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Local ballot measure reports: This page highlights reports by Ballotpedia staff about local measures. Below you will find links to special reports about elections, local pension reform, notable political topics such as marijuana, fracking, GMOs, minimum wage, LGBT issues, development, public pensions, law enforcement ... [100%] 2024-02-18 [Local ballot measures] [Ballotpedia reports]...
Measure; Measures: MEASURE; MEASURES mezh'-ur, Several different words in the Hebrew and Greek are rendered by "measure" in English Versions of the Bible. In Job 11:9 and Jeremiah 13:25 it stands for madh, middah, and it is the usual ... [89%] 1915-01-01
Bond County, Illinois ballot measures: You can see whether Ballotpedia is covering this county's local ballot measures based on the list of counties overlapping with the largest cities, which is available here. In 2023, Ballotpedia is covering local ballot measures that appear on the ... [85%] 2023-11-13 [Illinois counties (ballots)] [Ballot_measures_by_county]...
Local ballot measure elections in 2015: This page is a summary of all the local 2015 ballot measure elections covered by Ballotpedia. Staff writers covered all local ballot measure elections in California and a selection of local ballot measures based on widespread interest in the issue ... [81%] 2024-01-03 [2015 elections] [Local ballot elections by year]...
Local ballot measure elections in 2019: In 2019, Ballotpedia covered local measures that appear on the ballot for voters within the top 100 largest cities in the U.S. Ballotpedia also covered all local measures in North Carolina, all local measures in California, and all statewide ... [81%] 2023-12-20 [2019 elections] [Local ballot elections by year]...
Local ballot measure elections in 2014: This page is a summary of all the local 2014 ballot measure elections covered by Ballotpedia. Ballotpedia staff covered all local ballot measure elections in California and selected local ballot measures in other states based on hot-button political topics. [81%] 2024-02-18 [2014 elections] [Local ballot elections by year]...
Local property tax on the ballot: Local property tax on the ballot: This topic refers to local ballot measures that seeks to authorize any change in property taxes by local government entities such as cities, towns, villages, counties, special districts and school districts. [80%] 2024-02-18 [Local property tax] [Issue pages on local ballot measures]...
Local sales tax on the ballot: Local sales tax on the ballot: This topic refers to local ballot measures that seek to authorize sales taxes by local government entities such as cities, towns, villages, counties, special districts and school districts. [80%] 2024-02-18 [Local sales tax] [Issue pages on local ballot measures]...