Pinellas County Schools, Florida

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Pinellas County Schools
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Pinellas County, Florida
District details
Superintendent: Michael Grego
# of school board members: 7
Website: Link

Pinellas County Schools is a school district in Florida.

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This information is updated as we become aware of changes. Please contact us with any updates.

Michael Grego is the superintendent of Pinellas County Schools. Grego was appointed superintendent in September 2012. Grego's previous career experience includes being Florida's interim chancellor of K-12 education, the superintendent of Osceola County School District in Florida, and the assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction for Hillsborough County Schools in Florida.[1]

School board elections[edit]

The Pinellas County Schools school board consists of seven members elected to four-year terms. Four members are elected by district and three members are elected at large.[2]

Office Name Date assumed office
Pinellas County School Board District 1 At-large Laura Hine November 17, 2020
Pinellas County School Board District 2 At-large Lisa Cane 2019
Pinellas County School Board District 3 At-large Nicole Carr 2019
Pinellas County School Board District 4 Eileen Long
Pinellas County School Board District 5 Carol Cook 2000
Pinellas County School Board District 6 Bill Dudley 2019
Pinellas County School Board District 7 Caprice Johnson Edmond November 17, 2020

This officeholder information was last updated on July 8, 2021. Please contact us with any updates.

Election dates[edit]

See also: Pinellas County Schools elections in 2016, 2018, & 2020

Elections are held on a staggered basis in the November general election.[3]

A primary election was scheduled for August 18, 2020. A general election was scheduled for November 3, 2020.

Public participation in board meetings[edit]

The Pinellas County Schools school board maintains the following policy on public testimony during board meetings:[4]

The School Board recognizes the value to school governance of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest.

The presiding officer of each Board meeting before which public comment is permitted shall administer the rules of the Board for its conduct.

Members of the audience are invited to speak before the Board in accordance with this policy.

A. Public Comment

1. Following adjournment of regular meetings only, the Board will hear comment from members of the District community on matters not covered by items on the agenda (excluding employee discipline), but which pertain to the general business or operations of the Board or District. Speakers under this paragraph will be allotted three (3) minutes to make their comments unless granted a longer time by the Chairperson. Speakers may sign up to speak at any time during the regular meeting or until the last registered speaker has finished, whichever is later. No speaker may yield his or her time to any other person.
2. Any member of the District community may request to speak by completing and submitting the Speaker's Request Form indicating the name of the person to speak and the subject matter to be addressed. Speakers will be called in the order in which they submit their Speaker’s Request Form.
3. The Board will not act on any matter raised by a speaker prior to the next regular meeting. If a majority of the Board desires to further consider a matter raised by a speaker, they will request the Superintendent to bring a recommendation at a future workshop or meeting. It is generally the Board's practice not to respond to the issues brought forward by speakers except to correct inaccuracies.
4. To avoid repetition, speakers supporting the same issue are encouraged to designate a spokesperson and have the spokesperson request the members of the audience supporting the position to stand during the spokesperson’s comments.

B. Numbered Agenda Items

1. In addition, during regular meetings and special meetings, members of the audience shall be permitted to speak to any one or more action items, including consent or non consent agenda items, prior to Board discussion except items pertaining to employee and student discipline and any other matter listed in s. 286.0114(3), F.S. Each speaker addressing an item must submit the appropriate Speaker's Request Form and, regardless of the number of items, shall be allotted one (1) three (3) minute period to speak unless granted a longer time by the Chairperson. The Chairperson's decision may be overruled by a majority vote of the Board.
2. Early in the meeting, the Chairperson (or designee) shall announce that members of the audience wishing to speak to one or more action items may do so by submitting an appropriate Speaker’s Request Form to the Superintendent’s designee. The form shall indicate the action item number, the subject, the name of the person, and the party or parties represented by the person. All forms shall be submitted to the Superintendent’s designee prior to the conclusion of the last registered speaker.
3. Each person submitting the signed Speaker’s Request Form may address the Board, but no such person may yield his/her time to any other person. Each speaker shall be recognized to speak to any one or more action items and will be called to speak in the order that the request form is received by the Superintendent’s designee or as announced by the Chairperson (or designee).
4. If a speaker wants to supplement his or her three (3) minute presentation, the speaker should provide the Board office written materials prior to the meeting. Board members will make every effort to review these materials. Board members may not be able to review materials received less than two (2) business days prior to the Board meeting.

C. Public Hearings

In addition to other opportunities for public comment, members of the public will be given the opportunity to address the Board at public hearings before the Board, excluding those involving employee or student discipline. Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to speak unless granted a longer time by the Chairperson. The Chairperson's decision may be overruled by a majority vote of the Board. The same procedures and restrictions that apply to public comment at regular and special meetings shall apply to public comment at public hearings, including signing up to speak and yielding of time to others.

