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Apartheid: Apartheid was the codified system of racial segregation founded on principles of white supremacy that was in effect in South Africa from 1948 to 1994. The term has in recent years been used to describe situations outside of the South ... [100%] 2024-01-20 [Apartheid] [Authoritarian regimes]...
Apartheid: Apartheid, an Afrikaans term that translates literally as "apartness," was the law of the land in South Africa from 1948 until 1990. The first recorded use of the term "apartheid" is in a 1929 speech by Reverend Jan Christoffel du ... [100%] 2023-10-21
Apartheid: El apartheid (lit. 'separación' en afrikáans) fue el sistema de segregación racial en Sudáfrica y Namibia en vigor entre 1948 y 1992. [100%] 2024-01-20
Apartheid: Apartheid (meaning separateness in Afrikaans), was a social, economic and political policy of racial segregation which was enforced by white minority governments in South Africa from 1948 until June 17, 1991 when the final Apartheid laws were abolished in Parliament ... [100%] 2023-02-26 [Apartheid] [South Africa]...
Apartheid (Recht): Apartheid ist ein im Völkerrecht definiertes Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit (englisch crime of apartheid). Die Internationale Konvention über die Bekämpfung und Bestrafung des Verbrechens der Apartheid (Anti-Apartheidkonvention, abgekürzt AAK) vom 30. (Recht) [100%] 2024-08-16
Apartheid: L'apartheid (italiana: /apar'tajd/; afrikaans: [aˈpartɦɛit]; letteralmente "separazione", "partizione") era la politica di segregazione razziale istituita nel 1948 dal governo di etnia bianca del Sudafrica, rimase in vigore fino al 1991. Il suo iniziatore è stato Daniel François Malan, che ... [100%] 2024-08-16
Apartheid: Apartheid, soms geëufemiseer tot afsonderlike ontwikkeling, verwys na 'n politieke bestel, ideologie en beleid wat op rasseklassifikasie gegrond is en tussen 1948 en 1994 as amptelike beleid in Suid-Afrika gegeld het. Die woord apartheid dui oorspronklik op 'n toestand ... [100%] 2024-08-16
Apartheid: Als Apartheid (wörtlich „Getrenntheit“) wird eine geschichtliche Periode der staatlich festgelegten und organisierten Rassentrennung in Südafrika und Südwestafrika bezeichnet. Sie war vor allem durch die autoritäre, selbsterklärte Vorherrschaft der weißen, europäischstämmigen Bevölkerungsgruppe über alle anderen gekennzeichnet. [100%] 2024-08-16
Apartheid: Apartheid (/əˈpɑːrt(h)aɪt/, especially South African English: /əˈpɑːrt(h)eɪt/, Afrikaans: [aˈpartɦɛit]; transl. "separateness", lit. (South African system of racial separation) [100%] 2024-08-16 [1948 establishments in South Africa] [1950s in South Africa]...
Apartheid (homonymie): Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Apartheid (« vivre à part » en afrikaans) est un terme qui désigne initialement l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud, une séparation, une politique de lois de séparation raciale ... (Homonymie) [100%] 2024-08-18
Opposition (planets): In positional astronomy, two astronomical objects are said to be in opposition when they are on opposite sides of the celestial sphere, as observed from a given body (usually Earth). A planet (or asteroid or comet) is said to be ... (Planets) [91%] 2024-01-20 [Astrometry] [Observational astronomy]...
Opposition (Myanmar): The Opposition are the political parties represented in the Assembly of the Union that are not in government either on their own or as part of a governing coalition. The Leader of the Opposition is the leader of the largest ... (Myanmar) [91%] 2024-01-20 [Burmese democracy movements] [Leaders of the Opposition]...
Opposition (politics): In politics, the opposition comprises one or more political parties or other organized groups that are opposed, primarily ideologically, to the government (or, in American English, the administration), party or group in political control of a city, region, state, country ... (Social) [91%] 2023-12-20 [Political terminology]
Opposition (politics): In politics, the opposition comprises one or more political parties or other organized groups that are opposed, primarily ideologically, to the government (or, in American English, the administration), party or group in political control of a city, region, state, country ... (Politics) [91%] 2024-07-17 [Political opposition] [Political terminology]...
Opposition (Astronomie): Als Opposition (Astronomisches Symbol: ☍) bezeichnet man in der Astronomie die Konstellation, bei der sich zwei Himmelskörper von der Erde aus betrachtet im Winkelabstand (Elongation) von 180 Grad zueinander befinden. Im Regelfall interessiert dabei nur die Opposition eines Himmelskörpers gegenüber der ... (Astronomie) [91%] 2025-03-09
Opposition to Christianity: Many individuals, groups, and even cultural movements in modern times are antichristian. This means they actively seek to attack, undermine, and denigrate the Christian faith, while deceiving the public about the nature of Christianity, its heritage, and accomplishments. [85%] 2023-02-14 [Religion and Politics] [Liberal Traits]...
Opposition to immigration: Opposition to immigration, also known as anti-immigration, has become a significant political ideology in many countries. In the modern sense, immigration refers to the entry of people from one state or territory into another state or territory in which ... (none) [85%] 2024-01-12 [Anti-immigration politics] [Xenophobia]...
Opposition to copyright: Opposition to copyright or anti-copyright is opposition to the current state of copyright law, or perhaps copyright as a concept. Opposition groups often criticize philosophical, economical, or social rationales of such laws and the laws' implementations, the benefits of ... (Philosophy) [85%] 2023-12-17 [Criticisms]
Opposition to pornography: Reasons for opposition to pornography include religious objections and feminist concerns, as well as alleged harmful effects, such as pornography addiction. Pornography addiction is not a condition recognized by the DSM-5, or the ICD-11. (Overview of opposing views to pornography) [85%] 2023-12-19 [Anti-pornography movements] [Censorship of pornography]...
Opposition to pornography: Reasons for opposition to pornography include religious objections and feminist concerns (for specific sectors of feminism), as well as alleged harmful effects, such as pornography addiction. Pornography addiction is not a condition recognized by the DSM-5, or the ICD ... (Social) [85%] 2023-12-16 [Social conservatism]