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Physics is the natural science that studies matter, energy and force. It also studies motion and behavior of matter in space and time. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves. This portal covers all branches of physics including classical physics, modern physics, nuclear physics, atomic physics, geophysics, biophysics, mechanics and acoustics.

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List of categories


Main topics

  1. Accelerometers
  2. Acoustics
  3. Acoustics journals
  4. Aerodynamics
  5. Airspeed
  6. Amount of substance
  7. Anomalies in physics
  8. Antimatter
  9. Applied and interdisciplinary physics
  10. Asymmetry
  11. Atmospheric physics
  12. Ballistics
  13. Baryons
  14. Beam engines
  15. Binding energy
  16. Bose–Einstein condensates
  17. Bose–Einstein statistics
  18. Boundary layers
  19. Bubbles (physics)
  20. Calorimetry
  21. Charge carriers
  22. Chemical physics journals
  23. Chirality
  24. Chromatography
  25. Classical field theory
  26. Classical mechanics
  27. Cloud and fog physics
  28. Cold
  29. Concepts in physics
  30. Condensed matter physics
  31. Continuum mechanics
  32. Cooling technology
  33. Cosmic rays
  34. Cosmic-ray experiments
  35. Critical phenomena
  36. Cryogenics
  37. Crystal systems
  38. Crystallography
  39. Crystallography journals
  40. Dark energy
  41. Dating methods
  42. Density
  43. Deuterated compounds
  44. Deuterated solvents
  45. Deuterium
  46. Diamond simulants
  47. Doppler effects
  48. Dosimeters
  49. Drag (physics)
  50. Dye-sensitized solar cells
  51. Dynamics (mechanics)
  52. Elasticity (physics)
  53. Energy
  54. Energy (physics)
  55. Energy measurement
  56. Enthalpy
  57. Entropy
  58. Exactly solvable models
  59. Exotic matter
  60. Experimental physics
  61. Experiments for dark matter search
  62. Extreme ultraviolet
  63. Fermi paradox
  64. Fermi–Dirac statistics
  65. Field theory
  66. Filter frequency response
  67. Flow regimes
  68. Fluid dynamic instability
  69. Fluid dynamics
  70. Fluid dynamics journals
  71. Fluid mechanics
  72. Fluorescence
  73. Fluorescence techniques
  74. Force
  75. Force fields
  76. Forms of energy
  77. Forms of water
  78. Four-vectors
  79. Frames of reference
  80. Frequency mixers
  81. Fundamental constants
  82. Fundamental physics concepts
  83. Gamma rays
  84. Glass physics
  85. Glossary of classical physics
  86. Grand Unified Theory
  87. Gravimetry
  88. Gravimetry of objects
  89. Gravity
  90. Gravity waves
  91. Hall effect
  92. Hamiltonian mechanics
  93. Hardness tests
  94. Heat transfer
  95. Heating
  96. Helium
  97. High pressure science
  98. History of physics
  99. Holography
  100. Hydrogen physics
  101. Hydrogen storage
  102. Hydrogen technologies
  103. Hypothetical nuclei
  104. Hysteresis
  105. Impedance measurements
  106. Infrared
  107. Infrared imaging
  108. Insulators
  109. Interference
  110. Interferometers
  111. Interferometry
  112. Introductory physics
  113. Josephson effect
  114. Kinematics
  115. Kinetic energy
  116. Lagrangian mechanics
  117. Laser gain media
  118. Laser machining
  119. Laser medicine
  120. Laser science
  121. Laser types
  122. Lasers
  123. Lattice models
  124. Lenses
  125. Light
  126. Light sources
  127. Lightning
  128. Liquid helium
  129. Luminescence
  130. Magnetohydrodynamics
  131. Magnetoresistance
  132. Manhattan Project
  133. Mass
  134. Materials science
  135. Materials science journals
  136. Materials testing
  137. Mathematics of rigidity
  138. Matter
  139. Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics
  140. Mechanics
  141. Mesoscopic physics
  142. Metal detecting
  143. Methods of crystal growth
  144. Microfluidics
  145. Microscopy
  146. Microwave bands
