Search for "Fleischl von Marxow" in article titles:

  1. Fleischl Von Marxow, Ernst: He received his education at the universities of Leipsic and Vienna, graduating from the latter as doctor of medicine in 1870. In the following year he became prosector at the anatomical institute of Vienna University under Rokitansky, and in 1873 ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [100%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
  2. Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow: Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow, also Ernst Fleischl von Marxow (5 August 1846, Vienna – 22 October 1891, Vienna) was an Austrian physiologist and physician who became known for his important investigations on the electrical activity of nerves and the brain. He ... (Biography) [100%] 2024-03-14

Suggestions for article titles:

  1. Franz von Fleischer: Franz von Fleischer (* 27. November 1801 in Lausigk; † 24. [64%] 2024-01-19
  2. Flesche (Begriffsklärung): Flesche bezeichnet Flesche ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Siehe auch. (Begriffsklärung) [59%] 2023-05-27
  3. Marrow (character): Marrow (Sarah) is a superheroine appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is commonly depicted in association with the X-Men. (Character) [56%] 2023-11-19 [Characters created by Jeph Loeb] [Characters created by Joe Madureira]...
  4. Marlow (firma): Marlow es una firma de consultoría con sede en España especializada en comunicación, gestión de la reputación y asuntos públicos, marketing y Litigation Support.​​​ La empresa fue fundada en 2015 por Joaquín Fernández y Marisa Toro con enfoque en casos ... (Firma) [56%] 2023-12-12
  5. Marlow (Alabama): Marlow es un área no incorporada en el condado de Baldwin, Alabama, Estados Unidos.​ La comunidad recibe su nombre en honor a una iglesia metodista local.​ Una oficina de correos operó bajo el nombre de Marlow desde 1887 hasta 1909.​ Marlow ... (Alabama) [56%] 2023-11-22
  6. Marlow: Marlow (GREAT MARLOw), a market town in the Wycombe parliamentary division of Buckinghamshire, England, 312 m. of London on a branch of the Great Western railway. It is beautifully situated on the north (left) bank of the Thames, which is ... [56%] 2022-09-02
  7. Marrow (vegetable): A marrow is the mature fruit of certain Cucurbita pepo cultivars used as a vegetable. The immature fruit of the same or similar cultivars is called courgette (in Britain, Iran, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand) or ... (Vegetable) [56%] 2023-12-05 [Fruit vegetables] [Squashes and pumpkins]...
  8. Marrow: MARROW mar'-o (moach, chelebh, shiqquy, machah, "to make fat," "to grease"; muelos): Marrow is the nourisher and strengthener of the bones; it is said to moisten the bones: "The marrow (moach) of his bones is moistened" (Job 21:24 ... [56%] 1915-01-01
  9. Fischl: Fischl ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Fischl ist der Name folgender Orte: Siehe auch. [55%] 2024-01-19
  10. Gus Fleischli: Gus A. Fleischli (born December 26, 1925) is an American former politician in the state of Wyoming. (American politician (born 1925)) [51%] 2023-11-09 [1925 births] [Living people]...
  11. PSE-Fleisch: Unter PSE-Fleisch oder Weißfleischigkeit versteht man geschlachtetes Schweinefleisch, das blass (englisch Pale), weich (englisch Soft) und wässrig (englisch Exudative) ist. Es handelt sich dabei zwar um einen Qualitätsmangel, jedoch ist das Fleisch aus gesundheitlicher Sicht noch uneingeschränkt verzehrsfähig. [50%] 2024-01-20
  12. Elgar Fleisch: Elgar Fleisch (born January 22, 1968 in Bregenz, Austria) is an Austrian/Swiss Professor of Information and Technology Management at ETH Zurich and the University of St. Gallen. [50%] 2023-12-28 [1968 births] [Academic staff of ETH Zurich]...
  13. Henri Fleisch: Reverend Father Henri Fleisch (1 January 1904 – 10 February 1985) was a French archaeologist, missionary and Orientalist, known for his work on classical Arabic language and Lebanese dialect and prehistory in Lebanon. Fleisch spent years recording and recovering lithics from ... [50%] 2023-12-28 [20th-century French Jesuits] [French Roman Catholic missionaries]...
  14. VON: VON ist eine Black-Metal-Band aus San Francisco, Kalifornien. VON wurde 1989 gegründet. [48%] 2024-01-19
  15. Von (album): Von (Icelandic pronunciation: ​[ˈvɔːn], Hope) is the debut studio album by Icelandic post-rock band Sigur Rós, released on 14 June 1997 by Smekkleysa Records. Production lasted over two years, and the result sounded significantly different from the original recordings. (Album) [48%] 2023-08-23 [1997 debut albums] [Sigur Rós albums]...
  16. Marion von Krafft-Ebing: Marion Josefine Georgine Freiin von Krafft-Ebing (* 29. April 1911 in Wien; † 2. [46%] 2023-09-01
  17. Van Von Hunter: Van Von Hunter is a weekly hand-drawn parody manga started in 2002 by Mike Schwark and Ron Kaulfersch of Pseudomé Studio, based in Cleveland, Ohio. It has been published in newspapers, books, and as a webcomic. [46%] 2023-12-16 [2000s webcomics] [2002 webcomic debuts]...
  18. Ingo von Voß: Ingo von Voß (* 29. Mai 1954 in Hamburg) ist ein ehemaliger deutscher Diplomat. [46%] 2023-07-06

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