Barbados: Barbados, situated just east of the Caribbean Sea, is an independent island nation in the western Atlantic Ocean. At roughly 13° North and 59° West, the country lies in the southern Caribbean region, where it is part of the Lesser ... [84%] 2023-02-03
Barbados: Island of the British West Indies in the Windward Group; colonized in 1625. It is probable that Jews were among the earliest settlers on this island. The statement is made by Sir Robert H. (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [84%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Barbados: Barbados is an island nation within the Caribbean Sea. The capital of Barbados is Bridgetown. [84%] 2023-02-08 [Caribbean Countries]
Barbados: Barbados (en inglés: Barbados) es un país insular de las Antillas cuya forma de gobierno es una república parlamentaria compuesta por once parroquias. Está situado en las Antillas Menores, al noreste del territorio continental de Venezuela, justo al este de Santa ... [84%] 2023-12-14
Barbados: Barbados is an island nation in the North Atlantic, just east of the Caribbean Sea and the Windward Islands, with Venezuela to the south-east. Barbados is an independent sovereign state within the British Commonwealth, with a bicameral parliament. [84%] 2023-10-02
Barbados: Barbados (UK: /bɑːrˈbeɪdɒs/ bar-BAY-doss; US: /bɑːrˈbeɪdoʊs/ bar-BAY-dohss; locally /bɑːrˈbeɪdəs/ bar-BAY-dəss) is an island country in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies, in the Caribbean region of North America, and is the most easterly ... (Island nation in the Caribbean) [84%] 2024-06-26 [Barbados] [Countries in the Caribbean]...
Symbols (album): Cet article est une ébauche concernant le metal et un album. Albums de Symbols Call to the End(2000) modifier Symbols est le premier album du groupe brésilien de heavy metal Symbols. (Album) [83%] 2025-01-18
Barbaros: Bárbaro» es un exónimo que procede del griego (βάρβαρος)[1] y su traducción literal es «el que balbucea». Los romanos utilizaban este término para designar a aquellos pueblos que habitaban fuera de sus fronteras. Lo tomaron de los antiguos griegos quienes ... [74%] 2023-05-26
Barbadás: Barbadanes Barbadás municipio de España y municipio de Galicia Escudo Casa consistorial Barbadanes Ubicación de Barbadanes en España. Barbadanes Ubicación de Barbadanes en la provincia de Orense. es * * * Mapa interactivo — Barbadanes y su término municipal [editar datos en Wikidata] Barbadanes ... [74%] 2023-05-26
Barbadás: Cet article est une ébauche concernant une localité de Galice. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. [74%] 2023-12-19
Barbatos: En demonología, Barbatos es un demonio que ostenta los títulos de conde y duque del Infierno. Gobierna sobre treinta legiones de demonios y tiene cuatro reyes como séquito para mandar sus legiones. [74%] 2023-11-04
Barbalos: Barbalos es un municipio y localidad española de la provincia de Salamanca, en la comunidad autónoma de Castilla y León. Se integra dentro de la comarca del Campo de Salamanca (Campo Charro) y la subcomarca de La Huebra. [74%] 2024-01-06
Barbado: Paulus Barbus, conocido como Pablo Barbo, como Barbado o como Soncinas, fue un fraile dominico italiano, filósofo y teólogo que nació en Soncino, Lombardía, de donde proviene el apodo con el que fueron publicadas muchas de sus obras. Murió en Cremona, el ... [72%] 2023-05-26
Symbole: The symbole, also called ar vuoc'h ("the cow"), was an object used by Francophone headmasters in public and private schools in Brittany, French Flanders, Occitania, Basque Country and North Catalonia as a means of punishment for students caught speaking ... (Social) [71%] 2023-11-21 [Linguistic discrimination]
Symbol: In chemistry, a symbol is an abbreviation for a chemical element. Symbols for chemical elements normally consist of one or two letters from the Latin alphabet and are written with the first letter capitalised. (Chemistry) [69%] 2023-10-22 [Chemical elements]
Symbol (formal): A logical symbol is a fundamental concept in logic, tokens of which may be marks or a configuration of marks which form a particular pattern. Although the term "symbol" in common use refers at some times to the idea being ... (Formal) [69%] 2024-01-09 [Formal languages] [Metalogic]...
Symbol: A symbol is something that is used for or regarded as representing something else. It may be a material object which represents an abstract or immaterial entity or idea such as a fish or cross to represent Christianity. [69%] 2023-02-19 [Language] [Philosophy]...
Symbol: A visible representation of an object or an idea. In Hebrew the word denoting symbol is "ot," which in early Judaism denoted not only a sign, but also a visible religious token of the mystic relation between God and man ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [69%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
SymbOS: SYmbiosis Multitasking Based Operating System (SymbOS) is a multitasking operating system for Zilog Z80-based 8-bit computer systems. Contrary to early 8-bit operating systems it is based on a microkernel, which provides preemptive and priority-oriented multitasking and ... (Software) [69%] 2023-12-03 [Hobbyist operating systems]