  147. Modern physics
  148. Momentum
  149. Multiphase flow
  150. Nanomaterials
  151. Nanotechnology
  152. No-go theorems
  153. Noise
  154. Non-Newtonian fluids
  155. Nucleosynthesis
  156. Obsolete theories in physics
  157. Onium
  158. Orders of magnitude (time)
  159. Oscillators
  160. Parastatistics
  161. Pendulums
  162. Phases of matter
  163. Philosophy of thermal and statistical physics
  164. Phosphors and scintillators
  165. Photochemistry
  166. Photodetectors
  167. Photometry
  168. Photonics
  169. Photovoltaics
  170. Physical bodies
  171. Physical chemistry
  172. Physical constants
  173. Physical models
  174. Physical objects
  175. Physical paradoxes
  176. Physical phenomena
  177. Physical properties
  178. Physical quantities
  179. Physical quantity
  180. Physical sciences
  181. Physical systems
  182. Physics
  183. Physics awards
  184. Physics books
  185. Physics experiments
  186. Physics journals
  187. Physics papers
  188. Physics review journals
  189. Physics theorems
  190. Physics timelines
  191. Physics-related lists
  192. Plasma instabilities
  193. Plasma physics
  194. Plasma science journals
  195. Plasmonics
  196. Plasticity (physics)
  197. Plutonium
  198. Polymer physics
  199. Polymorphism (materials science)
  200. Positron emitters
  201. Potential theory
  202. Potentials
  203. Power (physics)
  204. Power laws
  205. Pressure
  206. Proton
  207. Pulsed power
  208. Radar signal processing
  209. Radar theory
  210. Rainbow colors
  211. Reflective building components
  212. Resonance
  213. Rheology
  214. Richard Feynman
  215. Rigid bodies
  216. Rigid bodies mechanics
  217. Rudolf K. Bock
  218. Scales of temperature
  219. Scanning probe microscopy
  220. Schrödinger's cat
  221. Science of photography
  222. Scientific laws
  223. Shock waves
  224. Soft matter
  225. Solar cells
  226. Solid mechanics
  227. Solid-state lasers
  228. Sound
  229. Sound measurements
  230. Space
  231. Spacetime
  232. Spatial gradient
  233. Spin models
  234. Spinning
  235. Spinors
  236. Spintronics
  237. Springs (mechanical)
  238. Statics
  239. Statistical ensembles
  240. Statistical field theories
  241. Statistical mechanics
  242. Statistical mechanics theorems
  243. Stellarators
  244. String theory
  245. Subfields of physics
  246. Superfluidity
  247. Surface science
  248. Suspected male-mediated teratogens
  249. Synchrotron-related techniques
  250. Tables of nuclides
  251. Tachyons
  252. Temperature
  253. Temporal paradoxes
  254. Theorems in dynamical systems
  255. Theorems in mathematical physics
  256. Theoretical physics
  257. Theories by Albert Einstein
  258. Thermochemistry
  259. Thin films
  260. Thought experiments in physics
  261. Threshold temperatures
  262. Tidal forces
  263. Time
  264. Time in physics
  265. Time measurement systems
  266. Time scales
  267. Time travel
  268. Tokamaks
  269. Tomography
  270. Transport phenomena
  271. Tribology
  272. Turbulence
  273. Turbulence models
  274. Types of magnets
  275. Ultrasound
  276. Underground laboratories
  277. Underwater diving physics
  278. Unsolved problems in physics
  279. Vacuum
  280. Vector physical quantities
  281. Velocity
  282. Viscosity
  283. Vortices
  284. Water physics
  285. Water waves
  286. Wave mechanics
  287. Waves in plasmas
  288. X-rays
  289. Yield criteria


  1. Branches of thermodynamics
  2. Dimensionless numbers of thermodynamics
  3. History of thermodynamics
  4. Laws of thermodynamics
  5. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
  6. Thermodynamic cycles
  7. Thermodynamic entropy
  8. Thermodynamic equations
  9. Thermodynamic free energy
  10. Thermodynamic models
  11. Thermodynamic processes
  12. Thermodynamic properties
  13. Thermodynamic systems
  14. Thermodynamics


