Ranelagh (Irlande): Cet article est une ébauche concernant une localité irlandaise. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. (Irlande) [95%] 2023-12-28
Ranelagh: Ranelagh, formerly a popular resort by the Thames in Chelsea, London, England. About 1690 the land lying east of Chelsea Hospital, and bordering the river about the point where Chelsea Bridge now stands, was acquired by Richard, Viscount Ranelagh, later ... [95%] 2022-09-02
Ranelagh: Ranelagh es una localidad del sur del Gran Buenos Aires, situada en el partido de Berazategui en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Es también llamada "La Ciudad Jardín" por su gran arbolada alrededor de toda la localidad y por ... [95%] 2024-02-12
Grammar school: A grammar school is one of several different types of school in the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries. In recent times these schools have provided secondary education. [82%] 2023-02-27 [Schools]
Grammar school: L'espressione grammar school oggi indica nel Regno Unito una scuola secondaria simile al liceo dei paesi latini e al Gymnasium di quelli di lingua tedesca, ovvero designa una scuola secondaria propedeutica all'università. Le scuole sono note soprattutto per l ... [82%] 2023-10-30
Grammar school: A grammar school, a term most often used in the United Kingdom and Australia, is a secondary school in which a traditional academic curriculum is taught in preparation for university. In the past, subjects such as Latin and Greek were ... [82%] 2023-02-04
Grammar school: Un grammar school, en el Reino Unido y otros países angloparlantes, es un establecimiento de educación secundaria o, en algunos casos, de nivel primario. Los orígenes de la grammar school se remontan a la Europa medieval. [82%] 2024-01-08
Grammar School: Grammar Schools im Vereinigten Königreich sind heute (ähnlich den deutschen Gymnasien) staatliche weiterführende Schulen mit höheren Ansprüchen. Der früher verbreitete Schultyp (neben der Technical School und der Secondary Modern School) beruhte etwa seit 1945 auf einer selektiven Prüfung im Alter ... [82%] 2024-01-19
Grammar school: A grammar school is one of several different types of school in the history of education in the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries, originally a school teaching Latin, but more recently an academically oriented secondary school. The original ... (Type of school in the United Kingdom and some other countries) [82%] 2024-01-21 [Education in the United Kingdom] [State schools in the United Kingdom]...
Grammar school: Une grammar school est, dans les pays anglophones, un établissement d'enseignement secondaire ou, plus rarement, d'enseignement primaire. Les origines des grammar schools remontent à l'Europe médiévale. [82%] 2024-01-21
Grammar (linguistics): Grammar has several meanings, from the technical to the everyday. In its most popular sense, a 'grammar' may be little more than a list of rules, handed down by some authority, which supplies advice on how to speak 'correctly'. (Linguistics) [71%] 2023-08-30
Grammar: Grammar is the study of the rules governing use of language. As such, it is part of the discipline of linguistics. [71%] 2023-02-25 [Linguistics]
Grammar: By the grammar of a language is meant either the relations borne by the words of a sentence and by sentences themselves one to another, or the systematized exposition of these. The exposition may be, and frequently is, incorrect; but ... [71%] 2022-09-02
Grammar (disambiguation): This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same or a similar title. Languages * 2 Technology * 3 Education ## Linguistics[edit] * Grammar (linguistics) [r]: The structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any language; alternatively, the ... (Disambiguation) [71%] 2023-09-03
Grammar: In linguistics, the grammar of a natural language is its set of structural constraints on speakers' or writers' composition of clauses, phrases, and words. The term can also refer to the study of such constraints, a field that includes domains ... (Social) [71%] 2023-09-20 [Linguistics terminology]
Grammar: In linguistics, the grammar of a natural language is its set of structural rules on speakers' or writers' usage and creation of clauses, phrases, and words. The term can also refer to the study of such rules, a subject that ... (Structural rules of a language) [71%] 2024-01-12 [Grammar] [Writing]...
Laxton Grammar School: Laxton Grammar School was a historic school located in Oundle, Northamptonshire, founded after the death of Sir William Laxton (Lord Mayor of London) in 1556. It was finally subsumed into Oundle School in 2000 under the name Oundle School. [67%] 2023-12-23 [Educational institutions established in the 1550s] [Oundle]...
Sydney Grammar School: Sydney Grammar School (SGS, known colloquially as Grammar) is an independent, fee-paying, non-denominational day school for boys, located in Sydney, Australia. Incorporated in 1854 by Act of Parliament and opened in 1857, the school claims to offer a ... (Grammar school in Sydney, Australia) [67%] 2024-01-08 [Educational institutions established in 1825] [1850 disestablishments]...