Coaches: The Great Plains states have produced many successful professional and college sports coaches. Plains natives have coached their teams to numerous national and international championships. Several prominent professional baseball managers were born in the Plains. (Geography) [86%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
Panthera: Panthera is a genus of large, wild cats in the mammalian family, Felidae, and includes the four, well-known living species of the lion (Panthera leo), the tiger (Panthera tigris), the jaguar (Panthera onca), and the leopard (Panthera pardus). These ... [74%] 2023-02-04
Pantheus: "All-god." A surname for various gods in the Hellenic period and onward when deities and their characteristics were syncretized. [74%] 2007-04-20
Panthera: Panthera es un género de mamíferos de la familia Felidae, al que pertenecen cinco especies actuales muy conocidas: el león, el tigre, el leopardo, el jaguar y el leopardo de las nieves. El género comprende aproximadamente la mitad de los ... [74%] 2024-09-23
Panthera: Panthera is a genus within the family Felidae, and one of two extant genera in the subfamily Pantherinae. It contains the largest living members of the cat family. (Genus within Felidae) [74%] 2024-08-31 [Panthera] [Mammal genera]...
Head: Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [73%] 2024-01-11 [Head and neck]
Head (hydrology): In hydrology, the head is the point on a watercourse up to which it has been artificially broadened and/or raised by an impoundment. Above the head of the reservoir natural conditions prevail; below it the water level above the ... (Earth) [73%] 2023-08-26 [Hydraulic engineering] [Hydrology]...
Head: Head: Сообщества, компании и марки * High Energy Astrophysics Division — подразделение Американского астрономического общества. , пожалуйста, вернитесь и уточните ссылку так, чтобы она указывала на нужную статью. [73%] 2024-01-11
Head (Unix): head is a program on Unix and Unix-like operating systems used to display the beginning of a text file or piped data. The command syntax is: By default, head will print the first 10 lines of its input to ... (Unix) [73%] 2024-01-11 [Unix text processing utilities] [Unix SUS2008 utilities]...
Head: A head is the part of an organism which usually includes the ears, brain, forehead, cheeks, chin, eyes, nose, and mouth, each of which aid in various sensory functions such as sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Some very simple animals ... (Cephalic part of an animal) [73%] 2024-01-11 [Head]
Head (Blackadder): "Head" is the second episode of the BBC period comedy Blackadder II, the second series of Blackadder, which was set in Elizabethan England from 1558 to 1603. Blackadder is attempting to teach Baldrick the basic concepts of addition when he ... (Blackadder) [73%] 2024-01-11 [Blackadder episodes] [1986 British television episodes]...
Head (watercraft): The head (pl. heads) is a ship's toilet. (Watercraft) [73%] 2024-01-11 [Toilets]
Head: Head: Сообщества, компании и марки * High Energy Astrophysics Division — подразделение Американского астрономического общества. , пожалуйста, вернитесь и уточните ссылку так, чтобы она указывала на нужную статью. [73%] 2024-01-11
Head: The head is the top of the human body containing the brain, mouth, eyes, and other sensory organs. It is connected to the rest of the body by the neck. [73%] 2023-08-05 [Anatomy]
Head (geology): Head describes deposits consisting of fragmented material which, following weathering, have moved downslope through a process of solifluction. The term has been used by British geologists since the middle of the 19th century to describe such material in a range ... (Earth) [73%] 2024-01-11 [Deposition (geology)] [Geochronology]...
Head (American Horror Story): "Head" es el noveno episodio de la tercera temporada de la serie de antología y de terror American Horror Story, que se estrenó en FX el 11 de diciembre de 2013 en los Estados Unidos. Un joven Hank Foxx se encuentra ... (American Horror Story) [73%] 2024-01-11