  1. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
  2. Electro-optical materials
  3. Geometrical optics
  4. Magneto-optic effects
  5. Nonimaging optics
  6. Nonlinear optical materials
  7. Nonlinear optics
  8. Optical components
  9. Optical devices
  10. Optical filters
  11. Optical illusions
  12. Optical instruments
  13. Optical materials
  14. Optical phenomena
  15. Optical spectrum
  16. Optics
  17. Optics journals
  18. Physical optics
  19. Quantum optics
  20. Scattering, absorption and radiative transfer (optics)


  1. Coordinate charts in general relativity
  2. Exact solutions in general relativity
  3. General relativity
  4. Relativistic paradoxes
  5. Relativity
  6. Special relativity
  7. Tensors in general relativity
  8. Tests of general relativity
  9. Theorems in general relativity
  10. Theory of relativity

Electricity and Magnetism

  1. Battery (electricity)
  2. Computational electromagnetics
  3. Correlated electrons
  4. Electric and magnetic fields in matter
  5. Electric arcs
  6. Electric charge
  7. Electric current
  8. Electric power
  9. Electrical parameters
  10. Electrical phenomena
  11. Electrical resistance and conductance
  12. Electricity
  13. Electro-optical materials
  14. Electroanalytical methods
  15. Electrochemistry
  16. Electrodes
  17. Electrodynamics
  18. Electrolysis
  19. Electromagnetic quantities
  20. Electromagnetic radiation
  21. Electromagnetic spectrum
  22. Electromagnetism
  23. Electron
  24. Electron beam
  25. Electron microscopy
  26. Electron paramagnetic resonance
  27. Electron spectroscopy
  28. Electron states
  29. Electronic band structures
  30. Electrostatics
  31. Electroweak theory
  32. Ferromagnetic materials
  33. Ferromagnetism
  34. Free-electron lasers
  35. Geomagnetism
  36. High-temperature superconductors
  37. II-VI semiconductors
  38. Magnetic confinement fusion
  39. Magnetic devices
  40. Magnetic levitation
  41. Magnetic mirrors
  42. Magnetic monopoles
  43. Magnetic ordering
  44. Magnetic resonance imaging
  45. Magnetism
  46. Magnetostatics
  47. Nuclear magnetic resonance
  48. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  49. Photoelectrochemistry
  50. Quantum electrodynamics
  51. Quantum electronics
  52. Quantum magnetism
  53. Radio frequency propagation
  54. Radio modulation modes
  55. Radio spectrum
  56. Radio technology
  57. Radioactive contamination
  58. Radioactivity
  59. Radiochemistry
  60. Radiography
  61. Radioisotope fuels
  62. Radiometric dating
  63. Radiometry
  64. Semiconductor growth
  65. Semiconductor journals
  66. Semiconductor materials
  67. Semiconductor structures
  68. Semiconductors
  69. Superconducting detectors
  70. Superconductivity
  71. Superconductors
  72. Thermoelectricity
  73. Units in electromagnetism
  74. Units of electric current
  75. Units of electrical capacitance
  76. Units of electrical charge
  77. Units of electrical potential
  78. Units of magnetic induction
  79. Units of radioactivity
  80. Voltage
  81. Voltage stability

