Colleges within universities in the United Kingdom: Colleges within universities in the United Kingdom can be divided into two broad categories: those in federal universities such as the University of London, which are primarily teaching institutions joined in a federation, and residential colleges in universities following (to ... (Organization) [92%] 2024-01-09 [Educational stages] [Universities in the United Kingdom]...
Hunting and shooting in the United Kingdom: In the United Kingdom, the term hunting with no qualification generally refers to hunting with hounds, e.g. normally fox hunting, stag (deer) hunting, beagling, or minkhunting, whereas shooting is the shooting of game birds. (none) [85%] 2024-01-10 [Hunting and shooting in the United Kingdom]
Initiatives and referendums in the United States: The Initiative, Referendum, and Recall efforts became one of the most visible success stories of the early 20th century Progressive Era. The effort started out primarily as Initiative and Referendum and had several other names such as The Oregon System ... [85%] 2023-03-15 [Progressive Era]