Search for "Dreyfus Case" in article titles:

  1. Dreyfus Case ("L'Affaire Dreyfus"): Alfred Dreyfus, officer in the French army, in 1894 and 1899, involving political complications and convulsions of the highest importance, rending France into two sections, and attracting the attention of the whole civilized world for nearly two years. As probably ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [100%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]

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  1. Caso Dreyfus: Se conoce como caso Dreyfus a la controversia provocada por una sentencia judicial, sobre un trasfondo de espionaje y antisemitismo,​​​ cuya víctima fue el capitán Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), de origen judío-alsaciano,​ y que durante doce años, desde 1894 ... [89%] 2023-12-27
  2. Casey Cane: Report an officeholder change Casey Cane is a member of the Palm Harbor Special Fire Control and Rescue District in Florida, representing Seat 1. Cane assumed office in 2016. [62%] 2022-03-30
  3. Case: CASE kas: Ordinarily to describe the circumstances or condition of things; sometimes, juridically (aitia, Matthew 19:10; Acts 25:14), as that for which a reckoning has to be given, as frequently the Latin res. In Exodus 5:19, "they ... [59%] 1915-01-01
  4. Case (firearms): Case is a firearms term that, according to gun writer Matthew Boyd, is "really a vessel that holds the powder inside, a primer in its bottom, and a bullet in its mouth. It is usually made of brass. (Firearms) [59%] 2023-02-18 [Ammunition Components] [Handloading]...
  5. Case (song): "Case" is a song by Nigerian singer Teni. Produced by Jaysynths, it was officially released on October 19, 2018. (Song) [59%] 2024-01-12 [2018 songs] [2018 singles]...
  6. Case: El término Case o CASE puede referirse a. [59%] 2024-01-12
  7. Case: casus, that which falls or happens; cadere, to fall), a word used in various senses traceable to the derivation. In grammar, the “cases” are the various forms in the declension of a noun, adjective or pronoun, the Latin word being ... [59%] 2022-09-02
  8. CASE: CASE (англ. computer-aided software engineering) — набор инструментов и методов программной инженерии для проектирования программного обеспечения, которые помогают обеспечить высокое качество программ, отсутствие ошибок и простоту в обслуживании программных продуктов. [59%] 2024-01-12
  9. Case (bande dessinée): Pour les articles homonymes, voir Case (homonymie). Une case est, dans le domaine de la bande dessinée, une zone de dessin délimitée par un cadre. (Bande dessinée) [59%] 2024-01-10
  10. Case (goods): A case of some merchandise is a collection of items packaged together. A case is not a strict unit of measure. (Goods) [59%] 2023-11-04 [Containers]
  11. Case: A case is a general term for an action, cause, suit, or controversy, at law or in equity; questions contested before a court of justice. A case generally includes at least one plaintiff and at least one defendant. [59%] 2023-07-04 [Legal Terms]
  12. Case (アルバム): 『Case』(ケース)は、2021年9月1日に発売されたCreepy Nutsのメジャー2枚目のフル・アルバム。 フルアルバムとしてはメジャー1stフルアルバムである『クリープ・ショー』より3年5ヶ月ぶりのアルバム。また前作『かつて天才だった俺たちへ』からは約1年ぶりのリリースとなる。前作以降にリリースされた配信限定シングルや音源化されていなかった「風来」などを収録している。 本作は、2020年に今の気持ちを歌詞に書かなければいけないという出来事がたくさん起き、これまでの自分の歌詞や発言にけじめを付けなければいけないという思いから制作が始まったとメンバーのR-指定が述べている。 収録曲の「土産話」は、過去の波瀾万丈な人生を曲にするだけで成立するラッパーに対しコンプレックスを持っていたR-指定が. (アルバム) [59%] 2024-04-06 [2021年のアルバム] [ソニー・ミュージックアソシエイテッドレコーズのアルバム]...
  13. Dreifuß: Dreifuß (altgriechisch τρίπους trípous, von τρίς trís, deutsch ‚drei‘ und ποῦς poús, deutsch ‚Fuß‘) ist allgemein die Bezeichnung für ein dreifüßiges Gefäß oder Möbel, im Besonderen aber für ein Gestell, auf das ein Gefäß aufgesetzt werden kann. Dreifüße sind in nahezu allen Zeiten und Kulturen zu finden. [58%] 2024-01-19
  14. Asunto Dreyfus: Artículos de base . [58%] 2023-05-26
  15. Camille Dreyfus (chemist): Camille Edouard Dreyfus (November 11, 1878 – September 27, 1956) was a Swiss chemist. He and his brother Henri Dreyfus invented Celanese, an acetate yarn. (Chemist) [58%] 2023-12-19 [Swiss chemists] [1878 births]...
  16. Dreyfus affair: The Dreyfus affair was a huge controversy in turn-of-the-20th-century France. Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French Army, was accused of providing defense secrets to the German Army. [58%] 2023-08-06 [Antisemitism] [Conspiracy theories]...
  17. Auguste Dreyfus: Auguste Dreyfus (28 June 1827 – 25 May 1897) was a French businessman who made his fortune by financing the Peruvian trade in guano. Dreyfus joined a small textile trading firm set up by three of his elder brothers and moved ... [58%] 2023-12-11 [1827 births] [1897 deaths]...
  18. Pierre Dreyfus: Pierre Dreyfus (* 18. November 1907 in Paris; † 25. [58%] 2023-12-17
  19. Dreyfus, Ferdinand: French politician and deputy; born at Paris May 5, 1849. He became editor of the "Siècle," and was elected by the Republican party (March, 1880) as district deputy of Rambouillet (Seine-et-Oise). He was reelected in August, 1881, but ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [58%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]

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