Search for "Intelligent Design" in article titles:

  1. Intelligent Design (Book): Intelligent Design is a book by William Dembski which "aims to show the lay reader how detecting design within the universe, and especially against the backdrop of biology and biochemistry, unseats naturalism—and above all Darwin's expulsion of design ... (Book) [100%] 2023-03-22 [Intelligent Design] [Christian Books]...
  2. Intelligent Design Network: The Intelligent Design network, inc. (commonly IDnet or Intelligent Design Network) is a nonprofit organization formed in Kansas to promote the pseudoscientific principle of intelligent design. (Organization) [100%] 2023-12-15 [Intelligent design organizations]
  3. Intelligent Design Network: The Intelligent Design network, inc. (commonly IDnet or Intelligent Design Network) is a nonprofit organization formed in Kansas to promote the pseudoscientific principle of intelligent design. (American nonprofit organization) [100%] 2024-04-02 [Intelligent design organizations]
  4. Centre for Intelligent Design: The Centre for Intelligent Design is an advocacy group, headquartered in Scotland that promotes the pseudoscientific principle. of intelligent design. (Advocacy group in Scotland) [86%] 2023-12-13 [Intelligent design movement] [Intelligent design organizations]...
  5. Centre for Intelligent Design: The Centre for Intelligent Design is an advocacy group, headquartered in Scotland that promotes the pseudoscientific principle. of intelligent design. (Organization) [86%] 2023-12-26 [Intelligent design movement] [Intelligent design organizations]...
  6. Centre for Intelligent Design: The Centre for Intelligent Design is an organisation in the United Kingdom that promotes the theory of Intelligent Design, which "argues that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by intelligent causation." The centre's ... [86%] 2023-03-13 [Intelligent Design]
  7. Intelligent Design on Trial: Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial is a documentary on the case of Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District—which concentrated on the question of whether or not intelligent design could be viewed as science and taught in school science ... [86%] 2023-12-02 [Intelligent design controversies]
  8. General and Special Evidence for Intelligent Design in Biology: The general evidence for intelligent design in biological systems is evidence that can be used to support both unintelligent causation (e.g., Darwinism) and intelligent causation (i.e., intelligent design theory). Thus, the general evidence for intelligent design is the ... [57%] 2023-02-17 [Intelligent Design]
  9. Intelligent Design vs. Evolution - Letters to an Atheist: Intelligent Design vs. Evolution - Letters to an Atheist (ISBN 0882701665) is a book authored by Ray Comfort, published in 2006. [57%] 2024-01-02 [Books] [Reviews]...
  10. Intelligent design: Intelligent design (ID) is the claim that fundamental features of the universe and living things are best explained by purposeful causation—a "higher intelligence." Proponents of ID argue that conventional biological theory of evolution through natural selection cannot explain the ... [100%] 2023-07-10
  11. Intelligent design: Intelligent design (ID) is the view that it is possible to infer from empirical evidence that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection ... [100%] 2023-02-04
  12. Intelligent design: Intelligent design (ID) is the view that it is possible to infer from empirical evidence that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection ... [100%] 2023-02-04
  13. Intelligent design: Intelligent design (ID) is a pseudoscientific argument for the existence of God, presented by its proponents as "an evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins". Proponents claim that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best ... (Pseudoscientific argument for the existence of God) [100%] 2024-01-13 [Intelligent design] [Arguments for the existence of God]...
  14. Intelligent design: Intelligent design (ID) is a pseudoscientific argument for the existence of God, presented by its proponents as "an evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins". Proponents claim that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best ... (Pseudoscientific argument for the existence of God) [100%] 2023-11-14 [Intelligent design] [Arguments for the existence of God]...
  15. Intelligent design: Intelligent design (ID) is the empirically testable theory that the natural world shows signs of having been designed by a purposeful, intelligent cause. As Jonathan Wells wrote, "ID .. [100%] 2023-02-21 [Intelligent Design] [Science]...
  16. Intelligent design: Intelligent design creationism (often intelligent design, ID, or IDC) is a pseudoscience that maintains that certain aspects of the physical world, and more specifically life, superficially look designed, and hence were designed, by an intelligent being (usually, but not always ... [100%] 2023-12-14 [Apologetics and counter-apologetics] [Existence of gods]...
