The American Analog Set: The American Analog Set (sometimes referred to as AmAnSet) is an Austin-based indie rock, lo-fi band. They have released seven studio albums, on the record labels Emperor Jones, Tiger Style Records, and Arts & Crafts. (American indie rock/lo-fi band) [88%] 2024-01-04 [American post-rock groups] [Musical groups from Austin, Texas]...
African American Civil War Memorial: El Monumento Memorial Afro-Americano de la Guerra Civil (en inglés y oficialmente: African American Civil War Memorial) es un monumento de Washington D. soldados afroamericanos y marineros que lucharon por la Unión en la Guerra Civil de Estados Unidos ... [82%] 2023-05-17
American Civil War: The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865; also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States between the Union ("the North") and the Confederacy ("the South"), which had been formed by states that ... (1861–1865 conflict in the United States) [80%] 2023-12-30 [American Civil War] [Rebellions against the United States]...
American Civil War: The American Civil War, arguably the most traumatic experience in the nation's history, was a major conflict which took place from 1861 to 1865, involving the government of the United States of America against eleven Southern states which seceded ... [80%] 2023-02-28 [United States History] [Featured articles]...
American Civil War: Total dead: 359,500 Wounded: 275,200 Total dead: 198,500 Wounded: 137,000+ The watershed event of United States history was the American Civil War (1861–1865), fought in North America within the territory of the United States of ... [80%] 2023-02-03
American Civil War: Total dead: 359,500 Wounded: 275,200 Total dead: 198,500 Wounded: 137,000+ The watershed event of United States history was the American Civil War (1861–1865), fought in North America within the territory of the United States of ... [80%] 2023-02-05
American civil religion: American civil religion is a term given to a shared set of certain fundamental beliefs, values, holidays, and rituals by those who live in the United States of America. These shared values and holidays are based upon, parallel to, but ... [80%] 2023-02-04
American Civil War: Known by several names, the American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865) was a civil war in the United States fought between the Union (states that stayed faithful to the federal union, or "the North") and the Confederacy ... [80%] 2024-01-20 [American Civil War] [Rebellions against the United States]...
American Civil War: The American Civil War (1861-1865), alternatively known as the "War of Secession", the "War Between the States", or, to the uneducated/undereducated/alternatively educated, the "War of Northern Aggression", was a war fought between the United States and a ... [80%] 2023-12-16 [United States history] [Racism]...
American Civil War: The Civil War (1861-65), between the U.S.A. and eleven Southern states that attempted to form a new nation, had a death toll of over 600,000 lives that exceeded all other wars the U.S. [80%] 2023-12-19
American Civil War: Total dead: 359,500 Wounded: 275,200 Total dead: 198,500 Wounded: 137,000+ The watershed event of United States history was the American Civil War (1861–1865), fought in North America within the territory of the United States of ... [80%] 2023-02-04
American Analog Set: com Miembros Andrew Kenny Tom Hoff Mark Smith Lee Gillespie Sean Ripple [editar datos en Wikidata] The American Analog Set, coloquialmente AmAnSet, es un grupo de Indie Pop, procedente de Austin, Estados Unidos. Se formó en el año 1994, luego de ... [79%] 2023-05-17
Civil: Un civil es, por oposición a un militar, una persona que no es miembro de un ejército. De una manera general, el término civil designa todo lo que se refiere a los no-militares en general y a los ciudadanos ... [76%] 2024-01-10
Civil (Aldeia, Cassa): Civil (Sibil) ist eine osttimoresische Aldeia im Suco Cassa (Verwaltungsamt Ainaro, Gemeinde Ainaro). 2015 lebten in der Aldeia 604 Menschen. (Aldeia, Cassa) [76%] 2025-03-05