1920: 1920 (MCMXX) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en jueves según el calendario gregoriano. [100%] 2024-01-11
1920: Cette page concerne l'année 1920 (MCMXX en chiffres romains) du calendrier grégorien. modifier L'année 1920 est une année bissextile qui commence un jeudi. [100%] 2024-10-01
Domainz: Domainz Limited was the original .nz registry operator and is now an ICANN accredited domain name registrar and web host. IANA delegated the .nz namespace to John Houlker on 19 January 1987, and the University of Waikato issued .nz domain ... (Former registry operator in New Zealand) [92%] 2023-12-19 [Domain name registrars] [Internet in New Zealand]...
Domaine (biologie): Pour les articles homonymes, voir Domaine. En classifications biologiques, le domaine (néolatinisé en dominium) est le premier niveau de rang, au-dessus des règnes. (Biologie) [92%] 2024-02-06
Domaine: Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Un domaine est l'ensemble des maisons, des dépendances et des terres agricoles qui entourent les jardins et les terrains d'une très grande propriété, comme une ... [92%] 2024-02-06
Domainz: Domainz Limited was the original .nz registry operator and is now an ICANN accredited domain name registrar and web host. IANA delegated the .nz namespace to John Houlker on 19 January 1987, and the University of Waikato issued .nz domain ... (Company) [92%] 2023-11-20 [Web hosting]
Domain: A non-empty connected open set in a topological space $ X $. The closure $ \overline{D}\; $ of a domain $ D $ is called a closed domain; the closed set $ \textrm{ Fr } D = \overline{D}\; \setminus D $ is called the boundary of $ D ... (Mathematics) [89%] 2023-10-17
Domain (biology): In biological taxonomy, a domain (/dəˈmeɪn/ or /doʊˈmeɪn/) (Latin: regio), also dominion, superkingdom, realm, or empire, is the highest taxonomic rank of all organisms taken together. It was introduced in the three-domain system of taxonomy devised by Carl Woese ... (Biology) [89%] 2024-01-10 [Domains (biology)]
Domain: A domain is the set of points where a mathematical function is defined. When the function is a function of a complex variable, a domain is usually an open connected set. [89%] 2023-03-01 [Mathematics]
Domain (mathematics): Template:Two other uses In mathematics, the domain of a given function is the set of "input" values for which the function is defined. In a representation of a function in a xy Cartesian coordinate system, the domain is represented ... (Mathematics) [89%] 2023-12-27 [Functions and mappings] [Basic concepts in set theory]...
Domain (software engineering): In software engineering, domain is the targeted subject area of a computer program. Formally it represents the target subject of a specific programming project, whether narrowly or broadly defined. (Software engineering) [89%] 2024-07-30 [Software design]
Domain (Hong Kong shopping centre): Domain (Chinese: 大本型) is a shopping centre located next to Yau Tong station in Yau Tong, Kwun Tong District, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The shopping centre is serving about 80,000 people in Yau Tong Estate, Yau Lai Estate, Yau Chui Court ... (Hong Kong shopping centre) [89%] 2024-10-15 [Shopping centres in Hong Kong] [Yau Tong]...
Domain (ring theory): In algebra, a domain is a nonzero ring in which ab = 0 implies a = 0 or b = 0. (Sometimes such a ring is said to "have the zero-product property".) Equivalently, a domain is a ring in which 0 is ... (Ring theory) [89%] 2025-02-21 [Ring theory] [Algebraic structures]...
Dépression de 1920-1921: Cet article est une ébauche concernant l’économie américain et la finance. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. [87%] 2024-01-11
Prima Categoria 1920-1921: La Prima Categoria 1920-1921 è stata la 20ª edizione della massima serie del campionato italiano di calcio, disputata tra il 10 ottobre 1920 e il 24 luglio 1921 e conclusa con la vittoria della Pro Vercelli, al suo sesto titolo. Nonostante ... [87%] 2024-01-11
Depression of 1920–1921: The Depression of 1920–1921 was a sharp deflationary recession in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries, beginning 14 months after the end of World War I. It lasted from January 1920 to July 1921. (Finance) [87%] 2024-01-09 [Stock market crashes]
Depression of 1920–1921: The Depression of 1920–1921 was a sharp deflationary recession in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries, beginning 14 months after the end of World War I. It lasted from January 1920 to July 1921. (Sharp deflationary recession) [87%] 2024-10-28 [1920 in economic history] [1921 in economic history]...