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Saint Kitts: Saint Kitts, officially Saint Christopher, is an island in the West Indies. The west side of the island borders the Caribbean Sea, and the eastern coast faces the Atlantic Ocean. (Island in the West Indies) [100%] 2024-07-27 [Saint Kitts (island)] [Islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis]...
Saint Kitts and Nevis: The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis (also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis) located in the Leeward Islands, is an island nation in the West Indies. It is the smallest nation in the Americas in both ... [91%] 2023-02-03
Saint Kitts and Nevis: Saint Kitts and Nevis is a sovereign federated state located in the Lesser Antilles in the east Caribbean. It comprises the islands of Saint Kitts (Saint Christopher) and the smaller Nevis, divided by a strait of water known as 'The ... [91%] 2023-06-29
Saint Kitts and Nevis: The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis (also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis) located in the Leeward Islands, is an island nation in the West Indies. It is the smallest nation in the Americas in both ... [91%] 2023-02-04
Transport in Saint Kitts and Nevis: Transport in Saint Christopher and Nevis (a two-island federation) includes normal road traffic, public buses, taxis, ferries, airports, and one railway. Basseterre is the hub for all major roads in Saint Christopher. [91%] 2023-10-02 [Transport in Saint Kitts and Nevis]
Establishment: The Establishment are the "powers that be," the group of leaders in a society who hold power and use it primarily for their own benefit, opposing meritocracy and making it unjustifiably difficult for others. The establishment is entrenched in both ... [79%] 2023-02-19 [Politics] [RINOs]...
Establishment: Establishment, generally the act of establishing or fact of being established, and so by transference a thing established. Thus we may speak of the establishment (i. setting up) of a business, the “long establishment” of a business, and of the ... [79%] 2022-09-02
Establishment: Establishment, también llamado estáblisment, grupo de poder, poder establecido, establecimiento, clase dominante o el sistema, es un grupo dominante visible o élite que ostenta el poder o la autoridad en una nación. El término se refiere a un cerrado grupo ... [79%] 2024-06-15
Establishment: Establishment (englisch establishment [ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt] ‚Einrichtung‘, ‚organisierte Körperschaft‘) bezeichnet eine politisch, wirtschaftlich und gesellschaftlich einflussreiche Milieugruppierung oder Klasse, eine etablierte Elite. Meist ist die Machtelite in einem Land bzw. [79%] 2024-08-26
Establishment: Na sociologia e na ciência política, o termo "establishment" descreve o grupo social dominante, a elite que controla uma política, uma organização ou uma instituição. Na práxis do poder, o establishment geralmente é uma elite fechada e autosselecionada entrincheirada em instituições ... [79%] 2024-08-26
Establishment: L’establishment (écrit parfois avec une majuscule si l'on veut personnaliser le mot) est un anglicisme, souvent péjoratif, désignant une minorité sociale exerçant un fort contrôle sur l'ensemble de la société. Les équivalents en français de cet emprunt sont généralement ... [79%] 2024-08-26
Saint Kitts and Nevis Olympic Committee: The Saint Kitts and Nevis Olympic Committee (IOC code: SKN) is the National Olympic Committee (NOC) representing Saint Kitts and Nevis at the Olympic Games. It is also the body responsible for Saint Kitts and Nevis's representation at the ... (National Olympic Committee) [75%] 2023-12-13 [National Olympic Committees] [Commonwealth Games Associations]...