D. Recordings are permitted under the following conditions:

1. No obstructions are created between the Board and the audience.
2. No interviews are conducted in the meeting room while the Board is in session.
3. No commentary, adjustment of equipment, or positioning of operators is made that would distract either the Board or members of the audience while the Board is in session.

E. Regulation of Disruptive Speech:

The Board recognizes that Board meetings are a limited open forum for First Amendment purposes, and the public's exercise of their First Amendment right of free speech in that context will be recognized and protected, subject to reasonable restrictions as to time, place, and manner. Applause shall be permitted only when awards are granted.

The Chairperson may:
1. Interrupt or terminate a speaker when his/her statement is not relevant, exceeds the time allotted, or is abusive, threatening, defamatory, obscene, profane, loud, interruptive, or otherwise of a disruptive or disorderly nature;
2. Order the removal, from a public meeting held by the Board, of any person interfering with the expeditious or orderly process of the meeting, provided the Chairperson has first issued a warning that continued interference with the orderly processes of the meeting will result in removal.

Nothing herein is intended, nor shall anything be construed, to limit or restrain negative, positive, or neutral comments about the manner in which Board employees, agents, the Superintendent, and Board members carry out their duties in public employment or office.[5]


From 1993 to 2013, the Pinellas County school district had an average of $874,769,143 in revenue and $874,052,619 in expenditures, according to the United States Census Bureau's survey of school system finances. The district had a yearly average of $28,342,048 in outstanding debt. The district retired $4,230,714 of its debt and issued $2,456,714 in new debt each year on average.[6]


The table below separates the district's revenue into the three sources identified by the agency: local, state, and federal.

Revenue by Source
Local State Federal Revenue Total
Total % of Revenue Total % of Revenue Total % of Revenue


The table below separates the district's expenditures into five categories identified by the agency:

  • Instruction: operation expenditures, state payments on behalf of the district for instruction and benefits, and retirement system transfers
  • Support Services: support services, food services, and retirement system transfers for support service staff
  • Capital Spending: capital outlay expenditures (i.e., construction, land or facilities purchases, and equipment purchases)
  • Debt & Gov. Payments: payments to state and local governments and interest on school system debt
  • Other: all other non-K-12 programs, except food services
Expenditures by Category
Instruction Support Services Capital Spending Debt & Gov. Payments Other Budget
Total % of Budget Total % of Budget Total % of Budget Total % of Budget Total % of Budget


The table below shows the amount of debt retired, issued, and outstanding in the district for each year.

Retired Issued Outstanding

Teacher salaries[edit]

The following salary information was pulled from the district's teacher salary schedule. A salary schedule is a list of expected compensations based on variables such as position, years employed, and education level. It may not reflect actual teacher salaries in the district.

Year Minimum
2020-2021[7] $47,500
2019-2020[8] $45,000
2018-2019[9] $43,809
2017-2018[10] $43,000
2016-2017[11] $41,155

Academic performance[edit]

Proficiency assessments[edit]

Each year, state and local education agencies use tests and other standards to assess student proficiency. Although the data below was published by the U.S. Department of Education, proficiency measurements are established by the states. As a result, proficiency levels are not comparable between different states and year-over-year proficiency levels within a district may not be comparable because states may change their proficiency measurements.[12]


The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:[13]

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific
Islander (%)
Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native
American (%)
Two or More
Races (%)
White (%)
2018-2019 56 75 30 50 50-54 58 66
2017-2018 56 75 29 50 45-49 58 66
2016-2017 55 74 29 48 55-59 57 63
2015-2016 52 70 26 45 45-49 54 61
2014-2015 51 70 26 44 45-49 N/A 60
2013-2014 53 72 25 45 45-49 N/A 62
2012-2013 52 71 24 45 45-49 N/A 62
2011-2012 51 70 23 42 45-49 N/A 60
2010-2011 64 79 36 57 60-64 N/A 73

Reading/language arts[edit]

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:[13]

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific
Islander (%)
Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native
American (%)
Two or More
Races (%)
White (%)
2018-2019 54 68 28 46 50-54 57 64
2017-2018 51 66 26 42 55-59 55 62
2016-2017 51 64 27 42 45-49 54 61
2015-2016 51 64 24 41 45-49 54 60
2014-2015 52 67 26 43 50-54 N/A 61
2013-2014 56 67 28 47 45-49 N/A 66
2012-2013 56 67 28 48 50-54 N/A 66
2011-2012 56 66 27 48 50-54 N/A 65
2010-2011 61 70 35 55 55-59 N/A 70

Graduation rates[edit]

The following table shows the graduation rate of district students each school year:[13][14]

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific
Islander (%)
Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native
American (%)
Two or More
Races (%)
White (%)
2017-2018 86 96 76 85 ≥80 84 89
2016-2017 83 91 69 81 ≥80 80-84 87
2015-2016 80 87 66 75 80-89 75-79 85
2014-2015 78 87 65 75 70-79 75-79 82
2013-2014 76 87 61 71 60-79 N/A 81
2012-2013 72 86 56 63 60-79 N/A 77
2011-2012 72 83 55 60 60-69 N/A 77
2010-2011 65 77 47 56 40-59 N/A 71

