Search for "Presbyter Judæorum" in article titles:

  1. Presbyter Judæorum: Chief official of the Jews of England in pre-expulsion times. The office appears to have been for life, though in two or three instances the incumbent either resigned or was dismissed., argues that the presbyter Judæorum was merely a ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [100%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]

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  1. Presbyter; Presbytery: PRESBYTER; PRESBYTERY prez'-bi-ter, pres'-bi-ter, prez'-bi-ter-i, pres'-bi-ter-i (presbuteros, presbuterion): 1. Words Used in the New Testament: This latter word occurs in the New Testament once (1 Timothy 4:14), so rendered ... [89%] 1915-01-01
  2. Presbyter: Presbyter (/ˈprɛzbɪtər/) is an honorific title for Christian clergy. The word derives from the Greek presbyteros, which means elder or senior, although many in the Christian antiquity would understand presbyteros to refer to the bishop functioning as overseer. (Religion) [66%] 2023-08-25 [Christian religious occupations] [Christian terminology]...
  3. Presbyter: Presbyter is a term derived from the Greek word presbyteros, meaning "elder." It has become the basis both for the Catholic "priest," to which it is etymologically related, and the idea of a governing board of elders in other churches ... [66%] 2023-02-04
  4. Presbyter: Presbyter, the title borne from very early times by certain officers or ministers of the Christian Church intermediate between "bishops" and "deacons. The specialized use of the word as implying not only age, but consequently wisdom and authority, is analogous ... [66%] 2022-09-02
  5. Presbyter: From the time of Moses down to the Talmudic period the "zeḳenim" (elders) are mentioned as constituting a regular communal organization, occasionally under the Greek name Gerusia. But the term "presbyter" (πρεσβύτερος) is found nowhere before the beginnings of Christianity, though ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [66%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
  6. Presbytery: Presbytery, in architecture, that portion of the choir of a church in which the high altar is placed, and which is generally raised by a few steps above the rest of the church. It is reserved for the priests, and ... [59%] 2022-09-02
  7. Presbytera: Presbytera (Greek: πρεσβυτέρα, pronounced presvytéra) is a Greek title of honor that is used to refer to a priest's wife. It is derived from presbyteros—the Greek word for priest (literally, "elder"). (Honorific title for a priest's or elder's wife) [59%] 2023-10-26 [Christianity and women] [Eastern Christian ecclesiastical offices]...
  8. Presbítero: El presbítero (del latín presbyteros, y este del griego πρεσβύτερος, ‘el más anciano’, ‘decano’)​ es un dirigente religioso. Los “ancianos” eran un grupo de líderes en el pueblo de Israel, Moisés es quien prefigura este personaje dándole forma en el libro ... [51%] 2024-04-20
  9. Trifolius presbyter: Trifolius was a Christian theologian of the sixth century. He is known for his Epistula ad beatum Faustum senatorem contra Ioannem Scytham monachum of 519/20, written to the Roman senator Faustus. [47%] 2023-10-26 [6th-century writers in Latin] [Christian theologians]...
  10. Winnebago Presbytery: The Winnebago Presbytery is a district governing body of the Presbyterian Church (USA) (PCUSA). It is one of the 16 Presbyteries of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies. [41%] 2023-11-17 [Presbyterian Church (USA) presbyteries]

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