Molecular and Atomic Physics

  1. Absorption spectroscopy
  2. Acceleration
  3. Acoustic equations
  4. Action (physics)
  5. Atomic clocks
  6. Atomic physics
  7. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
  8. Atoms
  9. Cations
  10. Collision
  11. Combustion
  12. Computational electromagnetics
  13. Computational fluid dynamics
  14. Computational physics
  15. Conservation laws
  16. Convection
  17. Deformation (mechanics)
  18. Diffraction
  19. Diffusion
  20. Dimensionless numbers of fluid mechanics
  21. Dimensionless numbers of thermodynamics
  22. Dirac equation
  23. Effects of gravitation
  24. Electromagnetic radiation
  25. Electron spectroscopy
  26. Emission spectroscopy
  27. Energy conservation
  28. Energy conversion
  29. Eponymous equations of physics
  30. Equations of physics
  31. Equations of state
  32. Exact solutions in general relativity
  33. Exotic atoms
  34. Fermions
  35. Foundational quantum physics
  36. Fractionation
  37. Friction
  38. Functions of space and time
  39. Fusion power
  40. Fusion reactors
  41. Gas discharge lamps
  42. Gas laws
  43. Gas technologies
  44. Gases
  45. Gravitational
  46. Gravitational instruments
  47. Gravitational lensing
  48. Gravitational waves
  49. Heat conduction
  50. Historical physics publications
  51. Ideal gas
  52. Inertial confinement fusion
  53. Infrared spectroscopy
  54. Interaction
  55. Intermolecular forces
  56. Interpretations of quantum mechanics
  57. Ion source
  58. Ionising radiation detectors
  59. Ionization
  60. Ionizing radiation
  61. Ions
  62. Isotope separation
  63. Laser applications
  64. Levitation
  65. Linear motion
  66. Magnetic confinement fusion
  67. Magnetic levitation
  68. Magnetoreception
  69. Mass spectrometry
  70. Mathematical quantization
  71. Maxwell's equations
  72. Mechanical vibrations
  73. Microwave transmission
  74. Molar quantities
  75. Molecular dynamics
  76. Molecular geometry
  77. Molecular imaging
  78. Molecular machines
  79. Molecular modelling
  80. Molecular physics
  81. Molecular topology
  82. Molecular vibration
  83. Molecules
  84. Motion (physics)
  85. Nanoparticles by composition
  86. Neutron instrumentation
  87. Nuclear and atomic physics stubs
  88. Nuclear fission
  89. Nuclear fusion
  90. Nuclear fusion fuels
  91. Nuclear fusion reactions
  92. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  93. Optical illusions
  94. Pauli exclusion principle
  95. Phase transitions
  96. Physics education
  97. Physics education journals
  98. Polarization (waves)
  99. Precession
  100. Proposed fusion reactors
  101. Radiation
  102. Radiation effects
  103. Radiation protection
  104. Radio frequency propagation
  105. Radio modulation modes
  106. Radioactive contamination
  107. Refraction
  108. Renormalization group
  109. Scattering, absorption and radiative transfer (optics)
  110. Schrödinger equation
  111. Spectrometers
  112. Spectroscopy
  113. State functions
  114. Strangeness production
  115. Subatomic particles
  116. Subatomic particles with spin 1
  117. Synchrotron radiation
  118. Theories of gravitation
  119. Thermal protection
  120. Thermodynamic equations
  121. Thin film deposition
  122. Ultraviolet radiation
  123. Units of acceleration
  124. Units of magnetic induction
  125. Units of radiation dose
  126. X-ray instrumentation
  127. X-ray spectroscopy

Quantum Physics

  1. Foundational quantum physics
  2. Interpretations of quantum mechanics
  3. Loop quantum gravity
  4. Old quantum theory
  5. Quantum Lattice models
  6. Quantum Monte Carlo
  7. Quantum chaos theory
  8. Quantum chromodynamics
  9. Quantum complexity theory
  10. Quantum dots
  11. Quantum electrodynamics
  12. Quantum electronics
  13. Quantum field theory
  14. Quantum gravity
  15. Quantum lattice models
  16. Quantum magnetism
  17. Quantum measurement
  18. Quantum mechanical entropy
  19. Quantum mechanics
  20. Quantum mechanics journals
  21. Quantum models
  22. Quantum numbers
  23. Quantum optics
  24. Quantum phases
  25. Quantum states
  26. Supersymmetric quantum field theory
  27. Theorems in quantum mechanics
  28. Theorems in quantum physics
  29. Thought experiments in quantum mechanics

