Immanuel Tremellius: Immanuel Tremellius (Italian: Giovanni Emmanuele Tremellio; 1510 – 9 October 1580) was an Italian Jewish convert to Christianity. He was known as a leading Hebraist and Bible translator. [100%] 2023-11-13 [1510 births] [1580 deaths]...
Cnaeus Tremellius Scrofa: modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Gnaeus (ou Cnaeus) Tremellius (ou Tremelius) Scrofa est un écrivain romain du I siècle av. J.-C. [81%] 2024-12-13
Tremellius, John Immanuel: Italian Hebraist; born at Ferrara 1510; died at Sedan Oct. He was educated at the University of Padua. He was converted about 1540 to the Catholic faith through Cardinal Pole, but embraced Protestantism in the following year, and went to ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [81%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]