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Authority: Authority is the power or right to make rules or laws. It is derived from the Latin word auctoritas and as such many of its concepts originate from Roman Law. [100%] 2023-08-25
Authority (textual criticism): The authority of a text is its reliability as a witness to the author's intentions. These intentions could be initial, medial or final, but intentionalist editors (most notably represented by Fredson Bowers and G. (Religion) [100%] 2023-09-20 [Biblical criticism]
Authority (management): Authority in project management is the power that gives a project manager the ability to act in the name of the project sponsor executive or on behalf of the organization. There are several different types of authority that project managers ... (Social) [100%] 2023-09-21 [Project management]
Authority (sociology): In sociology, authority is the legitimate or socially approved power which one person or a group possesses and practices over another. The element of legitimacy is vital to the notion of authority and is the main means by which authority ... (Sociology) [100%] 2024-01-11 [Authority] [Social philosophy]...
Authority: Authority is a position where one or many people have power over others. Authority is mainly used to refer to government, which rules over a country or institutions with political power. [100%] 2023-03-05 [Terms] [Political Terms]...
Authority: Authority (Latin auctoritas, used in Roman law as opposed to potestas and imperium) is a key concept in political philosophy. Authority is a power based upon a certain legitimacy, justification, and the right to exercise it. Authority is often used ... [100%] 2023-02-03
Authority: In sociology and political science, authority is the legitimate power of a person or group over other people. In a civil state, authority is practiced by the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. (Political power over others) [100%] 2024-01-11 [Authority] [Group processes]...
Authority (sociology): In sociology, authority is the legitimate or socially approved power which one person or a group possesses and practices over another. The element of legitimacy is vital to the notion of authority and is the main means by which authority ... (Social) [100%] 2023-12-15 [Social philosophy] [Sociological terminology]...
Authority: When is political authority legitimate? This is one of the fundamental questions of political philosophy. (Philosophy) [100%] 2021-12-24
Authority (fumetto): Authority (The Authority) è una serie a fumetti di supereroi, creata dallo scrittore Warren Ellis e dal disegnatore Bryan Hitch nel 1999. Pubblicata dalla Wildstorm - DC Comics, presenta le avventure di Authority, una squadra di supereroi comprendente principalmente i personaggi creati ... (Fumetto) [100%] 2024-01-11
Authority: In the fields of sociology and political science, authority is the legitimate power of a person or group over other people. In a civil state, authority is practiced by the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. (Philosophy) [100%] 2023-11-07 [Philosophy of law] [Political concepts]...
Authority: Authority (englisch für: Autorität) steht für: In Namen wird der Begriff Authority verwendet, um deutlich zu machen, dass eine Behörde, eine Organisation bzw. allgemein eine System-Einheit für alle Belange eines Bereichs zuständig ist. [100%] 2024-01-20
Authority: Può essere un'autorità garante, ad esempio. [100%] 2024-01-19
England: England is a country located to the north-west of continental Europe (across the English Channel). England is the largest and most populous constituent country within the United Kingdom, accounting for more than 83% of the total population of the ... [95%] 2023-09-25
England: England is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and is located to the north-west of mainland Europe. England is often mistakenly considered the same as the United Kingdom ... [95%] 2023-02-03
England: The southern portion of the island of Great Britain. Owing to the dominance of the capital city in , most of the episodes of Jewish history connected with that country occurred at London, and are narrated under that heading. In the ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [95%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
England (cricket): In cricket, England has been used as a team name since 1739 and in an international sense since 1859. England took part in the world's first-ever Test match, recognised retrospectively, when they played Australia in 1877. (Cricket) [95%] 2023-06-23 [International cricket teams]
England: England is a constituent country of the United Kingdom located on the island of Great Britain in the north-west of Europe. It is home of the English language currently spoken by perhaps a billion people worldwide, and was the ... [95%] 2023-02-21 [United Kingdom] [England]...
England: England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Wales to its west and Scotland to its north, while Ireland is located across the Irish Sea to its west and northwest, and the ... (Country in north-west Europe) [95%] 2024-01-07 [England] [Countries in Europe]...