Nuclear and Particle Physics

  1. Accelerator neutrino experiments
  2. Accelerator physics
  3. B physics
  4. Bosons
  5. CERN accelerators
  6. CERN experiments
  7. Correlated electrons
  8. Electromagnetic radiation
  9. Electron
  10. Electron beam
  11. Electron microscopy
  12. Electron paramagnetic resonance
  13. Electron spectroscopy
  14. Electron states
  15. Electronic band structures
  16. Electroweak theory
  17. Elementary particles
  18. Environmental isotopes
  19. Experimental particle physics
  20. Fast-neutron reactors
  21. Fermilab
  22. Fermilab experiments
  23. Flavour (particle physics)
  24. Free-electron lasers
  25. Gauge bosons
  26. Gauge theories
  27. Gluons
  28. Hadrons
  29. Hypothetical composite particles
  30. Hypothetical elementary particles
  31. Hypothetical particles
  32. Ionising radiation detectors
  33. Ionizing radiation
  34. Isotopes
  35. Isotopes of actinium
  36. Isotopes of aluminium
  37. Isotopes of americium
  38. Isotopes of antimony
  39. Isotopes of argon
  40. Isotopes of arsenic
  41. Isotopes of astatine
  42. Isotopes of barium
  43. Isotopes of berkelium
  44. Isotopes of beryllium
  45. Isotopes of bismuth
  46. Isotopes of bohrium
  47. Isotopes of boron
  48. Isotopes of bromine
  49. Isotopes of cadmium
  50. Isotopes of caesium
  51. Isotopes of calcium
  52. Isotopes of californium
  53. Isotopes of carbon
  54. Isotopes of cerium
  55. Isotopes of chlorine
  56. Isotopes of chromium
  57. Isotopes of cobalt
  58. Isotopes of copernicium
  59. Isotopes of copper
  60. Isotopes of curium
  61. Isotopes of darmstadtium
  62. Isotopes of dubnium
  63. Isotopes of dysprosium
  64. Isotopes of einsteinium
  65. Isotopes of erbium
  66. Isotopes of europium
  67. Isotopes of fermium
  68. Isotopes of flerovium
  69. Isotopes of fluorine
  70. Isotopes of francium
  71. Isotopes of gadolinium
  72. Isotopes of gallium
  73. Isotopes of germanium
  74. Isotopes of gold
  75. Isotopes of hafnium
  76. Isotopes of hassium
  77. Isotopes of helium
  78. Isotopes of heliumHelium-03
  79. Isotopes of holmium
  80. Isotopes of hydrogen
  81. Isotopes of indium
  82. Isotopes of iodine
  83. Isotopes of iridium
  84. Isotopes of iron
  85. Isotopes of krypton
  86. Isotopes of lanthanum
  87. Isotopes of lawrencium
  88. Isotopes of lead
  89. Isotopes of lithium
  90. Isotopes of livermorium
  91. Isotopes of lutetium
  92. Isotopes of magnesium
  93. Isotopes of manganese
  94. Isotopes of meitnerium
  95. Isotopes of mendelevium
  96. Isotopes of mercury
  97. Isotopes of molybdenum
  98. Isotopes of moscovium
  99. Isotopes of neodymium
  100. Isotopes of neon
  101. Isotopes of neptunium
  102. Isotopes of neutronium
  103. Isotopes of neutroniumNeutronium-4
  104. Isotopes of nickel
  105. Isotopes of nihonium
  106. Isotopes of niobium
  107. Isotopes of nitrogen
  108. Isotopes of nobelium
  109. Isotopes of oganesson
  110. Isotopes of osmium
  111. Isotopes of oxygen
  112. Isotopes of palladium
  113. Isotopes of phosphorus
  114. Isotopes of platinum
  115. Isotopes of plutonium
  116. Isotopes of polonium
  117. Isotopes of potassium
  118. Isotopes of praseodymium
  119. Isotopes of promethium
  120. Isotopes of protactinium
  121. Isotopes of radium
  122. Isotopes of radon
  123. Isotopes of rhenium
  124. Isotopes of rhodium
  125. Isotopes of roentgenium
  126. Isotopes of rubidium
  127. Isotopes of ruthenium
  128. Isotopes of rutherfordium
  129. Isotopes of samarium
  130. Isotopes of scandium
  131. Isotopes of seaborgium
