No results for "Category:Law enforcement agencies by country" (auto) in titles.
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Law enforcement by country: In many countries, particularly those with a federal system of government, there may be several law enforcement agencies, police or police-like organizations, each serving different levels of government and enforcing different subsets of the applicable law. The Afghan National ... (none) [100%] 2024-10-07 [Law enforcement by country]
List of law enforcement agencies: A law enforcement agency (LEA) is any agency which enforces the law. This may be a special or local police/sheriffs, state troopers, and feds such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). (None) [78%] 2024-01-10 [Law enforcement agencies] [Lists of law enforcement agencies]...
Agencias: El término agencia puede referirse a:. [78%] 2023-05-17
Nomination by endorsement: Nomination by endorsement is the approach which was taken by Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush to try to win the Democratic and Republican nominations for President. Both appeared to lack the support of the grassroots, and had relatively little popular ... [75%] 2023-02-26 [Politics]
Endorsement: Ein Endorsement (von englisch to endorse „unterstützen“) oder Endorser-Vertrag ist eine vertragliche Bindung einer der Zielgruppe bekannten, oft berühmten Person, die ein bestimmtes Produkt öffentlich empfiehlt oder zumindest selbst verwendet. Geschlossen wird diese Vereinbarung mit einer bestimmten Firma (Ausrüster ... [70%] 2024-01-19
Country-by-Country Reporting: Country-by-Country Reporting (or CbCR, sometimes referred to as Country-by-Country Report or CbC report) is an international initiative pioneered by the OECD. It seeks to establish a reporting standard for multinational enterprises (MNEs) containing key tax related ... (Finance) [67%] 2023-11-04 [International taxation] [Corporate tax avoidance]...
Argences: Argences es una población y comuna francesa, situada en la región de Baja Normandía, departamento de Calvados, en el distrito de Caen y cantón de Troarn. [67%] 2024-01-01
Avenches: Avenches (en latín Aventicum, antiguamente en alemán Wifflisburg) es una comuna y ciudad histórica suiza del cantón de Vaud, situada en el distrito de Broye-Vully, a orillas del lago de Morat. Limita al norte con las comunas de Vully ... [67%] 2024-01-04
Argences: Pour l’article homonyme, voir Argences en Aubrac. Argences est une commune française située dans le département du Calvados en région Normandie, peuplée de 3 848 habitants. [67%] 2024-05-07