Search for "Schnabel" in article titles:

  1. Arthur Schnabel: No debe confundirse con el compositor y pianista austríaco Artur Schnabel. Participó en dos Juegos Olímpicos de Verano en los años 1976 y 1984, obteniendo una medalla de bronce en la edición de Los Ángeles 1984 en la categoría abierta. Ganó cuatro ... [100%] 2023-05-26
  2. Johann Schnabel: Johann Gottfried Schnabel (7 de noviembre de 1692 en Sandersdorf cerca de Bitterfeld - † con certeza en el periodo de 1751 y 1758), fue un escritor alemán. Escribió La isla Felsenburg (Die Insel Felsenburg) que describe, con ecos de Robinson Crusoe, la ... [100%] 2023-11-28
  3. Stefan Schnabel: Stefan Schnabel (* 2. Februar 1912 in Berlin; † 11. [100%] 2023-12-12
  4. Vito Schnabel: Vito Schnabel (born July 27, 1986) is an American art dealer. He is the owner of Vito Schnabel Gallery, which has locations in New York and St. (American art dealer) [100%] 2024-02-13 [1986 births] [Living people]...
  5. Alois Schnabel: Alois Schnabel (27 de febrero de 1910 - 20 de septiembre de 1982) fue un jugador de balonmano austriaco. Fue un componente de la Selección de balonmano de Austria.​ Con la selección ganó la medalla de plata en los Juegos Olímpicos de ... [100%] 2023-12-27
  6. Enrico Schnabel: Enrico Schnabel (Dresde, RDA, 13 de enero de 1974) es un deportista alemán que compitió en remo.​ Ganó cuatro medallas en el Campeonato Mundial de Remo entre los años 1998 y 2002.​ Participó en los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas 2004, ocupando el cuarto ... [100%] 2024-01-02
  7. Julian Schnabel: Julian Schnabel (born October 26, 1951) is an American painter and filmmaker. In the 1980s, he received international attention for his "plate paintings" — with broken ceramic plates set onto large-scale paintings. (American artist and filmmaker) [100%] 2023-12-29 [1951 births] [20th-century American painters]...
  8. Villa Schnabel: Die Villa Schnabel ist ein Baudenkmal in Hückeswagen. Es befindet sich (durch die Umbenennung im Jahr 2011) an der Bachstraße und trägt die Hausnummer 2a. [100%] 2024-01-10
  9. Artur Schnabel: No debe confundirse con el yudoca alemán Arthur Schnabel. A la edad de siete años se mudó con su familia a Viena, donde estudió con Teodor Leszetycki,[1]​ conoció a Johannes Brahms y tiempo después tuvo su debut en 1890. Mientras vivía en ... [100%] 2023-05-26
  10. Ulrich Schnabel: Ulrich Schnabel (* 1962) ist ein deutscher Wissenschaftsjournalist bei der deutschen Wochenzeitung Die Zeit und Buchautor. Er studierte Physik und Publizistik in Karlsruhe und Berlin. [100%] 2024-01-05
  11. Julia Schnabel: Julia A. Schnabel is Professor in Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine (TUM Liesel Beckmann Distinguished Professorship) at Technische Universität München, Director of the Institute of Machine Learning in Biomedical Imaging at Helmholtz Zentrum München (Helmholtz Distinguished Professorship), and Chair ... (Computer imaging researcher) [100%] 2023-12-11 [Living people] [Year of birth missing (living people)]...
  12. Christian Schnabel: Christian Leberecht Schnabel (13 May 1878 in Regensburg – 29 January 1936 in Munich) was a German designer and inventor. Born as a son of a German smith and a Russian seamstress Schnabel was at times because of his original and ... (German designer and inventor) [100%] 2023-12-21 [20th-century German inventors] [German designers]...
  13. Isabel Schnabel: Isabel Schnabel (née Gödde, born 9 August 1971) is a German economist who has been serving as a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank since 2020. She became professor of financial economics at the University of ... (German economist) [100%] 2023-12-13 [1971 births] [Executive Board of the European Central Bank members]...
  14. Schnabel car: A Schnabel car or Schnabel wagon is a specialized type of railroad freight car. It is designed to carry heavy and oversized loads in such a way that the load makes up part of the car. (Engineering) [100%] 2024-02-21 [Freight rolling stock]
  15. Day Schnabel: Day Schnabel (1905-1991) was an Austrian sculptor and painter. Born in Vienna, Austria, she lived in the Netherlands for about three years before 1932, and in New York City during World War II and after, during which she became ... [100%] 2024-04-25 [1905 births] [1991 deaths]...
  16. Eckhard J. Schnabel: Eckhard J. Schnabel (* 9. [81%] 2024-01-19
  17. Dieter Schnabel (Rechtsanwalt): Dieter Schnabel (* 18. Januar 1935 in Stuttgart) ist ein deutscher Rechtsanwalt, Kulturjournalist und Kommunalpolitiker. (Rechtsanwalt) [81%] 2023-05-01
  18. Dr. Freya Schnabel: Dr. Freya Schnabel is an American medical oncologist. [81%] 2024-05-08 [American oncologists] [American medical researchers]...
  19. Zeche Schnabel ins Osten: Die Zeche Schnabel ins Osten war ein Steinkohlen-Bergwerk in Essen-Rellinghausen. Die Gewerkschaft Schnabel ins Osten in Rellinghausen wurde 1898 gegründet. [70%] 2024-01-20
  20. Robert Schnabel (ice hockey): Robert Schnabel (born November 10, 1978) is a Czech former professional ice hockey defenceman. He played 22 games in the National Hockey League with the Nashville Predators between 2002 and 2004. (Ice hockey) [70%] 2023-08-20 [1978 births] [Living people]...
  21. Artur Schnabel Piano Competition: The Artur Schnabel Wettbewerb is an intern piano competition organized by the Berlin University of the Arts since 1986. While aimed to the institution's alumni, in recent editions pianists under the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler have joined it. (Annual piano competition in Berlin) [70%] 2023-12-14 [Piano competitions] [Music competitions in Germany]...
  22. Heinz Schnabel and Harry Wappler escape attempt: Heinz Schnabel and Harry Wappler were two Second World War German prisoners of war who escaped from a British prison camp and attempted to fly to the continent in a stolen aircraft on 24 November 1941. Leutnant Schnabel and Oberleutnant ... (Escape attempt by two WWII prisoners of war) [53%] 2023-11-12 [POW escapes and rescues during World War II] [German prisoners of war in World War II held by the United Kingdom]...
  23. Schnabel, Louis: Austrian teacher and journalist; born at Prossnitz, Moravia, June 29, 1829; died at New York May 3, 1897. He was educated at various yeshibot, and, after completing his studies at the University of Vienna, he taught in the Talmud Torah ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [100%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
  24. Schnabel, Isidor: Austrian physician; born at Neubidschow, Bohemia, Nov. Educated at the University of Vienna (M., he became there assistant in the ophthalmological clinic and established himself as privat-docent. (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [100%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
  25. Jan Wulf-Schnabel: Jan Wiedemann (geb. Wulf-Schnabel; * 1969) ist ein deutscher Sozialwissenschaftler und Sozialmanager. [81%] 2024-01-19

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