  17. Intelligent design parodies: Intelligent design parodies might refer to. [81%] 2023-12-13
  18. Intelligent design movement: ID has made significant inroads at major universities, and recruited a wide range of Ph. s to serve as fellows at Seattle's Discovery Institute. ID may not be young earth creationism, and may not be "creation science". [81%] 2023-06-30 [Intelligent Design]
  19. Intelligent design movement: The intelligent design movement is a neo-creationist religious campaign for broad social, academic and political change to promote and support the pseudoscientific idea of intelligent design (ID), which asserts that "certain features of the universe and of living things ... (Neo-creationist religious campaign) [81%] 2024-01-21 [Intelligent design movement] [Religion and politics]...
  20. Intelligent design movement: Aux États-Unis d'Amérique, l’intelligent design movement (littéralement mouvement du dessein intelligent) est une campagne organisée par les néocréationnistes visant à influencer les citoyens, les milieux politiques et académiques américains et à faire accepter le concept du dessein intelligent. L ... [81%] 2023-12-16
  21. Intelligent design movement: The intelligent design movement is a neo-creationist religious campaign for broad social, academic and political change to promote and support the pseudoscientific idea of intelligent design (ID), which asserts that "certain features of the universe and of living things ... (Neo-creationist religious campaign) [81%] 2023-12-06 [Intelligent design movement] [Religion and politics]...
  22. Intelligent design controversy: The intelligent design controversy is the most important intellectual and political dispute of modern times, involving questions of science, philosophy, law, and religion. Intelligent design addresses the origins debate, attempting to establish an objective, scientific midway position between Creationism and ... [81%] 2023-02-07 [Evolution]
  23. Intelligent design movement: The Intelligent Design movement is a political movement designed to weaken Darwinism, especially in the U.S. and especially as taught in the schools. [81%] 2023-08-07
  24. Intelligent design and science: The relationship between intelligent design and science has been a contentious one. Intelligent design (ID) is presented by its proponents as science and claims to offer an alternative to evolution. (Relationship between intelligent design and science) [70%] 2023-12-02 [Intelligent design] [Creationist objections to evolution]...
  25. What is intelligent design: Below in the left column is the Discovery Institute's page on "What is Intelligent Design?" In this side-by-side analysis, we look at their definition and commentary. [70%] 2023-02-15 [Pseudoscience] [Side-by-side articles]...
  26. Global intelligent design movement: Evolution News and Views reported concerning the intelligent design movement. [70%] 2023-02-16 [Intelligent Design]
  27. Intelligent design and creationism: Intelligent design and creationism each approach the origins question differently, although they both reject the theory of evolution. But supporters and opponents of intelligent design (ID) disagree on how closely related the two are. [70%] 2023-03-10 [Intelligent Design] [Fundamentalism]...
  28. Intelligent design in politics: The intelligent design movement has conducted an organized campaign largely in the United States that promotes a pseudoscientific, neo-creationist religious agenda calling for broad social, academic and political changes centering on intelligent design. Though creationism and intelligent design are ... (Social) [70%] 2023-11-04 [Intelligent design movement] [Religion and politics]...
  29. Timeline of intelligent design: This timeline of intelligent design outlines the major events in the development of intelligent design as presented and promoted by the intelligent design movement. Science is devoted to formulating and testing naturalistic explanations for natural phenomena. [70%] 2023-12-02 [Intelligent design]
  30. Timeline of intelligent design: This timeline of intelligent design outlines the major events in the development of intelligent design as presented and promoted by the intelligent design movement. Science is devoted to formulating and testing naturalistic explanations for natural phenomena. (Outline of the topic) [70%] 2023-12-13 [Timelines of Christianity] [Intelligent design]...
  31. Testability of intelligent design: Phillip E. Johnson told NOVA. [70%] 2023-03-04 [Intelligent Design]
  32. Intelligent design of life: A scientist can make arguments for the intelligent design of life or the universe without making God a premise in the argument - that is, a scientist can argue for intelligent design based upon scientific evidence (as some of our scientists ... [70%] 2023-06-25 [Quotes]

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