Student enrollment[edit]

Year[15] Enrollment Year-to-year change (%)
2018-2019 100,948 -0.9
2017-2018 101,824 -1.1
2016-2017 102,905 -0.6
2015-2016 103,495 -0.3
2014-2015 103,774 0.4
2013-2014 103,411 -0.2
2012-2013 103,590 -0.2
2011-2012 103,776 -0.2
2010-2011 104,001 -1.2
2009-2010 105,238 -0.8
2008-2009 106,061 -1.7
2007-2008 107,892 -1.8
2006-2007 109,915 -2.0
2005-2006 112,174 -0.6
2004-2005 112,820 -0.9
2003-2004 113,859 -0.4
2002-2003 114,259 0.0
2001-2002 114,269 1.1
2000-2001 113,017 1.2
1999-2000 111,723 1.0
1998-1999 110,582 1.2
1997-1998 109,309 2.1
1996-1997 107,060 5.0
1995-1996 101,998 -10.6
1994-1995 114,053 14.0
1993-1994 100,014 2.1
1992-1993 97,942 1.8
1991-1992 96,181 3.4
1990-1991 92,976 3.2
1989-1990 90,133 -0.3
1988-1989 90,427 1.8
1987-1988 88,866 -0.1
1986-1987 88,934 -

About the district[edit]

Pinellas County Schools is located in Pinellas County, Florida.
Pinellas County Schools is located in Pinellas County, Florida. It is classified as a large suburban school district by the National Center for Education Statistics. The district served 100,948 students during the 2018-2019 school year and comprised 157 schools.[16]

During the 2018-2019 school year, 49.8% of the district's students were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, 6.4% were English language learners, and 13.8% of students had an Individual Education Plan (IEP).[17]

Racial Demographics, 2018-2019
Race Pinellas County Schools (%) Florida K-12 students (%)
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.2 0.3
Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 4.3 2.8
Black 18.9 21.9
Hispanic 17.7 33.9
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.3 0.2
Two or More Races 4.6 3.6
White 54.1 37.4

Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

Contact information[edit]

Pinellas County Schools seal.png

Pinellas County Schools
301 4th St. SW
Largo, FL 33770
Phone: 727-588-6000

See also[edit]

Florida School Board Elections News and Analysis
Seal of Florida.png
School Board badge.png
Ballotpedia RSS.jpg

External links[edit]


  1. Pinellas County Schools, "Superintendent," accessed October 26, 2019
  2. Pinellas County Schools, "Board Policy: 0143 - Membership - Election," accessed July 8, 2021
  3. Pinellas County Schools, "Board Policy: 0144 - Membership - Term," accessed July 8, 2021
  4. Pinellas County Schools, "Board Policy: 0169.1 - Meetings - Public Participation at Board Meetings," accessed July 8, 2021
  5. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  6. United States Census Bureau, "Public School System Finances: Historical Data," accessed December 1, 2015
  7. Pinellas County Schools, "Peformance Instructional Salary Schedule (Probationary and Annual Contract Instructional Staff) 2020/2021 School Year," accessed July 8, 2021
  8. Pinellas County Schools, "Peformance Instructional Salary Schedule (Probationary and Annual Contract Instructional Staff) 2019/2020 School Year," accessed July 8, 2021
  9. Pinellas County Schools, "Peformance Instructional Salary Schedule (Probationary and Annual Contract Instructional Staff) 2018/2019 School Year," accessed July 8, 2021
  10. Pinellas County Schools, "Peformance Instructional Salary Schedule (Probationary and Annual Contract Instructional Staff) 2017/2018 School Year," accessed July 8, 2021
  11. Pinellas County Schools, "Peformance Instructional Salary Schedule (Probationary and Annual Contract Instructional Staff) 2016/2017 School Year," accessed July 8, 2021
  12. U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC: EDFacts, "State Assessments in Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics- School Year 2018-19 EDFacts Data Documentation," accessed February 25, 2021
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 To protect student privacy, percentages were reported as ranges for groups of 300 students or fewer. If five (5) or fewer students were included in a data set, the data was replaced by "PS."
  14. U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC: EDFacts, "Four-Year Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rates - School Year 2017-18 EDFacts Data Documentation," accessed February 25, 2021
  15. National Center for Education Statistics, "ElSi tableGenerator," accessed March 8, 2021
  16. National Center for Education Statistics, "Search for Public School Districts," accessed March 8, 2021
  17. National Center for Education Statistics, "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," accessed March 8, 2021

Categories: [School districts in Florida] [Largest school districts (by enrollment) in Florida] [Nonpartisan school districts in Florida] [School districts in Pinellas County, Florida] [School districts inside coverage scope]

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