Tribus (song): Tribus is an EP released by Brazilian band Sepultura, in 1999. It is made up of demos and remixes of songs found on the full-length album Against. (Song) [83%] 2022-12-10 [Sepultura albums] [1998 EPs]...
Träbes: Träbes ist ein Ortsteil der südthüringischen Kreisstadt Meiningen im fränkisch geprägten Süden von Thüringen. Träbes liegt etwa zwei Kilometer in Richtung Geba am Osthang der Hohen Geba (751 m) und rund 2 km vom Dorf Stepfershausen entfernt. [83%] 2024-01-19
Tribeč: Cet article est une ébauche concernant la montagne et la Slovaquie. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. [83%] 2023-10-17
Trives: Trives puede referirse a. [83%] 2024-09-15
African American: African American is a generally accepted term for United States citizens with black African ancestry. It is of relatively recent coinage, but gained support in the black community rapidly and is now in widespread usage. [81%] 2023-06-18
African American: African Americans (or African-Americans, also called Black Americans) have historically been the second largest ethnic group in the United States, after European Americans (although they have recently been overtaken by Hispanic Americans). The term "African American" is sometimes restricted ... [81%] 2023-12-15 [Culture] [Ethnic groups]...
Tribe: A tribe is a social group united by language and culture, and sometimes familial ties, (as a group of several clans, for example) usually a subset of a larger ethnic division. Distinctions are not always clear; some tribes are so ... [80%] 2023-08-04
Tribe: A tribe is a human social system existing before the emergence of nation-states, and, in some cases, continuing to exist independent of the state structure. Historically, tribal societies consisted only of a relatively small, local population. The internal social ... [80%] 2023-02-04
Tribe (Internet): The term tribe or digital tribe is used as a slang term for an unofficial community of people who share a common interest, and usually who are loosely affiliated with each other through social media or other Internet mechanisms. The ... (Internet) [80%] 2024-02-18 [Behavioral concepts] [Internet terminology]...
Tribe (альбом): Tribe — восьмой студийный альбом группы Queensrÿche, вышедший 22 июля 2003 года. Бывший гитарист, Крис ДеГармо, временно вернулся в группу, чтобы записать некоторые партии гитары. (Альбом) [80%] 2024-01-12
Tribe: A tribe is a human social system existing before the emergence of nation-states, and, in some cases, continuing to exist independent of the state structure. Historically, tribal societies consisted only of a relatively small, local population. The internal social ... [80%] 2023-02-03
Tribe: A tribe is a group of individuals, banded together to pursue a mutual goal. Although the term itself is value-neutral, its connotations encompass a pejorative element: the term "tribe" generally refers to a proto-political unit, rather than an ... [80%] 2023-07-24 [Culture]
Tribe: TRIBE trib (in the Old Testament always for matteh, 183 times, or shebhet, 145 times, also spelled shebhet; Aramaic shebhat (Ezra 6:17)): Both words mean "staff," and perhaps "company led by chief with staff" (OHL, 641) is the origin ... [80%] 1915-01-01
Tribe: Tribe, a word which is believed to have originally meant a "third part" of the people, in reference to the three patrician orders or political divisions of the people of Ancient Rome, the Ramnes, Tities and Luceres, representing the Latin ... [80%] 2022-09-02
African-Americans: African-Americans, or Black Americans, are citizens of the United States whose ancestors, were mostly indigenous to Sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that a significant number of African-Americans have European or Native American heritage. [75%] 2024-01-11 [History]
African-Americans: African-Americans, or Black Americans, are citizens of the United States whose ancestors, were mostly indigenous to Sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that a significant number of African-Americans have European or Native American heritage. Most African-Americans are ... [75%] 2023-02-03