Search for "Baron de Hirsch Fund" in article titles:
Hirsch Fund, Baron De: A fund of $2,400,000 for ameliorating the condition of certain Jewish immigrants to the United States. This fund was incorporated under the laws of the state of New York, Feb. Julius Goldman, honorary secretary; Henry Rice, James H. (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [100%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Suggestions for article titles:
Baron Hirsch: Fue uno de los principales impulsores de las colonias judías en América, en especial en Argentina, Canadá y los Estados Unidos; y el principal sostén de la Jewish Colonization Association. La ciudad de Mauricio Hirsch lleva su nombre en recuerdo de ... [81%] 2023-05-26
Hirsch, Baron Maurice De (Moritz Hirsch, Freiherr Auf Gereuth): , 1831; died near Ersek-Ujvar, Hungary, April 21, 1896; eldest son of Baron Joseph von Hirsch, and grandson of Baron Jacob von Hirsch, by whom the family fortune was founded. Maurice de Hirsch received a good, plain education at Munich ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [70%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Baron de Hirsch Cemetery, Montreal: The Baron de Hirsch Cemetery, also known as the Baron de Hirsch Affiliated Cemeteries, Baron de Hirsch United Cemeteries and Baron de Hirsch Memorial Park, is a Jewish cemetery located on the north side of De la Savane Street, between ... (Jewish cemetery in Montreal, Quebec, Canada) [63%] 2023-08-21 [Cemeteries in Montreal] [Jewish cemeteries in Quebec]...
Hirsch: Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Pour l’article ayant un titre homophone, voir Hirsh. [63%] 2024-09-07
Hirsch: Hirsch steht für: Siehe auch. [63%] 2024-09-06
Hirsch (Wappentier): Der Hirsch ist in der Heraldik als eine gemeine Figur beliebt. Im Wappen wird er sehr unterschiedlich dargestellt. (Wappentier) [63%] 2024-09-06
Hirsch (Bierfass): Als Hirsch bzw. Hirschen wird ein traditionelles hölzernes Bierfass mit dem Fassungsvermögen von 200 Litern bezeichnet. (Bierfass) [63%] 2024-09-07
Fund of funds: A "fund of funds" (FOF) is an investment strategy of holding a portfolio of other investment funds rather than investing directly in stocks, bonds or other securities. This type of investing is often referred to as multi-manager investment. (Finance) [58%] 2023-07-23 [Investment management] [Investment funds]...
Fund: A fund (n.) is a source of supply or a reserve (usually pecuniary or money) to facilitate something. Often in reference to a large-scale or long-term project. [58%] 2023-03-05 [Business] [Accounting]...
Fund (finance): Fund (finance) : (i) (noun) A sum of money that is put aside for a specified purpose (such as "sinking fund" for the repayment of a debt). (ii) (noun) A professionally managed collection of financial assets. (Finance) [58%] 2023-07-23
Horsch: Horsch ist der Familienname folgender Personen. [52%] 2023-12-20
Hirsche: Die Hirsche (Cervidae) oder Geweihträger sind eine Säugetierfamilie aus der Ordnung der Paarhufer (Artiodactyla). Die Familie umfasst mehr als 80 Arten, von denen unter anderem der Rothirsch, der Damhirsch, das Reh, das Ren und der Elch auch in Europa verbreitet ... [52%] 2024-09-06
Hirschi: Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles portant le même nom. Hirschi est un nom de famille d'origine suisse notamment porté par. [52%] 2024-11-16
Hirsch, Clara De (Baroness De Hirsch-Gereuth): Wife of Baron Maurice de Hirsch; born at Antwerp June 13, 1833; died in Paris April 1, 1899. Her mother was a sister of Solomon H. Goldschmidt, who for many years acted in the capacity of president of the Alliance ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [52%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Hirsch, Maurice De: Hirsch, Maurice De, Baron Hirsch auf Gereuth, in the baronage of Bavaria (1831-1896), capitalist and philanthropist (German by birth, Austro-Hungarian by domicile), was born at Munich, 9th December 1831. His grandfather, the first Jewish landowner in Bavaria, was ... [52%] 2022-09-02
Baron (photographer): Stirling Henry Nahum (1906 – 5 September 1956), or Sterling Henry Nahum (sources differ), known professionally as Baron, was a society and court photographer in the United Kingdom. He was born in England of Italian Jewish heritage. (Photographer) [51%] 2024-01-01 [Photographers from London] [English people of Italian-Jewish descent]...
Baron: El término Baron puede estar vinculado o referido a los artículos de Wikipedia que se indican a continuación. [51%] 2024-01-01
Baron (noblesse): Pour les articles homonymes, voir Baron. Baron est un titre de noblesse. (Noblesse) [51%] 2023-11-10