Verse (poetry): A verse is formally a single metrical line in a poetic composition. However, verse has come to represent any grouping of lines in a poetic composition, with groupings traditionally having been referred to as stanzas. (Social) [80%] 2023-12-15 [Linguistics]
Verge: Die Verge hatte als Maß eine unterschiedliche Bedeutung. Sie war ein Längenmaß und ein Volumenmaß. [80%] 2023-12-16
Verge: Verge, originally a staff denoting authority, whence the sense of a measurement, and so boundary or border, of land, or generally a margin of space. In architecture, a verge is the edge of the tiling projecting over the gable of ... [80%] 2022-09-02
Vervet: Vervet, a Central and South African monkey, known as Cercopithecus pygerythrus. It is nearly allied to the grivet, but distinguished (as indicated by its name) by the presence of a rusty patch at the root of the tail, and by ... [80%] 2022-09-02
Verse: Verse, the name given to an assemblage of words so placed together as to produce a metrical effect. The art of making, and the science of analysing, such verses is known as Versification. According to Max Muller, there is an ... [80%] 2022-09-02
Veuve (Begriffsklärung): Veuve bezeichnet: Veuve ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Siehe auch. (Begriffsklärung) [80%] 2023-07-07
Vervò: Vervò es una localidad italiana perteneciente al municipio de Predaia de la provincia de Trento, región de Trentino-Alto Adigio, con 680 habitantes. Fue un municipio independiente hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2014, en que fue disuelto y pasó a formar ... [80%] 2023-12-30
Verse: Verse (from the Latin "versus"; turn of the plough (plow), a furrow, line, row, line of writing, etc. though Old High German, Old Norse etc. [80%] 2023-02-27 [Language] [Literature]...
Varve: A varve is an annual layer of sediment or sedimentary rock. The word 'varve' derives from the Swedish word varv whose meanings and connotations include 'revolution', 'in layers', and 'circle'. (Earth) [80%] 2023-10-08 [Sedimentary rocks] [Climatology]...
Verge (cryptocurrency): Verge Currency is a decentralized open-source cryptocurrency which offers various levels of private transactions. It does this by obfuscating the IP addresses of users with Tor and by leveraging stealth transactions making it difficult to determine the geolocation of ... (Finance) [80%] 2023-07-08 [Cryptocurrencies]
VIRVE: VIRVE (short for "Viranomaisradioverkko", government official radio network) is the Finnish authorities' telecommunications network. It is based on the Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) standard. [80%] 2024-11-11 [Public safety networks]
Verde: Verde (en corse : Verde [ˈbɛrdɛ]) est une ancienne piève de Corse. Située dans l'est de l'île, elle relevait de la province d'Aléria sur le plan civil et du diocèse d'Aléria sur le plan religieux. [80%] 2024-12-09
Verne (rivière): Pour les articles homonymes, voir Verne. La Verne est une rivière du Var, en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, et le principal affluent gauche de la Môle, donc un sous-affluent du petit fleuve côtier la Giscle. (Rivière) [80%] 2025-01-24
Member: MEMBER mem'-ber (1) yatsur; melos; (2) shaphekhah, "membrum virile" (Deuteronomy 23:1)): The first Hebrew word is derived from a root meaning "to knead," "to mold in clay," "to create." It therefore denotes any feature or part of the ... [77%] 1915-01-01
Member: A member is a person, animal, plant, group, etc., that is part of a society, party, community, or other body. The term is frequently used in government. [77%] 2023-09-19 [Organizations] [Government]...
Vere: Vere, the family of which is extolled by Macaulay as "the longest and most illustrious line of nobles that England has seen," appears to have derived the surname which the verse of Tennyson has made synonymous with ancient blood, from ... [75%] 2022-09-02