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Avot: Avot es una población y comuna francesa, en la región de Borgoña, departamento de Côte-d'Or, en el distrito de Dijon y cantón de Grancey-le-Château-Neuvelle. [100%] 2024-01-11
Avot of Rabbi Natan: Avot of Rabbi Natan, also known as Avot de-Rabbi Nathan (ARN) (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: אבות דרבי נתן), the first and longest of the minor tractates of the Talmud, is a Jewish aggadic work probably compiled in the geonic era (c.700–900 ... [89%] 2024-03-19 [8th-century texts] [9th-century texts]...
Avot de-Rabbi Natan: Avot of Rabbi Natan, also known as Avot de-Rabbi Nathan (ARN) (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: אבות דרבי נתן), the first and longest of the minor tractates of the Talmud, is a Jewish aggadic work probably compiled in the geonic era (c.700–900 ... [89%] 2024-05-08 [8th-century texts] [9th-century texts]...
Avot de-Rabbi Nathan: Avot de-Rabbi Nathan (hebräisch אבות דרבי נתן abgekürzt ARN) ist ein in zwei Hauptfassungen erhaltenes rabbinisches Kommentarwerk zur Mischna Avot und zählt zu den außerkanonischen Traktaten, die im Anhang zum babylonischen Talmud, in der Regel als Anhang zur Ordnung Nesiqin, abgedruckt werden ... [89%] 2024-09-23
Rabbit: Rabbits are short-tailed rodent-like mammals of the order Lagomorpha, comprising ten genera and twenty-six species, and characterized by long, powerful hind legs and long, erect ears. In contrast to the similar-looking hares, rabbits are born blind ... [82%] 2023-02-05 [Animals] [Mammals]...
Rabbids: Rabbids, also known as Raving Rabbids (French: Lapins Crétins), is a multimedia franchise developed and published by Ubisoft. It originated as a spin-off video game from the Rayman video game series, 2006's Rayman Raving Rabbids. (Video game franchise created by Ubisoft) [82%] 2023-12-20 [Rabbids] [Ubisoft franchises]...
Rabbit: A rabbit is a small herbivorous mammal known for its long ears and quick bursts of speed. The word "rabbit" is sometimes used to refer to the related hare, although properly they are distinguished in that rabbits are altricial, having ... [82%] 2023-09-02
Rabbit: Additions, corrections and discussions on this subject by users of the Classic Encyclopedia can be found on the discussion page --- Rabbit, the modern name of the well-known rodent, formerly called (as it still is in English legal phraseology) Cony ... [82%] 2022-09-02
Rabbits (2002): Rabbits (en.: „Hasen“) ist eine Serie von acht Kurzfilmen, die 2002 von dem Regisseur David Lynch auf seiner Homepage veröffentlicht wurden. Die Serie firmiert unter dem Motto In a nameless city deluged by a continuous rain… three rabbits live with ... (2002) [82%] 2023-11-04
Rabbit (zodiac): The Rabbit (卯) is the fourth of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Rabbit is associated with the Earthly Branch symbol 卯. (Zodiac) [82%] 2023-12-18 [Astrological signs]
Rabbit: Rabbits, also known as bunnies or bunny rabbits, are small mammals in the family Leporidae (which also includes the hares), which is in the order Lagomorpha (which also includes the pikas). Oryctolagus cuniculus is the European rabbit, including its descendants ... (Mammals of the family Leporidae) [82%] 2023-12-22 [Articles containing video clips] [Cosmopolitan mammals]...
Rabbit: Pentalagus Bunolagus Nesolagus Romerolagus Brachylagus Sylvilagus Oryctolagus Poelagus Pronolagus Coprolagus Rabbit is the common name for small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, characterized by long ears and legs, large hind feet, a short and bushy tail ... [82%] 2023-02-03
Rabbit: Rabbit — высокоскоростной поточный шифр впервые представленный в феврале 2003 года на 10-м симпозиуме FSE. В мае 2005, он был отправлен на конкурс eStream, целью которого было создание европейских стандартов для поточных систем шифрования. [82%] 2023-11-30
Rabbit (nuclear engineering): In the field of nuclear engineering, a rabbit is a pneumatically controlled tool used to insert small samples of material inside the core of a nuclear reactor, usually for the purpose of studying the effect of irradiation on the material ... (Engineering) [82%] 2023-12-18 [Nuclear technology]
Rabbit (zodiac): The rabbit (兔) is the fourth in the twelve-year periodic sequence (cycle) of animals that appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Rabbit is associated with the Earthly Branch symbol 卯. (Zodiac) [82%] 2024-03-18 [Chinese astrological signs] [Animals in Chinese mythology]...
RABBIT: RABBIT(ラビット)は、1980年代末期から1996年まで活躍していた日本のロックバンド。 このRABBITでギタリストを務めていた野下俊哉は、 1989年4月29日放送の『三宅裕司のいかすバンド天国』(TBSテレビ)に出場し、後にメジャー・デビュー曲となる「Good time & bad time」を演奏、チャレンジャー賞を受賞し、4代目イカ天キングだったイエロー太陽sに勝って5代目イカ天キングとなる。翌週5月6日には「CONTACT」ではなわか、5月13日には「Rock And Roll Avenue」でCOR-SEZを破り4週目に進んだが、5月20日にJITTERIN'JINNに敗れる。このときの楽曲は「Perfect Lover Boy」。5月6日の楽曲「CONTACT」は、後にダ. [82%] 2024-12-09 [日本のロック・バンド] [イカ天出身のバンド]...
Rabbit (disambigua): A questo titolo corrispondono più voci, di seguito elencate. Questa è una pagina di disambiguazione; se sei giunto qui cliccando un collegamento, puoi tornare indietro e correggerlo, indirizzandolo direttamente alla voce giusta. Vedi anche le voci che iniziano con o contengono il ... (Disambigua) [82%] 2024-12-09
Rabbit (cifrario): Il Rabbit è un veloce cifrario a flusso disegnato da Martin Boesgaard, Mette Vesterager, Thomas Pedersen, Jesper Christiansen e Ove Scavenius di Cryptico, una società danese specializzata nello studio di soluzioni crittografiche. Il Rabbit è stato inizialmente presentato nel 2003 al decimo Fast ... (Cifrario) [82%] 2024-12-09