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Government agencies in Bangladesh: The Government agencies in Bangladesh are state controlled organizations that act independently to carry out the policies of the Government of Bangladesh. The Government Ministries are relatively small and merely policy-making organizations, allowed to control agencies by policy decisions. [100%] 2024-06-24 [Government agencies of Bangladesh] [Lists of government agencies by country]...
Agencias: El término agencia puede referirse a:. [77%] 2023-05-17
List of government space agencies: Government space agencies are established by governments of countries or regional groupings of countries to establish a means for advocating for and/or engaging in activities related to outer space, exploitation of space systems, and space exploration. The listings summarize ... (Overview of state-sponsored programs for flight beyond Earth) [70%] 2024-01-19 [Lists of government agencies] [Spaceflight]...
Government (linguistics): In grammar and theoretical linguistics, government or rection refers to the relationship between a word and its dependents. One can discern between at least three concepts of government: the traditional notion of case government, the highly specialized definition of government ... (Linguistics) [69%] 2024-01-06 [Generative syntax] [Syntactic relationships]...
Government: Biblical Data: The only kind of political institution extant among the Israelites before the time of the Kings was the division into tribes, according to tradition twelve in number corresponding to the sons of Jacob, who were regarded as the ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [69%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Government: For a free course about government, see American Government Lecture One A government is an entity that has the authority to make and enforce laws, and to rule the actions and affairs of others within a geopolitical boundary. God's ... [69%] 2023-03-10 [Politics] [Government]...
Government: A government is a system or collection of individuals who are in charge of administering an organised society, usually referred to as a state. In accordance with its wide associative meaning, government is often comprised of three branches: the legislative ... [69%] 2024-01-06 [Government] [Political terminology]...
Government: Government, in its widest sense, the ruling power in a political society. In every society of men there is a determinate body (whether consisting of one individual or a few or many individuals) whose commands the rest of the community ... [69%] 2022-09-02
Government: A government is a system designed to make sure the citizens of a nation play nicely with its other citizens. Several different types of government have been implemented in attempts to accomplish that goal, with widely varying results. [69%] 2023-12-07 [Government] [Political theory]...
Government: Government is the system by which a community or nation is controlled and regulated. Governments vary in their composition and processes. [69%] 2023-07-05
Government: GOVERNMENT guv'-ern-ment: The government of the Hebrews varied at different periods, of which we may distinguish seven: (1) the nomadic period, from the Exodus to the entrance into Palestine; (2) the period of transition from nomadic to civil ... [69%] 1915-01-01
Government: A government is a system or collection of individuals who are in charge of administering an organised society, usually referred to as a state. In accordance with its wide associative meaning, government is often comprised of three branches: the legislative ... [69%] 2024-04-02 [Government] [Political terminology]...
Government: Government (governo, em português) pode ser. [69%] 2025-02-16
Government of Pasadena, Texas: The Government of Pasadena, Texas operates under a Mayor-Council form of government with a mayor and eight council members who are responsible for enacting legislation, adopting budgets and setting policies. Council members are elected by voters in each of ... [66%] 2024-05-17 [Pasadena, Texas] [Local government in Texas]...
Argences: Argences es una población y comuna francesa, situada en la región de Baja Normandía, departamento de Calvados, en el distrito de Caen y cantón de Troarn. [66%] 2024-01-01
Avenches: Avenches (en latín Aventicum, antiguamente en alemán Wifflisburg) es una comuna y ciudad histórica suiza del cantón de Vaud, situada en el distrito de Broye-Vully, a orillas del lago de Morat. Limita al norte con las comunas de Vully ... [66%] 2024-01-04