland in the Molweni River's upper catchment in northern Gillitts, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It was founded in 2001 by a group of nearby residents, and is managed by ... [78%] 2022-09-27 [Protected areas of KwaZulu-Natal]