The arts: The arts are a very wide range of human practices of creative expression, storytelling, and cultural participation. They encompass multiple diverse and plural modes of thinking, doing, and being, in an extremely broad range of media. (Creative human and cultural expression) [76%] 2024-01-03 [The arts] [Aesthetics]...
The arts: The arts are a very wide range of human practices of creative expression, storytelling and cultural participation. They encompass multiple diverse and plural modes of thinking, doing and being, in an extremely broad range of media. (Social) [76%] 2023-11-04 [Humanities]
The arts: The arts is a term broader than "art". The arts encompasses visual arts, Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, performing arts, Music and Dance, and language arts, Literature which includes Poetry and Theater. [76%] 2023-03-01 [Art]
Arts in the Philippines: The Arts in the Philippines are all the arts in the Philippines, from the beginning of civilization to the present. They reflect a range of artistic influences on the country's culture, including indigenous art. (Aspect of Filipino culture) [75%] 2024-01-09 [Arts in the Philippines] [Art by country]...
Chess in the arts: Chess became a source of inspiration in the arts in literature soon after the spread of the game to the Arab World and Europe in the Middle Ages. The earliest works of art centered on the game are miniatures in ... (none) [75%] 2024-11-25 [History of chess] [Chess in art]...
Swedish Magazine Publishers Association: The Swedish Magazine Publishers Association (SMPA) (Swedish: Sveriges Tidskrifter) is a trade association for Swedish magazines. The organization was founded in 1997 by the merging of Föreningen Svensk Fackpress and Svenska veckopressens tidningsutgivareförening. (Trade association for Swedish magazines) [71%] 2024-01-03 [Business organizations based in Sweden] [Mass media in Sweden]...
ARts: aRts (which stands for analog real time synthesizer) is an audio framework that is no longer under development. It was best known for previously being used in K Desktop Environment 2 and 3 to simulate an analog synthesizer. (Software) [70%] 2023-11-04 [Audio libraries] [Audio software for Linux]...
Arts: ARTS See CRAFTS. See CRAFTS. [70%] 1915-01-01
ARTS (radiative transfer code): ARTS (Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator) is a widely used atmospheric radiative transfer simulator for infrared, microwave, and sub-millimeter wavelengths. While the model is developed by a community, core development is done by the University of Hamburg and Chalmers University ... (Software) [70%] 2023-12-14 [Science software]
Arts: Uno de los componentes clave de aRts es el Servidor de sonido que mezcla diferentes sonidos en tiempo real. El servidor de sonido llamado aRtsd (d por demonio) es también utilizado como servidor de sonido estándar para KDE. El servidor ... [70%] 2023-05-17
Arts: The arts refers to the theory, human application and physical expression of creativity found in human cultures and societies through skills and imagination in order to produce objects, environments and experiences. Major constituents of the arts include visual arts (including ... [70%] 2023-12-30 [Arts]
ARts: aRts は analog Real time synthesizer の略であり、KDE のもとでアナログシンセサイザーをシミュレートするアプリケーションである。 aRts の重要な構成要素はサウンドサーバであり、リアルタイムで複数のサウンドストリームを混ぜるものである。artsd(d はデーモンを表す)と呼ばれるサウンドサーバは KDE の標準的なサウンドサーバとしても利用されている。このサウンドサーバは KDE に依存せず、他のプロジェクトで使うことができる。aRts は別のリアルタイムサウンドサーバである JACK Audio Connection Kit に直接競合し、Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESD) に間接的に競合する。今は artsd の代わりに AL. [70%] 2024-10-04 [KDE] [ソフトウェア・シンセサイザー]...
ARts: aRts (which stands for analog real time synthesizer) is an audio framework that is no longer under development. It was best known for previously being used in K Desktop Environment 2 and 3 to simulate an analog synthesizer. (Audio framework) [70%] 2024-06-18 [Audio libraries] [Audio software for Linux]...