Pedagogics: The fundamental law of Biblical pedagogy is that the child should be instructed in the doctrines of religion and should know them so clearly that he will realize that he ought to live in accordance with them (Deut. Education") that ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [100%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Pedagogica: An example microworld shortly documented in this wiki is BioLogica. The architecture is illustrated like this on the Pedagogica Home Page, retrieved 17:13, 18 August 2007 (MEST). [88%] 2023-11-07 [Microworlds] [Simulation environments]...
Pedagogic method: Pedagogic methods refer to the elements used in a pedagogical scenario or referred to in a pedagogic strategy Effective course designs (or teachers) use a vocabulary of different teaching strategies or methods. It is not always obvious to distinguish strategy ... [61%] 2024-01-13 [Pedagogic strategies] [Educational theories]...
Pedagogic strategy: Pedagogic Strategies can be defined at 3 levels: Effective course designs (or teachers) may make use of different teaching strategies or methods. According to Dick et al. [61%] 2024-01-07 [Pedagogic strategies] [Educational theories]...
Phoebe pedagogic planner: “Phoebe is a web application designed to provide inspiration and practical support for learning design.” (phoebe application home page, retrieved 15:20, 29 January 2009 (UTC) Looking at the phoebe welcome screen, it currently (jan 2009) has four functionalities: Phoebe ... [49%] 2024-01-19 [Instructional design models] [Instructional design methods]...