Wikipedia: Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers, known as Wikipedians, through open collaboration and using a wiki-based editing system called MediaWiki. Wikipedia is the largest and most-read reference work in history, and ... (Free multilingual online crowdsourced encyclopedia) [100%] 2023-08-28 [Online encyclopedias]
Wikipedia: Wikipedia, is an online wiki-based encyclopedia hosted and owned by the non-profit organization Wikimedia Foundation and financially supported by grants from left-leaning foundations plus an aggressive annual online fundraising drive. Most of Wikipedia's articles can be ... [100%] 2023-03-14 [Wikis] [Featured articles]...
Wikipedia: Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free content encyclopedia project. The name Wikipedia is a portmanteau of the words wiki (a type of collaborative website) and encyclopedia. [100%] 2023-12-16 [Portalware] [Social computing]...
Wikipedia: Wikipedia es una enciclopedia libre, políglota y editada de manera colaborativa. Es administrada por la Fundación Wikimedia, una organización sin ánimo de lucro cuya financiación está basada en donaciones. [100%] 2024-01-10
Wikipedia: Wikipedia is a multilingual, wiki-based, free-content online encyclopedia project. The name is a portmanteau of the words wiki, the Hawaiian word meaning quick, and encyclopedia. [100%] 2024-01-06 [Wikipedia]
Wikipedia: Wikipedia is a free-content online encyclopedia, written and maintained by a community of volunteers, collectively known as Wikipedians, through open collaboration and using a wiki-based editing system called MediaWiki. Wikipedia is the largest and most-read reference work ... (Free multilingual online crowd-sourced encyclopedia) [100%] 2023-12-10 [Wikipedia] [Online encyclopedias]...
Wikipedia: Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that is written in every major language by a mostly anonymous user base on a voluntary basis. Its editorial decisions are self-described as governed by consensus, and as exemplifying the "democratization of knowledge ... [100%] 2023-08-30
Wikipedia: Wikipedia is an Internet project that aims to create a comprehensive encyclopedia by allowing anyone to create and edit its articles. The project was created in 2001 as a project of the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), an organization created by the ... [100%] 2024-01-12
Wikipedia: Wikipedia is 'n gratis inhoud, "kopielinkse" aanlyn ensiklopedie geskryf en onderhou deur 'n gemeenskap van vrywilligers, bekend as Wikipediane, deur oop samewerking en die wiki sagteware MediaWiki. Wikipedia is die grootste en mees gelese naslaanwerk in die geskiedenis, en word ... [100%] 2025-03-11
Hebreeuse Wikipedia: Die Hebreeuse Wikipedia (Hebreeus: ויקיפדיה העברית, IFA: [vikiˈpedja ha(ʔ)entsikloˈpedja haχofˈʃit]) is die Hebreeuse uitgawe van Wikipedia, 'n gratis aanlyn ensiklopedie. Die wikipedia is op 8 Julie 2003 gestig. [70%] 2023-10-18
Wikipedia culture: Wikipedia has had an enormous impact on the ideas people have about an encyclopedia. It has created a whole new concept in collaboration all around the world. [70%] 2024-01-09 [Wikipedia studies] [Culture]...
Hakka Wikipedia: The Hakka Wikipedia (Pha̍k-fa-sṳ: Hak-kâ-ngî Wikipedia) is the Hakka Language version of Wikipedia. As of November 2023, it contains 10,153 articles and has 32,466 contributors, including 30 active contributors and 1 administrator. [70%] 2023-11-30 [Internet properties established in 2007] [Wikipedias in Sinitic languages]...
Duitse Wikipedia: Die Duitstalige uitgawe van Wikipedia is op 16 Maart 2001 begin en is tans die 3de grootste aanlyn ensiklopedie volgens die aantal gepubliseerde artikels, na die Engelse en Cebuano Wikipedias. Dit bevat tans 2 863 269 artikels. [70%] 2023-12-19
Bosniese Wikipedia: Die Bosniese Wikipedia is die Bosniese uitgawe van Wikipedia, 'n gratis aanlynensiklopedie. Dit het tans ongeveer 92 200 artikels, en is die 75ste grootste Wikipedia. [70%] 2023-08-13
Cebuanosprachige Wikipedia: Sprachen Gründer Betreiber Artikel Registrierung Online Die cebuanosprachige Wikipedia ist die Ausgabe von Wikipedia in der Sprache Cebuano, auch bekannt als Visayan oder Bisayan. Die Sprache wird auf den Philippinen von etwa 18 Millionen Menschen gesprochen. [70%] 2023-09-01
Citing Wikipedia: We advise special caution when using Wikipedia as a source for research projects. Normal academic usage of Wikipedia is for getting the general facts of a problem and to gather keywords, references and bibliographical pointers, but not as a source ... (Project page) [70%] 2023-11-14 [Wikipedia as a media source] [Wikipedia sidebar help]...
