British Fascists: William Joyce, Neil Francis Hawkins, Maxwell Knight y Arnold Leese fueron algunos de los que pasaron por el movimiento como miembros y activistas. Fue fundado el 6 de mayo de 1923 por Rotha Lintorn-Orman, una de las pocas mujeres ... [100%] 2023-06-01
British Fascists: The British Fascists (originally called the British Fascisti), formed in 1923, was the first political organisation in the United Kingdom to claim the label of fascist, although the group had little ideological unity apart from anti-socialism for much of ... (British fascist political party) [100%] 2024-01-01 [Political parties established in 1923] [Fascist parties in the United Kingdom]...
British Union of Fascists: The British Union of Fascists was a Fascist political party founded in 1932 by Sir Oswald Mosley. It advocated an Italian model of Fascism, but accompanied this with Nazi-style antisemitism and a propensity for street violence. [70%] 2023-02-16 [Fascists] [British Political Parties]...
This machine kills fascists: «This Machine Kills Fascists» (дословно «Эта машина убивает фашистов»; в контексте — «Этот аппарат/инструмент убивает фашистов») — наклейка на гитаре американского музыканта, исполнителя фолка и кантри, Вуди Гатри, которая вдохновила множество других музыкантов. Фраза позаимствована музыкантом с бортов самолетов, сражавшихся на Гражданской войне в И. [70%] 2023-10-05
This machine kills fascists: "This machine kills fascists" is a message that American musician Woody Guthrie placed on his guitar in the mid 1940s, starting in 1943. Circa 1943, in the midst of World War II, Guthrie wrote the war song "Talking Hitler's ... (Slogan coined by Woody Guthrie) [70%] 2024-03-17 [English phrases] [Woody Guthrie]...
From search of external encyclopedias:
400 Fascists ... 400 Fascists è il primo album della band hardcore punk italiana Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers, prodotto dalla Ces ...
British Fascists ... Les British Fascists, fondé le 6 mai 1923 par Rotha Lintorn-Orman et dissout en juillet 1935, sont la première organisat ...
American Fascists ... American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America is a 2007 non-fiction book by the American journalist C ...
British Union of Fascists ... Die British Union of Fascists (BUF) war eine britische faschistische politische Partei der 1930er Jahre. Mit den British Fascists ...
British Union of Fascists ... British Union of Fascists (BUF, en français Union britannique des fascistes) était un parti politique britannique d'inspirati ...
Canadian Union of Fascists ... 1934 as the British Empire Union of Fascists by Canadian supporters of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists after BUF member Hubert Cox vis ...
This Comp Kills Fascists Vol. 1 ... This Comp Kills Fascists Vol. 1 is a compilation album released by Relapse Records focusing on grindcore and powerviolence b ...
This Machine Still Kills Fascists ... This Machine Still Kills Fascists è l'undicesimo album in studio del gruppo musicale statunitense Dropkick Murphys, pubblicato nel 20 ...
This Machine Still Kills Fascists ... Still Kills Fascists" (in Dutch). Hung Medien. Retrieved October 9, 2022. " – Dropkick Murphys – This Machine ...
Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (girls) ... Fascist Youth The Russian Fascists: Tragedy and Farce in Exile, 1925—1945 by John J. Stephan ISBN 0-06-014099-2 Stephan, John J. ...
Memorial to Polish Soldiers and German Anti-Fascists ... The Memorial to Polish Soldiers and German Anti-Fascists (German: Denkmal des polnischen Soldaten und deutschen Antifaschisten; Polish: Pomnik żołnierza...
This machine kills fascists ... This machine kills fascists (deutsch: Diese Maschine tötet Faschisten) ist ein Spruch, den Woody Guthrie Anfang der 1940er Jahr ...
This machine kills fascists ... "This machine kills fascists" (Esta máquina mata fascistas, em português) é uma mensagem que Woody Guthrie colocou em seu violão ...
This machine kills fascists ... « This Machine Kills Fascists » (« cette machine tue les fascistes », en français) est une formule apposée par le ...
Fascist (insult) ... social fascists, while the social democrats themselves as well as some parties on the political right accused the C ...
Fasciste (insulte) Ne doit pas être confondu avec Fascisme. Le terme « fasciste » a été utilisé comme une épithète péjorative contre un large éventail de personnes, de mouvements...
Néofascisme ... par Oswald Mosley, déjà responsable avant-guerre de la British Union of Fascists. Le parti a existé de 1948 à 1973. Le qualificatif de néofasciste est parfois...
The Fascist The Fascist (Italian: Il federale) is a 1961 Italian comedy-drama film directed by Luciano Salce. It was coproduced with France. It was also the first...
Nazifascismo ... Have All the Fascists Gone?. [S.l.]: Ashgate Publishing, pág. 99 (em inglês) ISBN 9780754671541 Adicionado em 8 de ...
Antifascisme Seconde Guerre mondiale au sein des résistances contre les dictatures fascistes et nazie ainsi que contre les régimes de collaboration. En dehors de la...
Fascist Italy ... Fascist Party controlled the country, transforming it into a totalitarian dictatorship. The Italian Fascists imposed totalitarian...
Red fascism ... that the leaders of the Soviet Union during the Stalin era acted as "red fascists" have come from left-wing figures who identified as anarchists, left communists...
Fascist Legacy Fascist Legacy ist ein zweiteiliger Dokumentarfilm der BBC des Regisseurs Ken Kirby aus dem Jahr 1989, der in zwei Teilen über die italienischen Kriegsverbrechen…
Salut fasciste Le salut fasciste est un salut exécuté par le bras et la main droite tendus, qui serait semblable au salut prétendument romain. Signe de ralliement du...
Parti fasciste différents partis politiques portant le même nom. Parti fasciste russe Parti fasciste républicain Parti fasciste révolutionnaire Parti national fasciste...
Post-fascism ... ISSN 0013-0613. Retrieved 2024-07-10. "The Guardian view on Italian post-fascists: heading for the mainstream? | Editorial". The Guardian. 31 May 2021. Archived...
نمبات النُّمْبات (بالإنجليزية: Numbat) (باللاتينية: Myrmecobius fasciatus) ويُعرَف بأسماءٍ أخرى منها آكل النمل المُخطَّط وآكل النمل الجرابي هو حيوان من الجرابيات...
Itália Fascista A Itália fascista, também denominada como regime de Mussolini, ditadura de Benito Mussolini ou ditadura fascista, é o período da história da Itália do...