  132. Isotopes of selenium
  133. Isotopes of silicon
  134. Isotopes of silver
  135. Isotopes of sodium
  136. Isotopes of strontium
  137. Isotopes of sulfur
  138. Isotopes of tantalum
  139. Isotopes of technetium
  140. Isotopes of tellurium
  141. Isotopes of tennessine
  142. Isotopes of terbium
  143. Isotopes of thallium
  144. Isotopes of thorium
  145. Isotopes of thulium
  146. Isotopes of tin
  147. Isotopes of titanium
  148. Isotopes of tungsten
  149. Isotopes of uranium
  150. Isotopes of vanadium
  151. Isotopes of xenon
  152. Isotopes of ytterbium
  153. Isotopes of yttrium
  154. Isotopes of zinc
  155. Isotopes of zirconium
  156. Isotopes of zirconiumZirconium-089
  157. Large Hadron Collider
  158. Leptons
  159. Lists of isotopes by element
  160. Medical isotopes
  161. Mesons
  162. Metastable isotopes
  163. Nanoparticles
  164. Nanoparticles by composition
  165. Neutrinos
  166. Neutron
  167. Neutron facilities
  168. Neutron instrumentation
  169. Neutron moderators
  170. Neutron scattering
  171. Neutron sources
  172. Neutron-related techniques
  173. Nuclear and atomic physics stubs
  174. Nuclear energy
  175. Nuclear explosives
  176. Nuclear fission
  177. Nuclear fuels
  178. Nuclear fusion
  179. Nuclear fusion fuels
  180. Nuclear fusion reactions
  181. Nuclear magnetic resonance
  182. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  183. Nuclear physics
  184. Nuclear physics journals
  185. Nuclear power
  186. Nuclear reprocessing
  187. Nuclear research reactors
  188. Nuclear safety and security
  189. Nucleons
  190. Particle accelerators
  191. Particle detectors
  192. Particle experiments
  193. Particle physics
  194. Particle statistics
  195. Photons
  196. Physics beyond the Standard Model
  197. Proposed particle accelerators
  198. Quantum electronics
  199. Quark matter
  200. Quarks
  201. Quasiparticles
  202. Radiation
  203. Radiation effects
  204. Radiation protection
  205. Radioactivity
  206. Radioisotope fuels
  207. Raman scattering
  208. Reactor neutrino experiments
  209. Scattering
  210. Scattering theory
  211. Scattering, absorption and radiative transfer (optics)
  212. Small-angle scattering
  213. Special nuclear materials
  214. Standard Model
  215. Strange quark
  216. Strangeness production
  217. Subatomic particles
  218. Subatomic particles with spin 1
  219. Supersymmetry
  220. Synchrotron radiation
  221. Ultraviolet radiation
  222. Units of radiation dose
  223. Units of radioactivity
  224. X-ray scattering

Units in Physics

  1. Centimetre–gram–second system of units
  2. Customary units of measurement
  3. Equivalent units
  4. Planck units
  5. Systems of units
  6. Units in electromagnetism
  7. Units of acceleration
  8. Units of amount of substance
  9. Units of angular velocity
  10. Units of density
  11. Units of dynamic viscosity
  12. Units of electric current
  13. Units of electrical capacitance
  14. Units of electrical charge
  15. Units of electrical potential
  16. Units of energy
  17. Units of flow
  18. Units of force
  19. Units of frequency
  20. Units of illuminance
  21. Units of luminance
  22. Units of luminous energy
  23. Units of luminous exposure
  24. Units of luminous flux
  25. Units of magnetic induction
  26. Units of mass
  27. Units of photometry
  28. Units of pressure
  29. Units of radiation dose
  30. Units of radioactivity
  31. Units of temperature
  32. Units of time
  33. Units of velocity
  34. Units of volume

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