Macedoniese Wikipedia: Die Macedoniese Wikipedia is die Macedoniese uitgawe van Wikipedia, 'n gratis aanlynensiklopedie. Dit het tans ongeveer 140 100 artikels, en is die 64ste grootste Wikipedia. [70%] 2023-12-10
Somaliese Wikipedia: Die Somaliese Wikipedia is die Somaliese weergawe van die ensiklopedie Wikipedia. Tans het dit 7 894 bladsye wat as artikels gedefinieer word, wat dit die 178ste grootste Wikipedia-projek maak. [70%] 2023-12-10
Wikipedia Zero: Wikipedia Zero(ウィキペディア ゼロ)は、主に発展途上市場において携帯電話によるウィキペディアの閲覧を無料にするためにウィキメディア財団が行っていたプロジェクトである。このプロジェクトは2018年に終了した。 南半球を中心とした発展途上国では先進国のように公衆交換電話網が整備されていないため、インターネットは有線通信ではなく携帯電話を用いて行われる事が多い。しかし携帯電話のデータ通信料は高額なため、利用者はウィキペディアのような無料の知識体系を利用しづらい。そこでウィキメディア財団は2012年にウィキペディア・ゼロを開始し、世界各地の通信会社と提携してウィキペディアを利用する際のデータ通信料を無料にする取り組みを行っている。ウィキペディア・ゼロは2013年のサウス・バイ・サウスウ. [70%] 2024-01-26 [2012年設立] [インターネット接続]...
Catalan Wikipedia: The Catalan Wikipedia (Catalan: Viquipèdia en català) is the Catalan-language edition of the Wikipedia free online encyclopedia. It was created on March 16, 2001, just a few minutes after the first non-English Wikipedia, the German edition. (Catalan language edition of Wikipedia) [70%] 2024-01-10 [Catalan-language encyclopedias] [Wikipedias in Romance languages]...
Scots Wikipedia: The Scots Wikipedia (Scots: Scots Wikipædia) is the Scots-language edition of the free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. It was established on 23 June 2005, and it first reached 1,000 articles in February 2006, and 5,000 articles in November ... (Scots language version of Wikipedia) [70%] 2023-12-21 [Wikipedias in Germanic languages] [Scots language]...
Wikipedia copyright: Wikipedia uses a burdensome and complex system of copyrights, including statements like "any page which does not incorporate text that is exclusively available under the CC-BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike) license or a CC-BY-SA-compatible license ... [70%] 2023-02-17 [Wikipedia]
Zulu Wikipedia: The Zulu Wikipedia is the Zulu-language edition of Wikipedia, a free, open-content encyclopedia. Started in November 2003, it rose to 186 articles as of May 13, 2009, and to 766 on April 25, 2016, making it the 247th ... (Edition of the free-content encyclopedia) [70%] 2024-01-10 [Wikipedias by language] [Internet properties established in 2003]...
Oerdoe Wikipedia: Die Oerdoe Wikipedia is die Oerdoe uitgawe van Wikipedia, 'n gratis aanlynensiklopedie. Dit het tans ongeveer 198 200 artikels, en is die 54ste grootste Wikipedia. [70%] 2023-12-10
Poolse Wikipedia: Die Poolse weergawe van Wikipedia is die negende weergawe van Wikipedia en is op 26 September 2001 geskep. Die ensiklopedie het tans 1 591 400 artikels en is die 11de grootste Wikipedia, en die tweede grootste Slawiese Wikipedia. [70%] 2023-12-10
Serbian Wikipedia: The Serbian Wikipedia (Serbian: Википедија на српском језику, Vikipedija na srpskom jeziku) is the Serbian-language version of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Created on 16 February 2003, it reached its 100,000th article on 20 November 2009 before getting to another milestone with ... [70%] 2023-12-05 [Wikipedias in Slavic languages] [Internet properties established in 2003]...
Serwiese Wikipedia: Die Serwiese Wikipedia is die Serwiese uitgawe van Wikipedia, 'n gratis aanlyn ensiklopedie. Die wikipedia is op 16 Februarie 2003 begin. [70%] 2023-08-10
Wikipedia bots: Wikipedia bots are Internet bots (computer programs) that perform simple, repetitive tasks on Wikipedia. One prominent example of an internet bot used in Wikipedia is Lsjbot, which generated millions of short articles across various language editions of Wikipedia. (Internet bots that perform tasks in Wikipedia) [70%] 2024-01-20 [Wikipedia bots] [Internet bots]...
Wikipedia logo: The logo of Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia, is an unfinished puzzle globe—some jigsaw pieces are missing at the top—each inscribed with a glyph from a different writing system. As displayed on the web pages of the English ... (none) [70%] 2023-12-18 [Wikipedia] [History of Wikipedia]...