Patricia (Mondkrater): 10.7 Patricia ist ein kleiner Mondkrater auf der Mondvorderseite am Südrand des Palus Putredinis. Die namentliche Bezeichnung geht auf eine ursprünglich inoffizielle Bezeichnung auf Blatt 41A3/S1 der Topophotomap-Kartenserie der NASA zurück, die von der IAU 1976 übernommen ... (Mondkrater) [100%] 2024-01-19
Patricia (nombre): Patricia teheran vallenata nació el 10 de junio de 1969 y murió el 19 de enero de 1995 patriarcal. El padre tenía un gran poder en la vida de la familia, incluso en sus manos estaba el derecho sobre la vida o ... (Nombre) [100%] 2023-12-20
Patrick Nagel (Künstler): Patrick Nagel (* 25. November 1945 in Dayton (Ohio), Vereinigte Staaten; † 4. (Künstler) [95%] 2023-09-01
Patrick Nagel: Patrick Nagel (November 25, 1945 – February 4, 1984) was an American artist and illustrator. He created popular illustrations on board, paper, and canvas, most of which emphasize the female form in a distinctive style, descended from Art Deco and Pop ... (American artist) [95%] 2023-07-26 [1945 births] [1984 deaths]...
Patrick Nagel: Patrick Nagel (Dayton, 25 de noviembre de 1945-Santa Mónica, 4 de febrero de 1984) fue un artista estadounidense, creador de ilustraciones populares impresas y serigrafiadas. Sus obras tienen un estilo característico enfocado en la figura femenina, siguiendo un estilo ... [95%] 2024-03-22
Called by Name: Called by Name (Polish: Zawołani po imieniu) is a project commemorating Poles who were murdered for aiding Jews during World War II organized by the Pilecki Institute. The project was initiated by Magdalena Gawin , Deputy Minister of Culture and National ... (Polish project commemorate) [95%] 2024-05-27 [Rescue of Jews by Poles in occupied Poland in 1939-1945] [2019 establishments in Poland]...
Patrician: The 4th century BCE Greek philosopher Aristotle once wrote in his essay Politics, “If liberty and equality…are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost ... [87%] 2014-07-11
Patricio (obispo de Málaga): San Patricio (¿Málaga?, siglo III - Galia, 16 de marzo de 307) figura ya como obispo de Málaga en las actas del Concilio de Elvira, cerca de la ciudad de Granada, celebrado entre el año 300 y 313, y que estuvo ... (Obispo de Málaga) [87%] 2023-10-17
Patricio (nombre): Patricio es un nombre propio masculino de origen latino que significa Aquel que es patricio o noble. Viene de patricii o patricius —que a su vez proviene de pater (padre)— que desde los comienzos de la Antigua Roma hasta el ... (Nombre) [87%] 2023-12-30
Namea: Namea is a genus of spiders in the family Anamidae. It is endemic to Australia. (Genus of spiders) [85%] 2024-01-13 [Namea] [Mygalomorphae genera]...
Naked (2002 film): Naked (Nackt in German) is a German comedy film about the relationship problems of three young couples in Berlin, who meet for a dinner party which does not go well. Released in 2002, it was directed by Doris Dörrie who ... (2002 film) [85%] 2023-12-08 [2002 films] [2000s German-language films]...
Nemed: Nemed or Nimeth (modern spelling: Neimheadh) is a character in medieval Irish legend. According to the Lebor Gabála Érenn (compiled in the 11th century), he was the leader of the third group of people to settle in Ireland: the Muintir ... (Figure of Irish mythology) [85%] 2023-12-16 [Legendary Irish people] [Mythological cycle]...
Naked (Glee): "Naked" is the twelfth episode of the fourth season of the American musical television series Glee, and the seventy-eighth episode overall. Written and directed by co-creators Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan, respectively, it aired on Fox in the ... (Glee) [85%] 2023-11-14 [2013 American television episodes] [Glee (season 4) episodes]...
Naked (Louise album): Naked is the debut solo album by English singer Louise. Released in July 1996, it peaked at number seven on the UK Albums Chart and sold over 300,000 copies in the UK alone, being certified platinum. (Louise album) [85%] 2023-11-15 [1996 debut albums] [EMI Records albums]...