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Southern Rhodesia: Southern Rhodesia was a landlocked self-governing British Crown colony in southern Africa, established in 1923 and consisting of British South Africa Company (BSAC) territories lying south of the Zambezi River. The region was informally known as south Zambesia until ... (British colony from 1923 to 1964 and from 1979 to 1980) [100%] 2023-12-31 [Southern Rhodesia] [Rhodesia]...
Elections in Southern Rhodesia: Elections in Southern Rhodesia were used from 1899 to 1923 to elect part of the Legislative Council and from 1924 to elect the whole of the Legislative Assembly which governed the colony. Since the granting of self-government in 1923 ... (none) [89%] 2024-02-23 [Elections in Southern Rhodesia] [Politics of Rhodesia]...
Southern Rhodesia in World War II: Southern Rhodesia, then a self-governing colony of the United Kingdom that is located in the now-independent Zimbabwe, entered World War II along with Britain shortly after the invasion of Poland in 1939. By the war's end, 26 ... (Southern Rhodesia in World War II) [80%] 2024-02-02 [Southern Rhodesia in World War II] [1940s in Southern Rhodesia]...
Rhodesia (region): Rhodesia, known initially as Zambesia, is a historical region in southern Africa whose formal boundaries evolved between the 1890s and 1980. Demarcated and named by the British South Africa Company (BSAC), which governed it until the 1920s, it thereafter saw ... (Place) [77%] 2023-11-21 [Historical regions] [Regions of Africa]...
Rhodesia: Rhodesia (so named after Cecil Rhodes), an inland country and British possession in South Central Africa, bounded S. by the Transvaal, the Bechuanaland Protectorate and German South-West Africa; W. by the British Nyasaland Protectorate and Portuguese East Africa. [77%] 2022-09-02
Rhodesia: Rhodesia, previously Southern Rhodesia and later the Republic of Rhodesia was a British colony and later an unrecognized independent state located in what is now known as Zimbabwe. It was named after its founder, Cecil John Rhodes (1853–1902), who ... [77%] 2023-09-07 [Alt-right] [Apartheid]...
Rhodesia: Rhodesia (/roʊˈdiːʒə/ roh-DEE-zhə, /roʊˈdiːʃə/ roh-DEE-shə; Shona: Rodizha), officially from 1970 the Republic of Rhodesia, was an unrecognised state in Southern Africa from 1965 to 1979, equivalent in territory to modern Zimbabwe. Rhodesia was the de facto successor state to the ... (Unrecognised state in Southern Africa (1965–1979)) [77%] 2024-01-14 [Rhodesia] [1965 establishments in Africa]...
Establishment: The Establishment are the "powers that be," the group of leaders in a society who hold power and use it primarily for their own benefit, opposing meritocracy and making it unjustifiably difficult for others. The establishment is entrenched in both ... [75%] 2023-02-19 [Politics] [RINOs]...
Establishment: Establishment, generally the act of establishing or fact of being established, and so by transference a thing established. Thus we may speak of the establishment (i. setting up) of a business, the “long establishment” of a business, and of the ... [75%] 2022-09-02
Establishment: Establishment, también llamado estáblisment, grupo de poder, poder establecido, establecimiento, clase dominante o el sistema, es un grupo dominante visible o élite que ostenta el poder o la autoridad en una nación. El término se refiere a un cerrado grupo ... [75%] 2024-06-15
Establishment: Establishment (englisch establishment [ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt] ‚Einrichtung‘, ‚organisierte Körperschaft‘) bezeichnet eine politisch, wirtschaftlich und gesellschaftlich einflussreiche Milieugruppierung oder Klasse, eine etablierte Elite. Meist ist die Machtelite in einem Land bzw. [75%] 2024-08-26
Establishment: Na sociologia e na ciência política, o termo "establishment" descreve o grupo social dominante, a elite que controla uma política, uma organização ou uma instituição. Na práxis do poder, o establishment geralmente é uma elite fechada e autosselecionada entrincheirada em instituições ... [75%] 2024-08-26
Establishment: L’establishment (écrit parfois avec une majuscule si l'on veut personnaliser le mot) est un anglicisme, souvent péjoratif, désignant une minorité sociale exerçant un fort contrôle sur l'ensemble de la société. Les équivalents en français de cet emprunt sont généralement ... [75%] 2024-08-26